�������������� ����������, 13 ���������������� - �������� ���������������� YOU ARE INVITED...to a cacao ceremony and sensual dance infusion, to celebrate ourselves and each other on the first day of the new year a new year can bring with it a list of resolutions as well as the shame and regret of another year gone ... my intention with this circle is to drop us into the perfection of the present moment, and to active the codes of in-joy enjoying the journey, mine - yours- ours as it unfolds in every breath. cacao is a sacred heart awakening medicine, both a physical and an energetic harmonizer and optimizer. when prepared with respect for the medicine and the elders who have shared their teachings, then sipped (a thick hot chocolate minus any artificial sweetener) in full presence, trust and surrender, the highest frequency of love activates. traditionally cacao is sipped in a quiet meditative setting, my intention is to amplify the cacao powers through soft embodied movement.sensual dance is a self-love exploration through the senses of smell-touch- taste-sound-feel to activate and empower the sensual body, first with self then later includes optional consensual connection with another, through four simple steps carrying you through the 111 minute movement flow into reclaiming your soft ancient innate wisdoms. guided by Lady Drasmin, through breathwork and a soulful play list amplified with live instruments and vocals, the heart medicine of cacao brings you deeper into your mind-heart-body-energy and align you with your sacred sovereign. RSVP required, sliding scale $22 - $88; email drasmindreamworks@gmail.com - Eventbrite - extra fees apply - Cash - day off, at the venue - RSVP via email - CashApp $LadyDrasmin - Venmo @LadyDrasmin - PayPal @Drasmin17 - this is a no-pets shoes-off temple space, 18+ event
- lingerie and sexy wear encouraged, please bath and cleanse your beautyfull body and be mindful of overpowering scents
- address emailed day of the event arrive: 636
doors lock: 656
opening circle: 656
ceremony and dance: 704 - 858
closing circle and heart check in: 901 recommendations for the most optimal experience:
- no meat or dairy for 12 - 24 hours before and after circle
- hydrate (with water) a minimum of 12 hours before circle, and for at least 1 - 3 days post circle
- rest and journal as needed to process and integrate your experience, it is normal for the body to express mild cold-like symptoms as this is how toxins and impurities are realeased thank you for being here, i look forward to weaving this special container for us and immersing in the joy of the now
Information Source: Drasmin DreamWorks | eventbrite