soul mates: february | Gather Round

soul mates: february | Gather Round

Feb 25, 2024 (UTC+0)
Gather Round


This month, soul mates: February welcomes Emily Aitcheson, a respected energy and shamanic healer, as she leads a transformative Full Moon Circle at Gather Round in Southville. This unique event offers a precious opportunity to rejuvenate and replenish one's spirit, shedding the burdens of limiting beliefs that no longer serve a purpose. Participants will gain insight into the powerful energies of the Full Moon, harnessing its potential to propel them towards their dream life. Guided by Emily, founder of Luna Circle, attendees will engage in a series of mindful practices including meditation, journaling, and a full moon ritual, leaving them with a profound sense of self-realization. soul mates is an inclusive women's meetup, uniting like-minded individuals from diverse backgrounds to forge new connections and embark on a journey of self-discovery. The aim of this gathering is to create a safe space and nurturing community where women of all ages can engage in meaningful conversations beyond superficial small talk. Each event explores unique themes, sometimes featuring guest speakers or facilitated discussions. Join us at soul mates: February to delve deeper into your inner self and connect with extraordinary women.

Provided by apollo|Published Mar 25, 2024


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