
The current Yubeng is heartbreakingly beautiful! And it's cheap

🌈In this world, some places are like pearls isolated from the world, waiting for destined people to discover them. Yubeng is such a hidden paradise deep in Yunnan, known as the "last Shangri-La on Earth." Here, the mountains are magnificent, and the clouds are misty, as if it is the purest painting between heaven and earth. 🏔️【Itinerary Planning, Entering the Gateway to Heaven】🏔️ 📅Day 1: Arrive in Shangri-La, rest for a day, and acclimate to the high altitude. 📅Day 2: Depart from Shangri-La to Deqin, enjoying the majestic Meili Snow Mountain along the way. 📅Day 3: Hike into Yubeng Village, passing through primeval forests and feeling the breath of nature. 📅Day 4: Explore the inner and outer villages of Yubeng, visit the sacred waterfall, and experience Tibetan culture. 📅Day 5: Return to Shangri-La, ending the unforgettable journey to Yubeng. 🍜【Gastronomic Yubeng, A Fusion of Food and Culture】🍜 🍽️In Yubeng, every meal is an encounter with culture. Try local specialties such as tsampa, butter tea, and the delicious Tibetan hot pot. Every bite is a taste of the plateau, leaving an endless aftertaste. At night, sit around the fire, taste barley wine, and listen to Tibetans tell ancient stories, bringing unprecedented peace to the soul. 🚗【Travel Tips, The Bridge to the Secret Realm】🚗 📍First, arrive in Lijiang or Kunming, then take a car to Shangri-La, which is the only way to Yubeng. It takes about 6 hours by car from Shangri-La to Deqin, with endless scenery along the way. Finally, from Deqin, put on your hiking shoes and embark on a pilgrimage-like journey, measuring this sacred land with your footsteps. 📸【Photography Tips】📸 📷Bring your camera, whether it's a professional DSLR or a phone, you can capture breathtaking scenes here. At sunrise, the Meili Snow Mountain glows golden; at dusk, smoke curls up from Yubeng Village. Every moment is a golden moment for photography. 💌Yubeng is not just a trip, but a baptism of the soul. Here, you can slow down, listen to your inner voice, and feel the greatness of nature and the insignificance of humanity. Let's pack our bags and head to Yubeng to find our own Shangri-La.
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*Created by local travelers and translated by AI.
Posted: Jun 30, 2024
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