Bildung und Medienkompetenz | Deutsche Bank Filiale

Bildung und Medienkompetenz | Deutsche Bank Filiale

Feb 5, 2024 (UTC+1)
Deutsche Bank Filiale


Protecting our children and ourselves from risks on the internet is of utmost importance. The internet presents numerous dangers, as evidenced by the alarming statistics: in 2022 alone, there were 48,800 cases of child abuse images and videos circulating online, a twelvefold increase since 2018. Additionally, nearly one in five minors has experienced cyberbullying, while the dissemination of fake news continues to cause political and economic harm. To address these pressing issues, the event "Bildung und Medienkompetenz" will take place on February 5, 2024, at the Deutsche Bank Filiale in Hannover. The event aims to inform and discuss possible solutions to equip our children and ourselves with the necessary tools to navigate the online world safely. The evening will feature esteemed partners who will shed light on the risks involved and provide valuable insights into preventive measures and solutions. These include Germany sicher im Netz, a non-profit organization supported by the Federal Ministry of the Interior and for Homeland Affairs, dedicated to fostering digital literacy among students. Diggafake, a blog by journalist Victoria Graul, focuses on raising awareness about fake news and disinformation. The Youth Prevention Team of the LKA Niedersachsen offers background information on bullying and cyberbullying, with a focus on sensitization and the development of coping skills. The Kinderschutzallianz aims to prevent the spread of child and youth pornography through targeted prevention efforts. Finally, MADS - Medien an der Schule, an initiative by MADSACK Mediengruppe, advocates for media literacy in schools. In addition to these esteemed partners, representatives from the Landesschülerrat, an active parent representative, and the Chairman of the Association of Vocational Schools will contribute to the discussions and share important insights. We cordially invite you to join us at this event, held at the Deutsche Bank Filiale in Hannover, on February 5, 2024. Participation is free of charge.

Provided by Chevaune|Published Mar 25, 2024


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