Guest User
February 23, 2024
I am in the hospitality business. Renovation costs in Japan are extremely high, and I imagine that this place has the same problem as many other small hotels. i.e. it is too expensive to do a full renovation. This Ryokan would have been much more expensive when the decor was new, as the rooms are very nice with ensuite shower and toilet. My room was in very good condition. Furthermore, the Ryokan is in the heart of the city, a 10min walk from Nippombashi or Namba Stations. Now the carpets and decor are shabby in places, but not the rooms, so for the price that I paid, I consider it an "excellent" stay. The staff were kind and professional.
The Ryokan is right on the water's edge, and if the area directly next to the stream were kept clean and beautiful, the location would be fantastic, and much more expensive. Unfortunately, the streams that run through Osaka are dirty, and what could have been an incredible asset is instead a neglected, dirty and ugly "water corridor" instead of a beautiful and green area to enjoy refreshments right next to the water.
Perhaps someone from Osaka Tourist Board or Osaka Government will read this review and consider a major renovation and clean-up of these water-courses that criss-cross the city of Osaka. They could become Osaka's greatest asset.