A Ukrainian Christmas | Ss. Cyril & Methodius Parish

A Ukrainian Christmas | Ss. Cyril & Methodius Parish

Dec 15, 2023 (UTC-5)
Ss. Cyril & Methodius Parish


The Ukrainian Bandurist Chorus of North America (UBC) is thrilled to present their beloved program, A Ukrainian Christmas, in the Detroit area. This enchanting concert will showcase a captivating blend of Ukrainian and non-Ukrainian Christmas music, including selections that were previously performed at the illustrious Carnegie Hall during the "Notes from Ukraine" concert in December 2022. This exceptional event paid homage to the 100th anniversary of the debut of Shchedryk (also known as Carol of the Bells) at Carnegie Hall. Through their melodic performances, the UBC continues to amplify the voice of Ukraine and shine a spotlight on its remarkable cultural heritage. Central to the concert program is the bandura, a unique 60-stringed instrument that beautifully embodies the spirit of Ukraine. Mark your calendars for an unforgettable evening on December 15, as the Ukrainian Bandurist Chorus of North America, under the guidance of Oleh Mahlay, Artistic Director and Conductor, takes the stage at Ss. Cyril & Methodius Parish in Sterling Heights. Immerse yourself in the rich tapestry of A Ukrainian Christmas and experience the magic of this cultural celebration. Tickets for this extraordinary event are priced at $35.

Provided by Beibhinn2476|Published Mar 25, 2024


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