
Nam Co|Never go there, because once you do, you won't want to come back

|Never go there, because once you do, you won't want to come back. Nam Co, located in the central part of the Tibet Autonomous Region, is one of the three sacred lakes of Tibet (Mapam Yumco, Yamdrok Lake, and Nam Co). It is the second largest lake in Tibet, with a surface elevation of 4,718 meters, situated between Dangxiong County and Baingoin County on the southeastern border of Nagqu City, 240 kilometers away from Lhasa. 'Nam Co' is Tibetan, and its Mongolian name is 'Tenggeri Hai', both meaning 'Heavenly Lake'. Nam Co is the first sacred lake of the ancient Bon religion of Zhangzhung, and one of the famous Buddhist holy places. To the south of Nam Co lies the year-round snow-covered Nyenchen Tanglha Mountains, while to the north and west are the highland hills and vast lakeshores. The southeastern part is the main peak of the Nyenchen Tanglha Mountains, which soars into the clouds with perennial snow. The gentle rolling highland hills nestle on the north side, and the vast grasslands surround the lake. The Heavenly Lake, like a huge precious mirror, is inlaid on the grasslands of northern Tibet. Departing from Lhasa, driving across the northern Tibetan grasslands, along the Qinghai-Tibet Highway towards Nam Co, one can gaze at the main peak of Nyenchen Tanglha from a distance, with an elevation of 7,162 meters, passing through the Nagqu La mountain pass (photos 1, 2, 3), and arriving at the Tashi Peninsula of Nam Co three hours later (photos 4-11 are of the lakeside of the Tashi Peninsula). Against the vast and distant backdrop of blue sky and white clouds, facing the rippling and sparkling beauty of the sacred lake, with the majestic Nyenchen Tanglha Mountains in the background. The Tashi Peninsula is located at the southeastern end of Nam Co Lake, extending northward into the lake, and is a peninsula of about 10 square kilometers made of limestone. In the middle is a small hill several tens of meters high, and at the northernmost end, numerous stone pillars and strange stone peaks stand in disarray, with natural stone bridges connecting them. Due to the long-term erosion by the waters of the Heavenly Lake, many quiet caves are scattered on the island, filled with stalactites, forming a unique karst landscape. On the peninsula, there is Tashi Temple (Tashi, meaning auspicious in Tibetan), which is still shrouded in incense smoke, with evening drums and morning bells. Scenic beauty of Nam Co: 1. Tashi Peninsula - the largest peninsula of Nam Co 2. Nyenchen Tanglha Mountains - one of the three great sacred mountains of Tibet 3. Nagqu La Mountain - overlooking the panoramic view of Nam Co Travel precautions⚠️: 1. Remember to take medicine to prevent altitude sickness; 2. Walk slowly, climb slowly, and maintain a pleasant mood; 3. Bring some simple meals; 1. Transportation: We chose to rent a car, (if altitude sickness is not severe, it is recommended to rent a car, because you can stop and take beautiful photos at any time). After arriving at the scenic area, you need to buy a ticket, the price is 110 plus a sightseeing bus for 100, which provides oxygen. But just getting off the car to the scenic area will be very uncomfortable, with an altitude of 5000+. However, you will feel better after resting for a while. 2. Things to bring: Thick clothes, you must wear more. The wind is particularly strong. Also bring a hat. Otherwise, your head will freeze in pain. If you are driving, it is recommended to bring some fruit, as the higher the altitude, the more severe the tinnitus will become. Eating something will make you feel much better. If the tinnitus is really uncomfortable, you can pinch your nose and exhale forcefully. It can relieve a lot. (This was taught by a skydiving instructor before) 3. You can prepare a small oxygen can. When you lack oxygen, you have no strength at all. 4. Bring a moderate amount of water and cola (it is said that cola is useful for altitude sickness). My boyfriend survived the drive by drinking cola. 5. Taking photos with the yaks by the lake, 50 per time. It is said that now there is unified management, with a unified price. But the brother said that he could let my boyfriend help us take a group photo. Take until satisfied. Be sure to find the yak in photo one, it looks the best! 🥹 6. Be sure to bring sunglasses, the ultraviolet rays here are too strong, you can't open your eyes without sunglasses. 7. If you are afraid of severe altitude sickness, you can bring some medicine for it. The pharmacies here all sell it. 8. If you want to feed the seagulls, there is a lady selling instant noodles nearby, two bags for 10 yuan. You can experience what it's like to feed seagulls immersively. The seagulls here are very beautiful, and they are not afraid of people, any shot is a blockbuster.
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*Created by local travelers and translated by AI.
Posted: Mar 28, 2024
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