Suzhou | Staggered Travel, Suzhou Museum West Branch

Yesterday, the holiday ended, and I went to the Suzhou Museum for a staggered visit. There are two branches of the Suzhou Museum, the main branch is next to the Humble Administrator's Garden, and it is more crowded with tourists, requiring reservations several days in advance. The West Branch is the new one, located near Lion Mountain Park with subway access, and tickets are easier to book. During this visit to the West Branch, there were indeed not many tourists after exiting the subway. Unexpectedly, I encountered a school-organized visit, making my attempt at staggered travel a lonely one. The West Branch has three floors above ground and one below, and it's quite large in scale. The collection of cultural relics is diverse, and the exhibition is delicately arranged, with both interior and exterior designs. Cultural Relics On the first floor, the General History Hall features King Wu's Yumao Sword, the Bidi Gold Book Miaofa Lianhua Sutra, the 'Fan Zhongyan Seal' Jade Turtle Seal, and the Jun Kiln Drum-Nailed Tri-footed Washer, among others. The second floor showcases Suzhou crafts, with even more exquisite displays. Suzhou-style jade carving is top-notch within the industry, and there are also some special crafts (Suzhou embroidery/woodblock prints/furniture, etc.), with well-placed scenes for this part. Special Exhibition Area The international exhibition hall, where the ancient Greek relics special exhibition has already closed, is being renovated for the upcoming new exhibition. The portrait painting special exhibition from the Ming and Qing dynasties is currently open, featuring a huge portrait of Emperor Yongzheng, and paintings of Emperor Yongzheng 'cosplaying' in Western attire. There is much content worth seeing, (Exhibition support: The Palace Museum, Nantong Museum, Wuxi Museum) Visiting Time A three-hour visit is recommended. If you have time, you can rent an audio guide and take your time. Be sure to book in advance (via the official WeChat account). The B1 level of the West Branch has dining facilities, and there are shopping malls nearby for convenient dining and shopping. Cultural and Creative Area The cultural and creative area is right at the entrance and exit on the first floor. This part can be visited separately, with the variety and layout of cultural and creative products being among the top in the country. Even if you're not interested in this part, it's worth walking around twice for the experience. The museum is open for free (advance reservation required), and it is closed on Mondays. There is subway access nearby.
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*Created by local travelers and translated by AI.
Posted: Apr 11, 2024
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Suzhou Museum West Hall

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