City of Memphis Family Fun & Fitness Day 2024 | Memphis Sports & Events Center

City of Memphis Family Fun & Fitness Day 2024 | Memphis Sports & Events Center

Oct 12, 2024 (UTC-6)
Memphis Sports & Events Center


Free Parking - enter using the Southern Avenue entrance and follow the instructional signs and foocers instructions.Dress comfortably and ready to compete in games and activities designed for all ages.Open Enrollment Information - Representatives will be present to answer all of your benefits questions during the 2024 Open Enrollment Period.Free Food for all registered participants.Door Prizes will be given throughout the dayIn consideration of being allowed to participate in this voluntary wellness activity/event, I agree and represent as follows: 1. I am in good health and have no disability, impairment, medical condition, illness, or health related issue which may prevent me from participating in this event. I assume full responsibility for my medical condition as it relates to my participation. 2. I understand and agree that the City is not responsible for property that is lost, stolen, or damaged while in, on, or about the premises. 3. On behalf of myself, my heirs, executors, administrators, successors and assigns, I hereby waive, release, discharge, indemnify and agree to hold harmless the City of Memphis, its officers, agents, and employees from any and all liability, claims, demands, rights, or causes of action, present or future, whether known or unknown, anticipated or not anticipated including but not limited to personal injury, illness, death, property damage or loss caused in whole or in part by my participation. 4. I understand and agree that my participation is voluntary and is not within the course or scope of my employment. I understand that any injury or illness sustained while participating in this event will not be deemed as work-related or as an On-the-Job Injury, as defined in City of Memphis Policy No. . 5. By the execution of this agreement, I voluntarily accept and assume full responsibility for any and all injuries, illness, death or damages (both economic and non-economic), that may result from my participation. I HAVE READ THE FOREGOING WAIVER OF OJI AND RELEASE OF LIABILITY, AND I VOLUNTARILY EXECUTE THIS DOCUMENT WITH FULL KNOWLEDGE OF ITS CONTENTS. Information Source: The City of Memphis | eventbrite

Provided by Griselle|Published Sep 25, 2024


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