ArcHER ‘24 | Cardiff Metropolitan University - Cyncoed Campus, Cyncoed Road, Cardiff, UK

ArcHER ‘24 | Cardiff Metropolitan University - Cyncoed Campus, Cyncoed Road, Cardiff, UK

Oct 23, 2024 (UTC+0)
Cardiff Metropolitan University - Cyncoed Campus, Cyncoed Road, Cardiff, UK


Join the ArcHER journey as we bring together inspirational women, allies and sector leading companies operating at the forefront of women’s sport. In partnership with Team Wales Business Club we are championing change for our students, staff, wider community members and allies, so that they can thrive and drive their ArcHER story. Hear from those at the forefront of women’s sport as they share their stories, insights and expertise throughout the day. Ymunwch â thaith ArcHER wrth i ni ddod â menywod ysbrydoledig, cynghreiriaid a chwmnïau sy’n arwain y sector at ei gilydd sy’n gweithredu ar flaen y gad ym myd chwaraeon menywod. Mewn partneriaeth â Chlwb Busnes Tîm Cymru rydym yn hyrwyddo newid ar gyfer ein myfyrwyr, staff, aelodau’r gymuned ehangach a chynghreiriaid, fel y gallant ffynnu a llywio eu stori ArcHER. Clywch gan y rhai sydd ar flaen y gad ym myd chwaraeon merched wrth iddynt rannu eu straeon, eu dirnadaeth a’u harbenigedd drwy gydol y dydd. Information Source: Cardiff Met Sport | eventbrite

Provided by JihyeSullivan|Published Oct 21, 2024


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