Comedy Flow Nord en español - Open-mic Hannover JUNIO 16 | SAUSALITOS

Comedy Flow Nord en español - Open-mic Hannover JUNIO 16 | SAUSALITOS

Jun 16, 2024 (UTC+1)


Get ready for a night full of laughter at Comedy Flow Nord en español - Open-mic Hannover JUNIO 16. Join us at SAUSALITOS on June 16, 2024, located at Osterstraße 38, 30159 Hannover. Experience an evening of endless laughs with talented comedians from various countries, delivering top-notch comedy in your language. Doors open at 6:30 PM, and the show kicks off promptly at 7:00 PM. Hosted by Julián from Colombia, this event promises a cozy and entertaining atmosphere for you, your friends, and family to enjoy. Tickets go on sale starting May 13 at 12:00 AM, priced at 10€ online and 10€ on the night of the event (cash only). With limited tickets available, secure yours online or arrive early to guarantee your spot and purchase them at the venue. Don't miss out on this opportunity for a memorable night filled with laughter and good humor at Comedy Flow Nord en español - Open-mic Hannover JUNIO 16.

Provided by Consuelo|Published Jun 17, 2024


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