Philly Pop Up Art Exhibit and Poetry Night - P&P | Open Space

Philly Pop Up Art Exhibit and Poetry Night - P&P | Open Space

Nov 18, 2023 (UTC-5)
Open Space


The Philly Pop Up Art Exhibit and Poetry Night - P&P is an exceptional artistic event taking place in the vibrant city of Philadelphia. As the name suggests, this exhibit showcases an eclectic mix of stunning art pieces and captivating poetry performances, providing attendees with a truly immersive experience. The event will be held at the Open Space venue, conveniently located at 1014 N Marshall St., in the heart of Philadelphia. On the memorable evening of November 18, 2023, art enthusiasts and poetry aficionados will gather to celebrate creativity, self-expression, and the magic of the arts. The ticket prices for this extraordinary event range from $15 to $35, ensuring accessibility to all who wish to participate in this enriching cultural experience. Immerse yourself in a world of dazzling colors, intricate brushstrokes, and powerful verses, as talented artists and poets come together to create an unforgettable night. Join this vibrant community of art lovers as they celebrate the beauty and depth of artistic expression at the Philly Pop Up Art Exhibit and Poetry Night - P&P in Philadelphia.

Provided by Dillion|Published Mar 25, 2024


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