"Colorful Threads" Chamber Concert: 2:30 pm | The Church of Christ at Dartmouth College

"Colorful Threads" Chamber Concert: 2:30 pm | The Church of Christ at Dartmouth College

Jan 20, 2024 (UTC-5)
The Church of Christ at Dartmouth College


Experience the enchanting sounds of the Baroque era at the "Colorful Threads" Chamber Concert, featuring a virtuosic quartet of Upper Valley Baroque musicians. This captivating performance will showcase the works of renowned Baroque composers such as Bach and Vivaldi, all played on authentic period instruments. Led by Susanna Ogata, the concertmaster of the Upper Valley Baroque and a highly skilled violinist, and joined by Christina Day Martinson, a talented violinist and concertmaster of the Boston Baroque, Matt Zucker on cello, and John McKean on the harpsichord, this quartet promises to deliver a truly remarkable musical experience. Taking place on January 20, 2024, at 2:30 pm, the concert will be held at The Church of Christ at Dartmouth College in Hanover, NH. Immerse yourself in the rich and vibrant melodies of the Baroque era as these accomplished musicians bring these timeless compositions to life. From the intricate harmonies to the lively rhythms, every note will transport you to a bygone era of musical brilliance. Tickets for this extraordinary chamber concert are priced between $25 and $45, offering an accessible opportunity to witness the mastery of these talented musicians. Don't miss this chance to indulge in the splendor of Baroque music at the "Colorful Threads" Chamber Concert. Join us for an unforgettable afternoon filled with serenity and musical excellence.

Provided by Maximus|Published Mar 25, 2024


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