Netwerkdag HAN Sport en Bewegen | HAN - Sport en Bewegen - Papendal

Netwerkdag HAN Sport en Bewegen | HAN - Sport en Bewegen - Papendal

Jan 23, 2024 (UTC+1)
HAN - Sport en Bewegen - Papendal


The Netwerkdag HAN Sport en Bewegen is an annual event that brings together professionals in the fields of sports, physical activity, work, and health. Taking place on January 23, 2024, at HAN - Sport en Bewegen - Papendal in Arnhem, this networking day offers a diverse and inspiring program. Attendees will have the opportunity to connect with colleagues, share and receive knowledge, and find inspiration. The event kicks off with a plenary session on the possibilities and consequences of AI in sports and physical activity. Throughout the day, participants can choose from a range of workshops covering topics such as the role of interns in organizations, bone health in professional cyclists, talent development in sports, and more. The day concludes with a networking reception where attendees can continue to connect and exchange ideas. The Netwerkdag HAN Sport en Bewegen is a must-attend event for anyone working in the field of sports, physical activity, work, and health. Entrance to the event is free of charge.

Provided by FinnleySadie|Published Mar 24, 2024

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