Handel's Water Music & more | St. Denis Catholic Church

Handel's Water Music & more | St. Denis Catholic Church

Feb 11, 2024 (UTC-5)
St. Denis Catholic Church


The UV Baroque Orchestra, renowned for their exceptional performances, will be enchanting audiences with the timeless music of Handel at the upcoming event "Handel's Water Music & more" in Hanover. This captivating concert will showcase Handel’s three elegant suites of his Water Music, performed on period instruments, creating an authentic and immersive experience. In addition to these remarkable suites, the audience will also have the privilege of witnessing the outstanding vocal talents of Mary Bonhag, a highly acclaimed soprano. Her captivating voice will breathe life into Handel's dramatic arias, adding an extra layer of emotion and depth to the performance. The event will take place at the exquisite St. Denis Catholic Church, located at 8 Sanborn Road, Hanover, NH 03755, on February 11, 2024. With tickets priced between $15 and $45, this is an opportunity not to be missed for anyone who appreciates the beauty and grandeur of Handel's music. Immerse yourself in the majestic sounds of the UV Baroque Orchestra and experience the magic of Handel's Water Music like never before.

Provided by Miko?aj|Published Mar 25, 2024


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