Mind Games: Dark Arts & the Future of Democracy | Gray Area / Grand Theater

Mind Games: Dark Arts & the Future of Democracy | Gray Area / Grand Theater

Oct 20, 2024 (UTC-8)
Gray Area / Grand Theater


Co-presented with Gray Area Disinformation. Propaganda. Artificial intelligence. PSYOPS. Litquake brings together three thinkers to illuminate how the American mind has been gamified by bad actors, creating an invisible battlefield where our democratic future is at stake. In Stories Are Weapons, bestselling author Annalee Newitz delves into America’s deep-rooted history of PSYOPS, from Benjamin Franklin’s Revolutionary War–era fake newspaper to 21st-century culture warriors, transforming democratic debates into toxic wars over American identity. In Playing With Reality, Kelly Clancy chronicles the riveting and hidden history of games from the Enlightenment to now, where games inform our daily lives: the social media and technology that can warp our preferences, polarize us, and manufacture our desires. MacArthur-winning artist and author Trevor Paglen’s work often delves into state secrecy and mass surveillance through the lens of games, image-making, investigative journalism, and numerous other disciplines. Panel moderated by Mother Jones senior reporter and producer for Reveal from the Center for Investigative Reporting, Michael Montgomery. $10 Information Source: Litquake, San Francisco's Literary Festival | eventbrite

Provided by KamrenKedrick|Published Sep 19, 2024


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