Charlotte Brandi und Andy Strauß | Kulturzentrum Faust / Warenannahme

Charlotte Brandi und Andy Strauß | Kulturzentrum Faust / Warenannahme

May 30, 2024 (UTC+1)
Kulturzentrum Faust / Warenannahme


Experience the exclusive encounter of two creative universes at the event "Charlotte Brandi und Andy Strauß" in Hannover. Witness the captivating rendezvous between exceptional musicians Charlotte Brandi and wordsmith Andy Strauß as they present their own works along with iconic hits from music and literature. From reinterpreting classics by Celine Dion to the Amigos, this unique event promises a blend of comforting and thought-provoking performances. Known for her work with the band "Die Benjamins," Charlotte Brandi shines bright alongside the influential Andy Strauß, the unofficial father of Hannover. Don't miss this extraordinary show on May 30, 2024, at Kulturzentrum Faust / Warenannahme in Hannover. Immerse yourself in a night of music, readings, and improvisation that celebrates the artistry of these two talented individuals. Secure your tickets for €23.99 and be part of an unforgettable evening brought to you by Macht Worte! - the renowned Hannover Poetry Slam.

Provided by Phaeton|Published May 31, 2024


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