
Check this out if you're coming to the Liuli Factory for photos | Pitfall Avoidance Guide

| Pitfall Avoidance Guide.🍭Name: Factory Temple Fair 🍭 🍬Location: East and West Liuli Factory🍬 🅿️You can park on the side of the road, but green travel is highly recommended 🗓️The Factory Temple Fair is from the first to the fifth day of the lunar month, but the lights have already started to come on at night 🏮I've always wanted to go to the Model Mouth, but I never had the time. Now I don't need to, the one at my doorstep is just as good. Below is a pitfall avoidance guide, very important! 📝 1️⃣.When I went on the 7th, the lights didn't turn on at the same time🔛, around 17:40, some of the lights were on, but the best-looking signboard wasn't lit, and it still wasn't lit after six o'clock! 2️⃣.It's especially good for photos when it's just getting dark, but there's still a bit of blue in the evening🌆, the beauty of the blue hour 3️⃣.It's recommended to arrive at 17:30, first take photos of the beauty of the blue hour, the East and West Liuli Factory are connected by a cross-street overpass, with an elevator, very convenient 4️⃣.The East Liuli Factory can be connected to Yangmeizhu Xiejie, and the West Liuli Factory can be connected to Xuanwumen Zhuangsheng, there are dining places on both sides, you can go to eat after taking photos, and then come back to take photos of the lights under the black curtain, by then all the lights should be on, it is said that the lights at the signboard were on around 19:10 on the 7th 5️⃣.The signboard is located at the entrance of the Chuntree Community Hospital, it's very beautiful Tips: 1. I personally think it's not necessary to come here if it's too far away, but if you're nearby, you can take a stroll 2. The Factory Temple Fair is about cultural play, there's no food and other entertainment facilities like other temple fairs Beijing Shop Exploration | Food Exploration | Weekend Destinations | Child-friendly Places Recommendation | Beijing Coffee Shop Exploration
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Posted: Feb 20, 2024
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