Rebecca F. Kuang: YELLOWFACE - Der Roman der Stunde | silent green Kulturquartier

Rebecca F. Kuang: YELLOWFACE - Der Roman der Stunde | silent green Kulturquartier

May 14, 2024 (UTC+1)
silent green Kulturquartier


Join bestselling author Rebecca F. Kuang and her translator, Jasmin Humburg, in a captivating discussion about the groundbreaking novel, YELLOWFACE. Delving into the intricate interplay between art and reality, the book challenges perceptions of originality versus imitation. The narrative follows the diverging paths of June Hayward and Athena Liu, two literary talents on the brink of success. When Athena tragically passes away, June seizes an unpublished manuscript, propelling herself into the limelight with a chart-topping release. However, a web of deceit quickly unravels, intensifying the gripping tale of deception and consequences. Kuang masterfully crafts a thought-provoking literary thriller that subtly navigates themes of cultural appropriation, identity, and diversity while shedding light on the dark side of social media. Translator Jasmin Humburg engages with the author in a compelling dialogue about the intricacies of the novel. Don't miss this exclusive event, taking place on May 14, 2024, at silent green Kulturquartier in Berlin. Tickets are already sold out for this literary event of the year.

Provided by Delinadaniela|Published May 15, 2024


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