Sanctuary Study Day | All Souls College

Sanctuary Study Day | All Souls College

Oct 25, 2024 (UTC+0)
All Souls College


This event will be free, but places are limited due to the capacity of the venue so booking is essential. The event will take place in All Souls College Old Library until 3.30pm when we will relocate to the JdP Music Building at St Hilda's College for the performances. Please note, access to All Souls Old Library is via steep stairs; arrangements can be made for those with mobility requirements - please contact the College Lodge by email (or by phone: 01865 279379) at least 48 hours in advance of the event to make arrangement and confirm details. PROGRAMME 9:30am: All Souls College, Old Library 9.30am: Welcome: A.E. Stallings, Marina Warner and Fiona Macintosh9.30-10.30am: Oliver Taplin (Oxford) and David Greig (playwright) on Aeschylus’ The Suppliant Women10.30-11.15am: Anthony Bale (Cambridge), 'Revisiting medieval sacred spaces of imprisonment and sanctuary: Jerusalem and beyond'11.15-11.45am: Coffee Break (Wharton Room) 11.45am-12.15pm: A.E. Stallings (Oxford Professor of Poetry) on Elias Venezis’ Land of Aeolia (1943)12.15pm-12.45pm: Elena Isayev (Exeter) on Imagining Futures through Un/Archived Pasts12.45pm-1.45pm: Lunch Break (Wharton Room) 1.45pm–3.30pm: Panel Discussion: How can sanctuary work today? Chair: Helen Mountfield (Chair) (Principal of Mansfield College, Oxford)Nadina Christopoulou (co-founder, the Melissa Network)Clelia Bartoli (Palermo)Esa Aldegheri (Glasgow)David Herd (St. Andrews)Response: Mark Goldring (Asylum Welcome) 3.45pm: Jacqueline du Pre Music Building, St Hilda’s College 3.45pm-4.15pm: Tea Performances: Workshop led by Dine Diallo of Giocherenda, PalermoA.E. Stallings readingsScene from Asylum Seekers, a new translation of Aeschylus’ Suppliants by Dan Byam ShawOedipus at Colonus ode, directed by Alex Silverman*The JdP Music Building has step free access; please see the Online Access Guide for further details about the JdP and St Hilda's. Please email the college at: with any accessibility requirements/queries about the JdP. Information Source: APGRD: Archive of Performances of Greek and Roman Drama | eventbrite

Provided by Gabriella_Reed|Published Oct 21, 2024


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