If you want to go hiking in Tiger Leaping Gorge, especially high-road hiking, the residence at the starting point of Tiger Leaping Gorge High-Road Hiking is definitely the best choice. First of all, the location of the starting point residential house is excellent, and the starting point of the high road hiking is right next to it. I personally feel that it is a very good hiking experience to go to Naxi Yage along the riverside high road. Secondly, the residence has not been open for a long time, and the facilities are well-equipped and relatively new. All sanitary products are disposable and clean. The window of the room faces the snow-capped mountains, and the scenery is beautiful. You can even see the golden mountains under the sun while lying on the bed. Finally, I have to mention that the boss and his family are very nice. They are locals. They are honest people, hospitable to guests, cook delicious food, and are familiar with scenic routes.
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