Silenced memories | Instituto Cervantes Dublin

Silenced memories | Instituto Cervantes Dublin

Oct 9, 2024 (UTC+0)
Instituto Cervantes Dublin


The Colombian writer and historian Javier Ortiz Cassiani and the Nigerian-Irish poet Chiamaka Enyi-Amadi will discuss silenced memories and their representation in literature. This conversation aims to acknowledge the importance of unveiling diverse realities and revitalizing voices that have been obscured by history. Moderated by Prof. Omar García (Trinity College Centre). Chiamaka Enyi-Amadi is a writer, editor, and cultural consultant based in Wicklow, Ireland. She is a commissioned poet on the Poetry as Commemoration project, an initiative of the Irish Poetry Reading Archive at UCD Library. Her work is published in The Art of the Glimpse anthology, and she co-edited the Writing Home: The 'New Irish' Poets anthology. Javier Ortiz Cassiani ia a Colombian author and historian by the University of Los Andes. He has published the books El incómodo color de la memoria , Un diablo al que llaman tren and Bailar con las trompetas del apocalipsis . His interests revolve about memory, discourse, representation, popular culture and historical paradoxes. Prof. Omar García is a Hispanist who studies both Latin America & Spain, and a Comparatist, a published, award-winning poet and a human rights activist. He is Head of the School of Languages, Literatures and Cultural Studies at Trinity College Dublin; 1926 Chair of Spanish and Director of the Centre for Global Intercultural Communications. A collaboration of the Instituto Cervantes Dublin with the Embassy of Colombia, with the support of Literature Ireland. ... El escritor e historiador colombiano Javier Ortiz Cassiani y la poeta nigeriana-irlandesa Chiamaka Enyi-Amadi conversarán sobre las memorias silenciadas y su representación en la literatura, en una charla que quiere reconocer la importancia de desvelar realidades diversas y revitalizar voces ocultadas por parte de la historia. Moderación de Omar García (Trinity College Dublin) Una colaboración del Instituto Cervantes Dublín con la Embajada de Colombia, con el apoyo de Literature Ireland. Information Source: Instituto Cervantes Dublin | eventbrite

Provided by Razaan3333|Published Oct 7, 2024


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