Let's Talk About | Die Leica Q3 in der Street Photography | Leica Store Hamburg

Let's Talk About | Die Leica Q3 in der Street Photography | Leica Store Hamburg

May 2, 2024 (UTC+1)
Leica Store Hamburg


Discover the intricacies of Siegfried Hansen's street photography techniques with the Leica Q3 at a captivating event called "Let's Talk About | Die Leica Q3 in der Street Photography." Gain valuable insights into Hansen's approach as he delves into topics such as the evolution of the Q series, the superior image quality of the Q3, the advantages of the flip-out display, and the choice between manual and autofocus. Explore the preset options available with the Q3 and witness how Hansen masterfully incorporates the camera into his street photography compositions. Hansen, known for his unique style, has garnered national and international acclaim, with his work featured in esteemed publications like Leica Fotografie International and Professional Photographer. Don't miss this opportunity to delve into the world of street photography with Siegfried Hansen on May 2, 2024, at Leica Store Hamburg, Große Theaterstraße 35, 20354 Hamburg. Admission is free for this enlightening evening.

Provided by GenesisKaranne|Published May 3, 2024


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