2025 Dandong Travel Guide: Must-see attractions, popular food, hotels, transportation routes (updated in March)

Dandong City in Liaoning is a famous city on China's northeastern border. The Democratic Republic of DPRK is its neighbor to the east. This is an important port for trade between China and DPRK as well as the bridge for travel between China and DPRK. This is the eastern terminus of the Ming Dynasty Great Wall. Many brave martyrs left their imprint here during the Korean War. When you come to Dandong, you absolutely shouldn't miss the Bakjak Fortress (Great Wall at Hushan) or the Yalu River. To climb atop the Ming Dynasty Great Wall or walk to the end of the Yalu River Broken Bridge, which once connected Dandong to the DPRKn city of Sinujiu, are both sightseeing opportunities and a chance to learn more about recent history.
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Foggy -3-5℃
Popular Attractions
Yalu River Broken Bridge (42)
Hushan Great Wall (33)
Phoenix Mountain of China (17)
Dandong Ship Scenic Area (3)
Dandong Tianmu Junlan Hot Spring (2)
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