It is a secret hot water near Kurokawa Onsen. When I stopped at the parking lot, the inn was greeted and guided immediately. There is a semi open-air bath away from all rooms. I stayed in a room called a day of forest, where I can see bamboo forest from the bath. The bath on the room is a small inn, but this is a wide rock bath, and it was the best inn I have ever used. It was also good that the bedroom and toilet was away. The family bath along the river was very hot, so the temperature was considerably lowered by water. The large bath near the mother's house, where the atmosphere stairs were down, was good in the morning and night, and it was three times, but it was rental. The meal was very delicious with morning and evening thoughts. However, it was a pity that the person in charge was a new rice, so there was no explanation of the dish. There was an explanation from the lady general at breakfast. (I think dinner books are required.) Especially rice is excellent. I returned for the first time. I heard the brand to the lady general on the way back. When I returned, I was brought with a different tea bowl and I thought my care was great. Because it was spring festival, I thought it would be ruined if there was a person in a country with a large voice, but I was able to spend very quietly at the dining room. I thought that maybe even the inn was thinking... And the dryer in the room is weak. Amenities are substantial. I was happy that there was cleaning, lotion and cotton swab in the public bath. The phone can't see the email unless you go out. The price is also reasonable compared to a famous inn nearby. During the day, stop by hot springs nearby, and if you stay here, it is the best!
77 Reviews