"Through My Eyes" A solo exhibition by Jima Chester | Sonne Studios, East Lombard Street, Baltimore, MD, USA

"Through My Eyes" A solo exhibition by Jima Chester | Sonne Studios, East Lombard Street, Baltimore, MD, USA

Jul 28, 2024 (UTC-5)
Sonne Studios, East Lombard Street, Baltimore, MD, USA


Immerse yourself in the captivating world of Jima Chester at the solo exhibition "Through My Eyes." Witness life from Jima Chester's unique perspective as she unveils a collection of thought-provoking pieces at Sonne Studios in Baltimore. Experience interactive paintings and activities that will ignite your inspiration and leave you craving more. Delve into her visual journey on July 28th, 2024, from 4pm to 6:30pm at Sonne Studios, located at 16 East Lombard Street #Suite #200, Baltimore, MD 21202. Explore her interpretations of life, love, mentorship, and the charm of Baltimore city. Admission is priced at $20 for this exclusive event.

Provided by ayanoGracie|Published Jun 30, 2024


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