Learn from the Master and the "...the Duchess of Portland" with Hebenstreit | Cincinnati Art Club

Learn from the Master and the "...the Duchess of Portland" with Hebenstreit | Cincinnati Art Club

Oct 4, 2024 (UTC-5)
Cincinnati Art Club


The artist is Philip de Laszlo, one of Hungary's celebrated 19th century masters. The subject of the painting is Winifred Cavendish-Bentinck, Duchess of Portland. Be transported back in time and learn from this master through the eyes of Carin Hebenstreit. Laszlo, the Hungarian portrait artist of the royals and aristocrats of the 19th century, married Lucy Guinness at the turn of the century and became a British subject. Over his career he received numerous honors and awards from the likes of Edward the VII of England and Franz Joseph I of Austria. He became known as the Master of Elegance with his portraits and paintings. Carin picked this painting because the Sitter is in a beautiful pose. I love the way the light hits her and makes her move in the space she's in. She does look rather regal, doesn't she? Students will learn about drawing, colors, textures and values to bring this masterpiece to life. Join renowned artist Carin Hebenstreit, a well known Portrait Painter, (with works in many collections and organizations throughout the United States, and especially in the Greater Cincinnati region), as she guides the class to their own masterpieces! Carin shares... The rich color, even though it has a narrow range, will help the students to focus more on values. There's a lot of movement going on and the material in the robe, the sleeves with all those'll be so much fun! Then there is the detail, the loose pattern on the sleeve and the bodice of the dress, the pearls she is holding, and the jewelry adorning the other hand. What a wonderful challenge that no one should miss! This is a 3-day weekend workshop, Friday thru Sunday, 9:30 AM to 4:30 PM, October 4 thru 6. Within this period of time, you will create a recognizable copy of the Duchess of Portland, while learning the Master's techniques. This method has been used for centuries. Learn the way artists learned from the masters of their times. Carin will also share her insights and strategies through demonstrations and one-on-one help. She promises you will gain insight and improvement into your practice while having fun. Don't miss this chance to enhance your artistic abilities and create stunning pieces of art. Reserve your spot now for the workshop, Learning from the Master: at the Cincinnati Art Club! Information Source: Cincinnati Art Club | eventbrite

Provided by LeenaAldo|Published Sep 20, 2024


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