Saturday Studio: Discovering Artist Georgia O'Keefe: August 3rd | Artreach Studios

Saturday Studio: Discovering Artist Georgia O'Keefe: August 3rd | Artreach Studios

Aug 3, 2024 (UTC+0)
Artreach Studios


Join the Saturday Studio: Discovering Artist Georgia O'Keefe on August 3rd at Artreach Studios in Peel. This exclusive event offers a deep dive into the artistic brilliance of Georgia O'Keeffe, exploring her mastery of line, color, and composition. Participants will uncover O'Keeffe's meticulous drawing techniques, bold color choices, and innovative approach to composition, gaining valuable insights into her renowned artwork "Abstraction Blue 1927". The workshop consists of two parts: the first includes a historical presentation, still life drawing, and watercolor, while the second focuses on background and acrylic painting. Attendees can choose to join one or both sessions, with a special discount available for booking both. Immerse yourself in an afternoon of art history and creative expression, guided by experienced professionals who will provide valuable insights on tools, materials, and techniques to elevate your artwork. Enhance your artistic skills, unleash your creativity, and be inspired by the remarkable artistry of Georgia O'Keeffe in a supportive and friendly environment. All materials are provided, and complimentary tea, coffee, cake, or biscuits are included. Don't miss this unique opportunity to learn from the masters and create your own series of artworks. Ticket prices range from £67.88 to £123.13.

Provided by Deliciacallie|Published Jul 2, 2024


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