2025 Shuozhou Travel Guide: Must-see attractions, popular food, hotels, transportation routes (updated in March)

Shuozhou City is located in northern Shanxi Province. Shuozhou is a northern city currently making a name for itself in the ecological garden industry, and it is an important production base of ceramics used every day in north China. In addition to industry, there are many temples here. Representative Shuozhou temples include the Sakyamuni Pagoda of Fogong Temple, the Chongfu Temple, the Jingtu (“Pure Earth”) Temple, and the Da’an (“Great Peace”) Temple. Each of these has a long history and exquisite architecture, and Shuozhou is known throughout the country because of the many devout believers and admirers it draws. Shuozhou has many ancient cultural sites as well. The mysterious Zhangguiyao Village, the Zhiyu paleolithic archeological site, Shentou Spring, and Guangwu Village, with its section of the Great Wall, all demonstrate the ancient culture of Shuozhou.
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Yingxian Wooden Pagoda (113)
Pure Land Temple (14)
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