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Naked visa-free | Hardcore fighters in the mining town of northern Armenia
Mikoyan Brothers Museum
said that Miko Yang, the Chinese must be no stranger, all kinds of books on Mikoyan big brother and great leader There are too many legends in the workshop. So far, people have asked why Russians do not eat dead fish. The younger brother Mi Gaoyang is the creator of the MiG fighter. In fact, these two brothers should be the most famous Soviet Armenians.
Sanahin is in the small town of Ala Verde in the province of Lorry in Armenia. Its famous world heritage site, Sanahin Monastery, is one of the must-see trips for Armenian tourists, and the Mikoyan Brothers Museum is nearby, so many You can see this small and interesting little museum in an hour.
This small museum is sponsored by the state and opened to the public in 1970. There are also gifts from the Mikoyan family, which is now run by a lady. The museum is small, but there are many interesting exhibits and many photos of the life of the Mikoyan brothers, which are fascinating to understand the life of the Soviet high-level. The second floor is not allowed to shoot now, but the postcards and fridge stickers on the first floor are very interesting! I received it a week or so after I returned to China, but I like it.
Of course, the most popular must be on the steps of the museum entrance, the MiG-21 fighter under the concrete arched ceiling, which overlooks the Lori Valley is unforgettable.
Address: anahin