Fang Si-Chi's First Love Paradise Book Presentation by Jenna Tang | Books & Books in Coral Gables

Fang Si-Chi's First Love Paradise Book Presentation by Jenna Tang | Books & Books in Coral Gables

Oct 2, 2024 (UTC-5)
Books & Books in Coral Gables


Fang Si-Chi's First Love Paradise is a pivotal book in Taiwan’s #MeToo movement, flipping the traditional “Lolita” narrative to explore women’s vulnerability and survival. Thirteen-year-old Si-Chi, living in an affluent community, falls victim to Lee Guo-hua, a revered teacher and serial predator. Her parents, unaware of his true nature, accept his tutoring offer. Si-Chi, grappling with trauma, turns to literature for solace, transforming her ordeal into a twisted “first love paradise” to survive. This chilling tale reveals the power structures enabling abuse and the resilience of victims. Join the Green School for a conversation with the books English language translator, Jenna Tang. Information Source: The Steven J. Green School of International and Public Affairs | eventbrite

Provided by Lonie|Published Sep 25, 2024


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