Rai Sapprayun Farm, Lopburi
Rai Traiprayoon, a tourist attraction near the Pasak Dam, Phatthana Nikhom District, Lopburi Province, is a one-stop destination for everything, whether it's a magnificent fern garden that fills the entire area, making the atmosphere very shady. There are places to sit and relax, feed fish, and feed ducks, suitable for family trips.
Rai Traiprayoon also has a mini farm zone where you can feed animals such as parrots, rabbits, goats, miniature pigs, and horses. Inside the farm, there is also a restaurant with a lot of seats, arranged as an open-air style, but it's not hot because the roof is high and airy. There are both single-dish meals, noodles, and dishes to order as side dishes. There is an air-conditioned cafe in the area to cool off.
On the opposite side is a large reservoir with a long wooden bridge. You can walk down to see the view or take pictures. Behind is a railway. If you go at noon, there will be a freight train passing by.
Rai Traiprayoon is open every day from 06.30 to 17.00.
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