2025 Langzhong Travel Guide: Must-see attractions, popular food, hotels, transportation routes (updated in March)

Langzhong is located in the northeastern part of Sichuan, in the upper and middle reaches of the Jialing River. Because it is situated between the Lang Mountain and the Lang River, this small town is named "Langzhong". "Langzhong" means "in the middle of Lang". In today's Langzhong Town both modern architecture and ancient historical streets coexist. This is place where tradition and modern reality have reached the perfect level of integration and balance. Langzhong's more than 2,300 years of history have left a rich legacy. In the area there are sites such as the Han Huanhou Tomb (Zhangfei Temple) where Zhangfei's body was kept, the Guanghua Building (which is named "First Building in Langzhong"), and the Baba Mosque—one of the holy places of Islam.
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Foggy 7-15℃
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Ancient City of Langzhong (99)
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