Discover a low-key winter getaway town, where the hottest temperature during the day is 28℃, and everyone loves to slurp noodles!

As soon as winter arrives, people want to go to warm places, enjoy delicious food, and experience the happiness that food brings. But warm places are often crowded, so is there a town that is warm, not crowded with tourists, and has delicious food? Indeed, there is. The town is not crowded with tourists all year round. In winter, the average temperature is 22℃. It is a little-known winter getaway town. It's really warm, with the highest temperature even reaching 28℃. It's warm like spring in winter, and the key is that there are few people and even fewer tourists. You can stay in any hotel, eat any food, and enjoy any scenery. Although it's low-key, the town is actually quite large. It is the largest prefecture-level city in Guangxi, with stunning karst landscapes everywhere. With a land area of 36,300 square kilometers, the scenery is very beautiful, not inferior to Guilin at all. It is a forest city, also known as the "Capital of the World's Sinkholes", boasting the world's most beautiful scenery. The world's largest and most beautiful natural water bridge, Asia's highest single-stage waterfall, a lake comparable to Namtso, and numerous peaks, sinkholes, caves, underground rivers, waterfalls... This land has long embraced world-class wonders. Moreover, the town is very livable. It is more comfortable than Beihai, a third or fourth-tier city, and is an ideal place for retirement! The life of the elderly in the town is really comfortable. At the same time, the facilities for the elderly are constantly being improved. There are many social welfare centers, and health and medical care are guaranteed. This is the hometown of mangoes in China. The local Guiqi mango has a tender and cheese-like flesh, and the juice is as sweet as honey. Moreover, it is very fragrant. One bite will make you miss it for a year. Because it borders Yunnan, Guizhou, and Vietnam, it integrates the flavors of these three places, and you can taste multiple flavors in one city. Sour, sweet, bitter, spicy, and salty, any flavor you can think of can be experienced in this town, and there are even many dark cuisines that are surprisingly delicious. Especially a barbecue, which is more fierce than the Northeast and more daring to eat than Yunnan. There is nothing you can't think of or see. The principle of eating barbecue locally is "as long as it's not poisonous, you can eat it". What grilled snake, grilled pig's eyes, grilled pig's whip, grilled ladder, wild and daring to eat! Take a bite, the pig's eyes that can burst instantly, although it requires psychological construction, but it's really delicious! You can eat it three times a day without getting tired, but not many people know about this delicious food. The town also loves to slurp noodles. There are tens of thousands of types of noodles, and you can't stop eating from morning to night! From the moment you wake up, there are ten thousand kinds of rice noodles rushing towards you. Almost everyone in the town is a master of slurping noodles, especially a bowl of roast duck noodles, which is heavenly! It is said that Yunnan is wild in eating, and here is no less. There are all kinds of unseen snacks, which are really dazzling. Pig blood sausage, fried kidney rolls, and strangely colored lamb soup, strange black zongzi, horse rolls, numb duck, the appearance may be some "dark cuisine", but it contains infinite deliciousness. This is Baise, a super fierce city. If you can accept strange and weird ingredients, then Baise is actually very cute, very beautiful, very delicious, and very worth a visit. There is not much commercial atmosphere here, only countless mountains and alleys. Here, it is used to be close to nature, to fill up with food. Time passes slowly in Baise. Strolling in the nearby alleys, eating some snacks, you will miss it for a long time after leaving.
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*Created by local travelers and translated by AI.
Posted: Feb 18, 2024
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