Journal of Discarded Daydreams | Launch Event | Lit & Phil Library, Westgate Road, Newcastle upon Tyne, UK

Journal of Discarded Daydreams | Launch Event | Lit & Phil Library, Westgate Road, Newcastle upon Tyne, UK

Feb 1, 2024 (UTC+0)
Lit & Phil Library, Westgate Road, Newcastle upon Tyne, UK


Join Lars Iyer, Adam Potts, and Lyn Hagan at the launch of the Journal of Discarded Daydreams in Newcastle upon Tyne. Lars Iyer will be reading from his recently published book, My Weil (Melville House Publishing, 2023), engaging in a conversation with Adam Potts and Lyn Hagan. This event will mark the release of Issue One of the Journal, which seeks responses to the theme of total creative destruction. The Journal of Discarded Daydreams is a cutting-edge interdisciplinary journal available both online and in physical format. It offers artists, philosophers, and writers a platform to publish work that challenges and transcends disciplinary boundaries. It provides an essential space for unlearning, where academics can decompress from the pressures of formal decision making and impact-oriented language. The journal prioritizes dialogue and recognizes the critical significance of daydreams and unrealized work. Temporality is a central focus, as this time-sensitive experiment aims to demonstrate an attitude, provoke responses, and encourage meaningful encounters. Led by Editor in Chief Lyn Hagan and supported by the dedicated Editorial Team of Louise Mackenzie, Margaret Gray, Olivia Turner, Pauline Trotry, and Issy Tessier, the Journal of Discarded Daydreams is funded by Newcastle University. The Print production is handled by Overlay Press and the Digital aspect is managed by Cody Sowerby. Don't miss this exciting launch event, taking place on February 1, 2024, at the Lit & Phil Library, conveniently located at 23 Westgate Road, Newcastle upon Tyne, NE1 1SE. Admission is free, so join us for an inspiring exploration of creativity and the breaking of boundaries.

Provided by Constant|Published Mar 25, 2024


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