November 2023 Free Learn to Row at the San Diego Rowing Club! | San Diego Rowing Club

November 2023 Free Learn to Row at the San Diego Rowing Club! | San Diego Rowing Club

Nov 19, 2023 (UTC-8)
San Diego Rowing Club


SDRC is excited to welcome athletes of all ages to the November 2023 Free Learn to Row event at the San Diego Rowing Club! This special event is an excellent opportunity for high school youth, grades 8-12, to dive into the world of rowing. The event will take place at the beautiful Mission Bay on Sunday, November 19th, and will consist of two sessions. The first session, from 9:00am to 10:00am, is specifically designed for high school youth. Participants will have the chance to learn the basics of rowing, including proper use of the rowing machine (known as the ergometer) and hands-on experience rowing on the water. The second session, from 10:00am to 11:00am, is open to athletes of all ages who are interested in trying out rowing. This session also includes learning to row both on the ergometer and in the water. Please arrive ten minutes prior to the start of your session to ensure a smooth experience. The first session (9:00am-10:00am) is reserved for youth grades 8-12, while the second session (10:00am-11:00am) is open to all ages. For session #1, the timeline is as follows: - 8:50-9:05: Sign-in and introduction - 9:10-9:30: Ergometer training - 9:30-9:45: Introduction to boat parts on the apron, splitting into boats, and launching - 9:45-10:30: On-water rowing - 10:30-10:40: Boat cleaning For session #2, the timeline is as follows: - 9:45-10:00: Sign-in and introduction - 10:00-10:20: Ergometer training - 10:20-10:30: Introduction to boat parts on the apron, splitting into boats, and launching - 10:30-11:15: On-water rowing - 11:15-11:30: Boat cleaning If you have any questions or need further information, please contact Ruby Marrujo at Don't miss out on this fantastic opportunity to learn to row for free at the San Diego Rowing Club on November 19th!

Provided by Robess|Published Mar 25, 2024


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