Sustainable Stand Up comedy show | The Butterfly Club

Sustainable Stand Up comedy show | The Butterfly Club

Mar 9, 2024 (UTC+10)
The Butterfly Club


The Sustainable Stand Up comedy show in Melbourne is a must-see event featuring a group of talented and compassionate individuals who are dedicated to making the world a better place. These smart and lovely comedians have undergone a six-week course to develop their stand-up comedy skills, and they are ready to showcase their talent for the first or second time. This upcoming show will mark the seventh course conducted in Melbourne, and it promises to be an entertaining evening filled with laughter and positivity. The show will be hosted by Tejopala Rawls, a renowned comedian, activist, and ordained Buddhist. With over 50 successful runs and performances across 11 countries and online platforms, this compassionate climate comedy course has gained recognition worldwide. If you're planning to attend, make sure to arrive at least 30 minutes before the show starts. The Butterfly Club, the venue for this event, is a licensed establishment, and attendees under 18 must be accompanied by a parent or legal guardian. Public transport is highly recommended for getting to and from the venue, as The Butterfly Club is conveniently located near Flinders Street station and Melbourne Central. Trams that pass through Swanston or Collins Streets and stop at Town Hall are also a convenient option. If you have any questions or need further information, you can contact The Butterfly Club at 03 9663 8107 or simply reply to your email confirmation. Please note that all sales are final, and refunds will only be granted in extraordinary circumstances at the discretion of The Butterfly Club. Although it is not necessary to bring a printed copy of your ticket, rest assured that the team will have a record of all attendees and will be able to check you in smoothly. Whether the name on your ticket or registration matches the attending person or not, it is completely acceptable. So don't worry if there is any discrepancy. Don't miss out on this incredible Sustainable Stand Up comedy show. Mark your calendars for 9th March 2024 and join us at The Butterfly Club for a night of laughter, entertainment, and positive change.

Provided by Ruhama|Published Mar 25, 2024


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