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Jaisalmer - The Golden Heaven

Me and my friend reached the fort, which is in the centre of the city. The fort didn't have a display board for timings, history and map. Everyone pushed us ahead to go on a bike, but we insisted on foot. Only then we saw the history board which was almost wiped out clean. The fort does not have timing as it is a living fort i.e. 90% of the fort @area is being used by locals as accommodation, restaurants, shops, hotel etc. The fort was unclean and very poorly maintained. There is not much history left and the guide (100 inr) hardly explains much. A part of the fort is being converted to the museum i.e. the king and queen area. There are approximately 8 jain temples very famous for their architecture and all were closed (1200-1930 closed). Other temples were open which may be not so old. The shops which sell antique and local wear, one needs to bargain. The fort does give a excellent view of the city. Please carry your own water bottle. Water is sold in mineral water bottle which is in plastic containers. #themepark#zoo#nationalpark#lakes#beaches
Posted: Sep 1, 2021
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