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Studio C workshop: Schilderen | Museum Kranenburgh
Mar 30, 2025 (UTC+1)
Het bekendste boertje van Nederland is bij Museum Kranenburgh op bezoek! Boer Boris heeft een hele eigen tentoonstelling waar je allerlei avonturen met hem kan beleven. Ga je meevliegen in een luchtballon of opzoek naar dino’s? In deze workshop gaan we inspiratie opdoen in de tentoonstelling van Philip Hopman om vervolgens onze eigen Boer Boris te schilderen. Met aquarel komen onze eigen verhalen tot leven. Welk avontuur beleeft jouw Boer Boris? Let op: Studio C workshops zijn geschikt voor kinderen tussen de 5 en 12 jaar. Kinderen jonger dan 5 jaar worden geweigerd. Afbeelding: Philip Hopman, illustratie voor © 2022 Boer Boris en de luchtballon, Ted van Lieshout & Philip Hopman (ill.) | Gottmer Uitgevers Groep | www.gottmer.nl
Information Source: Museum Kranenburgh | eventbrite
Boer Boris Peuterdansen Lessenreeks 2 | Museum Kranenburgh
Mar 14, 2025 (UTC+1)
Boer Boris Peuterdansen Heb je zin in een actief en cultureel uitje met je kleintje? Doe mee aan de peuterdanslessen op de vrijdagochtend en ontdek, dans en beleef de verhalen van Boer Boris in Museum Kranenburgh. Iedere les ga je samen met je kind een kunstwerk in de tentoonstelling Philip Hopman – Boer Boris! bekijken, waarna jullie onder begeleiding van dansdocente Angela Vriend samen gaan dansen in de Tuinzaal van Museum Kranenburgh. De lessen staan in het teken van de populaire Boer Boris boeken, met thema's zoals dansende dieren, het groeien van groenten en avonturen aan zee. Samen dansen in het museum stimuleert de motoriek, muzikaliteit en creativiteit van jouw peuter! De laatste les vindt plaats in de Bibliotheek van Bergen. Hier wordt voorgelezen uit een Boer Boris boek, waarna de kinderen een creatieve workshop krijgen. Wat je kunt verwachten: Waardevolle interactie tussen ouder en kindMuziek speciaal geselecteerd bij het thema van de lesEen eerste laagdrempelige kennismaking met Museum Kranenburgh en Bibliotheek BergenLessenreeks 1 Vrijdag 24 januari van 09:45 tot 10:30 uur in Museum Kranenburgh Vrijdag 31 januari van 09:45 tot 10:30 uur in Museum Kranenburgh Vrijdag 7 februari van 09:45 tot 10:30 uur in Museum Kranenburgh Vrijdag 14 februari van 09:45 tot 10:30 uur in Museum Kranenburgh Vrijdag 21 februari van 10:00 tot 11:00 uur in Bibliotheek Bergen Let op: de laatste les is in de Bibliotheek van Bergen, en start om 10:00 uur. Lessenreeks 2 Vrijdag 14 maart van 09:45 tot 10:30 uur in Museum Kranenburgh Vrijdag 21 maart van 09:45 tot 10:30 uur in Museum Kranenburgh Vrijdag 28 maart van 09:45 tot 10:30 uur in Museum Kranenburgh Vrijdag 4 april van 09:45 tot 10:30 uur in Museum Kranenburgh Vrijdag 11 april van 10:00 tot 11:00 uur in Bibliotheek Bergen Let op: de laatste les is in de Bibliotheek van Bergen, en start om 10:00 uur. Kosten: €43,75 voor één lessenreeks (5 lessen)
Inclusief entree voor de Boer Boris tentoonstelling, exclusief entree voor de rest van het museum. Inschrijven is noodzakelijk! Meld je aan via Eventbrite. Er is plaats voor maximaal 10 kinderen plus één ouder/begeleider. Wees er snel bij, want vol = vol! De peuterdanslessen worden georganiseerd in samenwerking met Bibliotheek Bergen en mede mogelijk gemaakt door de Gemeente Bergen. Bij de tentoonstelling Philip Hopman – Boer Boris! worden nog meer leuke activiteiten georganiseerd bij Bibliotheek Bergen en Museum Kranenburgh: Theatervoorstelling Geit is jarig van het Zoldertheater in Bibliotheek Bergen op zaterdag 25 januari 2025.Voorleesactiviteiten tijdens de Nationale Voorleesdagen: woensdag 22 januari (Nederlands) en woensdag 5 februari (Oekraïns) in Bibliotheek BergenBoer Boris speurtocht door Museum Kranenburgh voor kinderen vanaf 3 jaar.Speciaal Boer Boris lunchmenu voor kinderen vanaf 2 jaar.Kijk voor meer workshops en evenementen van Boer Boris! op onze website: www.kranenburgh.nl/te-doen.
Information Source: Museum Kranenburgh | eventbrite
Boer Boris Peuterdansen Lessenreeks 3 | Museum Kranenburgh
Mar 14, 2025 (UTC+1)
Boer Boris Peuterdansen Heb je zin in een actief en cultureel uitje met je kleintje? Doe mee aan de peuterdanslessen op de vrijdagochtend en ontdek, dans en beleef de verhalen van Boer Boris in Museum Kranenburgh. Iedere les ga je samen met je kind een kunstwerk in de tentoonstelling Philip Hopman – Boer Boris! bekijken, waarna jullie onder begeleiding van dansdocente Angela Vriend samen gaan dansen in de Tuinzaal van Museum Kranenburgh. De lessen staan in het teken van de populaire Boer Boris boeken, met thema's zoals dansende dieren, het groeien van groenten en avonturen aan zee. Samen dansen in het museum stimuleert de motoriek, muzikaliteit en creativiteit van jouw peuter! De laatste les vindt plaats in de Bibliotheek van Bergen. Hier wordt voorgelezen uit een Boer Boris boek, waarna de kinderen een creatieve workshop krijgen. Wat je kunt verwachten: Waardevolle interactie tussen ouder en kindMuziek speciaal geselecteerd bij het thema van de lesEen eerste laagdrempelige kennismaking met Museum Kranenburgh en Bibliotheek BergenLessenreeks 1 Vrijdag 24 januari van 09:45 tot 10:30 uur in Museum Kranenburgh Vrijdag 31 januari van 09:45 tot 10:30 uur in Museum Kranenburgh Vrijdag 7 februari van 09:45 tot 10:30 uur in Museum Kranenburgh Vrijdag 14 februari van 09:45 tot 10:30 uur in Museum Kranenburgh Vrijdag 21 februari van 10:00 tot 11:00 uur in Bibliotheek Bergen Let op: de laatste les is in de Bibliotheek van Bergen, en start om 10:00 uur. Lessenreeks 2 Vrijdag 14 maart van 09:45 tot 10:30 uur in Museum Kranenburgh Vrijdag 21 maart van 09:45 tot 10:30 uur in Museum Kranenburgh Vrijdag 28 maart van 09:45 tot 10:30 uur in Museum Kranenburgh Vrijdag 4 april van 09:45 tot 10:30 uur in Museum Kranenburgh Vrijdag 11 april van 10:00 tot 11:00 uur in Bibliotheek Bergen Let op: de laatste les is in de Bibliotheek van Bergen, en start om 10:00 uur. Lessenreeks 3 Vrijdag 14 maart van 10:45 tot 11:30 uur in Museum Kranenburgh Vrijdag 21 maart van 10:45 tot 11:30 uur in Museum Kranenburgh Vrijdag 28 maart van 10:45 tot 11:30 uur in Museum Kranenburgh Vrijdag 4 april van 10:45 tot 11:30 uur in Museum Kranenburgh Vrijdag 11 april van 10:00 tot 11:00 uur in Bibliotheek Bergen Let op: de laatste les is in de Bibliotheek van Bergen, en start om 10:00 uur. Kosten: €43,75 voor één lessenreeks (5 lessen)
Inclusief entree voor de Boer Boris tentoonstelling, exclusief entree voor de rest van het museum. Inschrijven is noodzakelijk! Meld je aan via Eventbrite. Er is plaats voor maximaal 10 kinderen plus één ouder/begeleider. Wees er snel bij, want vol = vol! De peuterdanslessen worden georganiseerd in samenwerking met Bibliotheek Bergen en mede mogelijk gemaakt door de Gemeente Bergen. Bij de tentoonstelling Philip Hopman – Boer Boris! worden nog meer leuke activiteiten georganiseerd bij Bibliotheek Bergen en Museum Kranenburgh: Boer Boris speurtocht door Museum Kranenburgh voor kinderen vanaf 3 jaar.Speciaal Boer Boris lunchmenu voor kinderen vanaf 2 jaar.Kijk voor meer workshops en evenementen van Boer Boris! op onze website: www.kranenburgh.nl/te-doen.
Information Source: Museum Kranenburgh | eventbrite
Studio C workshop: Boer Boris naar zee | Museum Kranenburgh
Mar 16, 2025 (UTC+1)
Ga mee met Boer Boris naar zee! In deze workshop maak je je eigen schaduwtheater. Wat vind je allemaal onderweg naar zee? Met poppentheater Belletje Sterk ontdekken we dat in de magische wereld van licht en schaduw. Wat gebeurd er als we figuren laten dansen voor het licht? Wat als we de figuren kleuren geven? Samen maken we een verhaal, op muziek. Doe je mee? Let op: Studio C workshops zijn geschikt voor kinderen tussen de 5 en 12 jaar. Kinderen jonger dan 5 jaar worden geweigerd. Afbeelding: Philip Hopman, illustratie voor © 2020 Boer Boris gaat naar zee, Ted van Lieshout & Philip Hopman (ill.) | Gottmer Uitgevers Groep | www.gottmer.nl
Information Source: Museum Kranenburgh | eventbrite
Studio C workshop: Sokkenbeesten | Museum Kranenburgh
Mar 23, 2025 (UTC+1)
Op de boerderij van Boer Boris wonen heel veel verschillende dieren! Biggen, kippen, koeien.. In deze workshop gaan we eerst opzoek naar alle verschillende dieren op de boerderij. Als we ze allemaal hebben gevonden, gaan we Studio C in om zelf dieren te maken. Dit doen we niet zomaar; we gaan sokken upcyclen tot echte knuffelbeesten. Doe mee aan deze workshop en leer hoe je jouw sokken omtovert tot allerlei boerderijdieren! Let op: Studio C workshops zijn geschikt voor kinderen tussen de 5 en 12 jaar. Kinderen jonger dan 5 jaar worden geweigerd. Afbeelding: Philip Hopman, illustratie voor ©2023, Boer Boris en de bietjes, Ted van Lieshout & Philip Hopman (ill.) | Gottmer Uitgevers Groep | www.gottmer.nl
Information Source: Museum Kranenburgh | eventbrite
Beach Wave - Soft Pastels with Susie Muir | iCreated Studio
Mar 29, 2025 (UTC+8)
Discover the enchanting allure of soft pastels and elevate the ambience of your home! Join us for an exclusive workshop led by acclaimed artist Susie Muir, who brings over 20 years of mastery with these elegant artistic tools. Whether you're an absolute beginner or a seasoned artist seeking to expand your skills, this guided session will take you on a captivating journey through the mesmerising world of seascape art. You will be able to create your choice of sunset or sunrise dune scene using soft pastels to suit your décor. Soft pastels, crafted from pure pigment, water, and a gum Arabic binder, offer a sublime fusion of vibrant hues and velvety textures. With their smooth and smudgy lines, these exquisite pastels can effortlessly bring your creations to life, infusing them with intense and captivating colours.Experience the joy of layering and blending as you work on textured surfaces, allowing your imagination to soar through endless possibilities. Discover the remarkable depth and expressiveness of soft pastels—an incredibly fun and versatile medium. And guess what? You won't need any tools—just your fingers! Don't miss this opportunity to immerse yourself in the world of soft pastels and create your own awe-inspiring ocean and sand dune masterpiece. Reserve your spot now and let your creativity wash ashore! Book your tickets today and embark on an artistic adventure like no other. What do you need to know? Artist, Susie Muir, will lead you through everything you need to know to create your soft pastel masterpiece. What will you get during the session? 2 hours of expert artist led technique and tipsAll supplies to complete your box framed pictureComplimentary coffee, tea, soft drinks and waterGourmet share platterWhat do you need to bring?Please wear clothes that you do not mind getting paint on. Aprons are provided though you may still get pastels on your clothes.
Information Source: iCreated Studio | eventbrite
Pop Art Pets - Soft Pastels/Mixed Media | iCreated Studio
Mar 29, 2025 (UTC+8)
Grab a friend, a photo of your favourite fur baby and join artist Susie Muir for Pop Art Pets! Searching for a fun artistic escape that won't break the bank? Look no further than Pop Art Pets at iCreated Studio! Leap into a world of vibrant colours and imaginative possibilities, all at an unbelievably budget-friendly price. The Pop Art Pets session is a creative journey tailored to perfection! Experience the true essence of artistry as artist Susie helps you to inspire your creative vision! Soft Pastels and Multi Media unite in an exhilarating dance of colours, guided by our expert soft pastel artist, Susie Muir, to bring your Pop Art Pets to life. Spoil Yourself! Indulge in a glass of premium bubbles on arrival paired with a gorgeous gourmet nibble board while you get creative! We encourage you to savour your artistic adventure with snacks and sips that will inspire your imagination. It's a session that nourishes both your creativity and your taste buds! Only 16 Tickets Available: Reserve Your Spot Today! Join a select group of art enthusiasts on this exclusive journey. With only 16 tickets up for grabs, don't wait to secure your place at Pop Art Pets – a creative experience like no other! Indulge in artistic expression without compromise at Pop Art Pets – a masterpiece of creativity and relaxation. Join us and let your imagination run wild! What do you need to know? Artist, Susie Muir, will lead you through everything you need to know to create your soft pastel/mixed media masterpiece. What will you get during the session? 90 minutes of expert artist led technique and tipsAll supplies to complete your framed pictureComplimentary premium bubbles to sip on arrivalGourmet share platterAmazing creative atmosphereWhat do you need to bring? A printed photograph of your pet (or any animal you would like to paint!) Printed Photo size: Minimum 12x16cm - Maximum 18x22cm
Information Source: iCreated Studio | eventbrite
Tranquil Turtle - Soft Pastels with Susie Muir | iCreated Studio
Apr 5, 2025 (UTC+8)
Dive into a world of creativity with Susie Muir in ourMystical Mermaidsoft pastels workshop at iCreated Studio. In this 2-hour workshop, you’ll learn to create a mesmerizing underwater scene featuring a mystical mermaid, capturing the shimmering glow of the ocean depths with soft pastels. Whether you’re new to pastels or a returning participant, Susie will guide you through the techniques needed to bring your mermaid to life. You’ll learn how to blend and layer pastels to create the ethereal glow of water, the sparkle of light on scales, and the dreamlike atmosphere of the ocean. iCreated Studio provides the perfect setting to unleash your creativity, offering a welcoming and inclusive space where you can feel comfortable exploring your artistic side. All materials are provided, along with delicious refreshments and a gourmet share platter to enhance the experience. Workshop Highlights: Expert instruction by Susie Muir, suitable for beginners and returning participants2 hours of creative exploration and hands-on guidanceAll materials providedRefreshments and gourmet share platter includedTake home yourMystical Mermaid masterpiece, framed and ready to displayA welcoming environment where everyone can feel comfortable and supportedSmall group size for personalized attentionLimited spaces available – reserve your spot and bring your mermaid to life with Susie!
Information Source: iCreated Studio | eventbrite
Amongst the Dunes - Soft Pastels with Susie Muir | iCreated Studio
Apr 5, 2025 (UTC+8)
Discover the enchanting allure of soft pastels and elevate the ambience of your home! Join us for an exclusive workshop led by acclaimed artist Susie Muir, who brings over 20 years of mastery with these elegant artistic tools. Whether you're an absolute beginner or a seasoned artist seeking to expand your skills, this guided session will take you on a captivating journey through the mesmerising world of seascape art. You will be able to create your choice of sunset or sunrise dune scene using soft pastels to suit your décor. Soft pastels, crafted from pure pigment, water, and a gum Arabic binder, offer a sublime fusion of vibrant hues and velvety textures. With their smooth and smudgy lines, these exquisite pastels can effortlessly bring your creations to life, infusing them with intense and captivating colours.Experience the joy of layering and blending as you work on textured surfaces, allowing your imagination to soar through endless possibilities. Discover the remarkable depth and expressiveness of soft pastels—an incredibly fun and versatile medium. And guess what? You won't need any tools—just your fingers! Don't miss this opportunity to immerse yourself in the world of soft pastels and create your own awe-inspiring ocean and sand dune masterpiece. Reserve your spot now and let your creativity wash ashore! Book your tickets today and embark on an artistic adventure like no other. What do you need to know? Artist, Susie Muir, will lead you through everything you need to know to create your soft pastel masterpiece. What will you get during the session? 2 hours of expert artist led technique and tipsAll supplies to complete your box framed pictureComplimentary coffee, tea, soft drinks and waterGourmet share platterWhat do you need to bring?Please wear clothes that you do not mind getting paint on. Aprons are provided though you may still get pastels on your clothes.
Information Source: iCreated Studio | eventbrite
Studio C workshop: Familieworkshop | Museum Kranenburgh
Apr 20, 2025 (UTC+1)
Maak je eigen knuffelbeest van textiel! Samen met de workshopdocent ga je aan de slag met verschillende materialen en leer je hoe je een knuffel daarmee kan maken. Kies verschillende patroontjes, kleuren en versieringen om jouw knuffeltje uniek te maken. Dit is een familieworkshop, dit betekent dat ouders/verzorgers gratis mee mogen doen! Let op: Studio C workshops zijn geschikt voor kinderen tussen de 5 en 12 jaar. Kinderen jonger dan 5 jaar worden geweigerd. Afbeelding: Philip Hopman, illustratie voor ©2024, Boer Boris en de dino, Ted van Lieshout & Philip Hopman (ill.) | Gottmer Uitgevers Groep | www.gottmer.nl
Information Source: Museum Kranenburgh | eventbrite
Studio C workshop: Kleien | Museum Kranenburgh
Apr 27, 2025 (UTC+1)
Op de boerderij van Boer Boris wonen heel veel verschillende dieren. Kippen, biggen, koeien, noem maar op! In deze workshop gaan we eerst in de tentoonstelling opzoek naar alle verschillende dieren op de boerderij. Welke dieren kan jij allemaal vinden? Nadat we inspiratie hebben opgedaan, gaan we samen met kunstenaar Sies Vrasdonk zelf dieren kleien. Welke dieren zie jij graag op de boerderij? Let op: Studio C workshops zijn geschikt voor kinderen tussen de 5 en 12 jaar. Kinderen jonger dan 5 jaar worden geweigerd. Foto: Anne Laureen Fotografie
Information Source: Museum Kranenburgh | eventbrite
Studio C workshop: Teken Boer Boris! | Museum Kranenburgh
Apr 30, 2025 (UTC+1)
Psst.. Wil jij leren hoe je de enige echte Boer Boris tekent? Dit is je kans! Illustrator Philip Hopman komt namelijk speciaal naar Studio C om jou Boer Boris te leren tekenen! Samen gaan jullie de tentoonstelling bekijken waar je allerlei verschillende avonturen van Boer Boris kan ontdekken. Vervolgens gaan we Studio C in om zelf aan de slag te gaan. Welk avontuur laat jij Boer Boris beleven in jouw tekening? Na afloop van de workshop kan je jouw favoriete Boer Boris boek laten signeren door illustrator Philip Hopman! Let op: Studio C workshops zijn geschikt voor kinderen tussen de 5 en 12 jaar. Kinderen jonger dan 5 jaar worden geweigerd. Afbeelding: Philip Hopman, illustratie voor © 2021 Boer Boris | Ted van Lieshout & Philip Hopman (ill.) | Gottmer Uitgevers Groep | www.gottmer.nl
Information Source: Museum Kranenburgh | eventbrite
Last Light - Soft Pastels with Susie Muir | iCreated Studio
May 7, 2025 (UTC+8)
Experience the tranquil beauty of the Last Light in this soft pastels workshop with Susie Muir at iCreated Studio. This 2-hour session is perfect for both beginners and seasoned pastel artists, offering a unique opportunity to create a stunning depiction of the final rays of the sun fading into the evening sky. Under Susie’s expert guidance, you’ll explore blending and layering techniques to capture the warm glow and cool shadows that characterize the last moments of daylight. Whether you're new to soft pastels or a returning participant, Susie’s gentle step-by-step approach ensures that you’ll feel confident in creating a breathtaking piece. iCreated Studio’s inviting and inclusive atmosphere creates the perfect space for you to relax, create, and connect with others. All materials are provided, along with refreshments and a gourmet share platter to keep you fueled and inspired. Workshop Highlights: Expert instruction by Susie Muir, ideal for both beginners and returning participants2 hours of focused creative learningAll materials includedRefreshments and a gourmet share platter to enjoyTake home your framed Last Light masterpieceA welcoming and inclusive environment where everyone can feel comfortableSmall class size for personalized attentionSpaces are limited—reserve your spot today and capture the beauty of Last Light with Susie!
Information Source: iCreated Studio | eventbrite
Bergen Assembly (Norway) | Bergen
Sep 11–Nov 9, 2025 (UTC+1)
Bergen Assembly is a platform for the arts devoted to supporting and exploring continuous artistic work, as part of which it develops an in-depth project that takes place in the city of Bergen every three years. Conveners join each edition and consider new ways to conceive of Bergen Assembly, allowing each iteration to take on distinctly different formats and ideas. For this upcoming edition of Bergen Assembly, Agarwal, Shibli and BAS are invited to reflect on the possibilities and impossibilities of the transformative shifts that inform our lived experiences and artistic practices. They aspire to engage in conversations that recognise a common desire to address the growing dissonance within their fields.
Bergen Assembly (Norway) | Bergen
Sep 11–Nov 9, 2025 (UTC+1)
Bergen Assembly is a platform for the arts devoted to supporting and exploring continuous artistic work, as part of which it develops an in-depth project that takes place in the city of Bergen every three years. Conveners join each edition and consider new ways to conceive of Bergen Assembly, allowing each iteration to take on distinctly different formats and ideas. For this upcoming edition of Bergen Assembly, Agarwal, Shibli and BAS are invited to reflect on the possibilities and impossibilities of the transformative shifts that inform our lived experiences and artistic practices. They aspire to engage in conversations that recognise a common desire to address the growing dissonance within their fields.
Bergen Assembly (Norway) | Bergen
Sep 11–Nov 9, 2025 (UTC+1)
Bergen Assembly is a platform for the arts devoted to supporting and exploring continuous artistic work, as part of which it develops an in-depth project that takes place in the city of Bergen every three years. Conveners join each edition and consider new ways to conceive of Bergen Assembly, allowing each iteration to take on distinctly different formats and ideas. For this upcoming edition of Bergen Assembly, Agarwal, Shibli and BAS are invited to reflect on the possibilities and impossibilities of the transformative shifts that inform our lived experiences and artistic practices. They aspire to engage in conversations that recognise a common desire to address the growing dissonance within their fields.
Boligmesse Bergen 2024 | Stiftelsen Vestlandshallen
Sep 13–Sep 15, 2024 (UTC-5)ENDED
Boligmesse Bergen is an important meeting for the housing industry and those who are renovating or building a new house Boligmesse Bergen is an important meeting for the housing industry and those who are renovating or building a new house. We gather everything about home, garden and holiday in one place. In three days, thousands of dedicated and affluent people stop at Bolognese for tips, inspiration and great deals for their projects.
Information Source: Compass Fairs AS | expotobi
MeccaMania | 106 Bergen Ave
Aug 31, 2023 (UTC-5)ENDED
Experience the breathtaking excitement of MeccaMania, a night filled with total nonstop action showcase, featuring the industry's top talent in professional wrestling. Prepare to be captivated by the hard-hitting, high-flying, and exhilarating lucha action that will unfold live on August 31st. This must-see event will take place at the prestigious venue located at 106 Bergen Avenue, Ridgefield Park, NJ 07660. Immerse yourself in an unforgettable evening of world-class wrestling as these incredible athletes push their limits to entertain and thrill the audience. Don't miss this rare opportunity to witness the pinnacle of pro wrestling excellence. Secure your tickets now, with prices ranging from US$25 to US$30. Join the passionate crowd and be part of the electrifying atmosphere at MeccaMania. Mark your calendars and get ready for a night that will leave you on the edge of your seat, as the stars of the ring deliver an epic performance that you won't want to miss.
Elvis presented by Jeff Bergen at Aztec Shawnee Theater | Aztec Shawnee Theater
Sep 23, 2023 (UTC-6)ENDED
Jeff Bergen presents Elvis, a highly acclaimed Elvis Tribute Artist, at the Aztec Shawnee Theater in Shawnee, Kansas. Known for his captivating performances, Jeff Bergen is rapidly gaining recognition as one of the most thrilling artists in the industry. He has been praised for his exceptional vocal abilities and his ability to authentically portray the Elvis music catalog.
Born and raised in rural southwest Missouri, Jeff Bergen now resides in Kansas City. He has honed his vocal skills through extensive training, studying with members of the renowned New York Metropolitan Opera and working closely with esteemed voice coach Dean Wilder. Jeff's talent has also been recognized on the digital stage, as he was voted a finalist for ten consecutive weeks on Ed McMahon's Next Big Star internet talent competition.
With a dynamic range that spans multiple octaves, Jeff has showcased his versatility by recording and performing various genres of music, including pop, rock, jazz, country, blues, and gospel. For those who never had the opportunity to witness Elvis in concert, Jeff's performance offers a chance to experience the excitement and nostalgia of that era when "The King" reigned supreme in popular music.
The show will begin at 7:00pm, and doors will open one hour prior. It is advisable to secure your tickets early, as this highly anticipated event tends to sell out well in advance. The Aztec Shawnee Theater also features a full bar, adding to the overall enjoyment of the evening. Don't miss this extraordinary performance by Jeff Bergen as he presents Elvis in an unforgettable tribute at the Aztec Shawnee Theater.
Rondleiding tentoonstelling Diana Scherer | Museum Kranenburgh
Dec 15, 2023 (UTC+1)ENDED
Experience the captivating exhibition "Diana Scherer - Farming Textiles" through a personalized guided tour. Delve into the world of artist Diana Scherer and her unique root textiles during this exclusive tour of the Farming Textiles exhibition. Held every other week on Fridays from 11:00-11:30 AM at Museum Kranenburgh in the beautiful city of Bergen, this tour offers a rare opportunity to admire Scherer's breathtaking works. As a pioneer in biotechnological art, Diana Scherer creates botanical installations, objects, and textiles using grass roots. Through her art, she explores the intricate relationship between humans and the natural environment, blurring the boundaries between plant culture and plant nature. By employing various techniques, Scherer brings her ideas to life. In just 30 minutes, this guided tour will provide you with a deeper understanding of Scherer's creative process and the meaning behind her masterpieces. The tour costs €5,00, excluding museum admission. Discover the captivating world of Diana Scherer by joining this enlightening guided tour. Please note that the museum admission fee is €14,50 per person, payable at the museum counter. Museum cardholders can enter the exhibition after scanning their cards.
Rondleiding tentoonstelling Diana Scherer | Museum Kranenburgh
Jan 12, 2024 (UTC+1)ENDED
Discover the exhibition 'Diana Scherer - Farming Textiles' through a personal guided tour. Immerse yourself in the captivating world of Diana Scherer's unique root textiles with this exclusive tour of the Farming Textiles exhibition. Every other Friday, from 11:00 to 11:30 a.m., the tour takes place at Museum Kranenburgh in the picturesque city of Bergen. During the guided tour, you will have the opportunity to admire the stunning works of art created by Diana Scherer. Renowned as a pioneer in biotechnological art, Scherer creates botanical installations, objects, and textiles using grass roots. Through her work, she explores the intricate relationship between mankind and the natural environment, blurring the boundaries between plant culture and plant nature. Using various techniques, Scherer brings her visionary ideas to life. In just 30 minutes, the tour will provide you with a deeper understanding of her creative process and the meaning behind her works. The price for the guided tour is €5.00, excluding museum admission. The museum admission fee is €14.50 per person, payable at the museum desk. Museum cardholders can access the exhibition by scanning their museum card. Join us for this remarkable journey into the world of Diana Scherer's artistic brilliance.
Lezingen Diana Scherer en Norbert Peeters | Museum Kranenburgh
Jan 28, 2024 (UTC+1)ENDED
Join Kunstenaar Diana Scherer and botanisch filosoof Norbert Peeters as they delve into the fascinating world of plants at the upcoming event "Lezingen Diana Scherer en Norbert Peeters". This event, taking place at the renowned Museum Kranenburgh in Bergen, will provide a unique perspective on the intelligent life of plants.
Diana Scherer, an accomplished artist from Germany, is currently showcasing her captivating plant root textiles in the exhibition "Farming Textiles" at Kranenburgh. This groundbreaking display has received rave reviews from esteemed publications such as NRC, Volkskrant, Trouw, Parool, and Noord-Hollands Dagblad. Scherer's work showcases the magic of plant roots, with intricate patterns that demonstrate their ability to adapt and improvise, even in the face of manipulation.
Norbert Peeters, a botanical philosopher and esteemed lecturer at the University of Leiden, will also be sharing his unique perspective on the world of plants. Peeters challenges traditional views and adopts a more holistic approach, highlighting the sentient nature of plants and their capacity for perception, experience, and collaboration. Through his insights, Peeters offers a captivating glimpse into the philosophy of nature.
The event will feature a program packed with enlightening lectures, starting with Diana Scherer's presentation followed by a short break and concluding with Norbert Peeters' talk. Attendees will have the opportunity to ask questions and engage with the speakers, gaining further insights into the intelligent life of plants.
Tickets for this event, including museum admission and one complimentary beverage, are available for €21.08. Don't miss this opportunity to explore the captivating world of plants with Kunstenaar Diana Scherer and botanisch filosoof Norbert Peeters.
Lezingen Diana Scherer en Norbert Peeters | Museum Kranenburgh
Jan 28, 2024 (UTC+1)ENDED
Join artist Diana Scherer and botanical philosopher Norbert Peeters as they delve into the intriguing world of plant intelligence at the upcoming event "Lezingen Diana Scherer en Norbert Peeters." Taking place on January 28, 2024, at the Museum Kranenburgh in Bergen, this event will explore the ways in which we can collaborate with plants, guide their growth, and even influence their behavior. Both speakers will offer their unique perspectives on the subject, discussing the remarkable abilities of plants to communicate and cooperate with one another.
Diana Scherer, an acclaimed artist from Germany, will showcase her captivating plant root weavings created through a unique process at the ongoing "Farming Textiles" exhibition at Kranenburgh. Her work has garnered rave reviews from publications such as NRC, Volkskrant, Trouw, Parool, and Noord-Hollands Dagblad. Janna Reinsma of Volkskrant describes Scherer's work as "magical," highlighting the intricate patterns she coaxes the roots into, though they always maintain an element of improvisation.
Norbert Peeters, a Dutch botanical philosopher and lecturer at the University of Leiden, will offer insights into the fascinating world of plants. Challenging traditional perceptions, Peeters believes that plants possess the capacity to perceive, experience, and collaborate, much like humans and animals. Through his lecture, he aims to introduce attendees to the philosophy of nature and the vibrant life of plants.
The event schedule includes a lecture by Diana Scherer followed by a break with a complimentary beverage. Norbert Peeters will then take the stage, and attendees will have the opportunity to ask questions. The program will conclude at 4:00 p.m.
Tickets for this enlightening event, which includes museum admission and one drink, are priced at €15 for Museumkaart holders and €20 for non-Museumkaart holders. Please note that ticket returns can be made until Wednesday, January 24, 2024, by contacting info@kranenburgh.nl. Don't miss out on this thought-provoking exploration of plant intelligence. Reserve your spot today!
Artist Talk met Diana Scherer | Museum Kranenburgh
Feb 21, 2024 (UTC+1)ENDED
Don't miss out on the exclusive opportunity to meet the renowned artist Diana Scherer at her Artist Talk. Taking place at the Museum Kranenburgh in Bergen, this event offers a unique chance to gain insight into Scherer's captivating exhibition, Farming Textiles. Prior to the museum's opening, Scherer will guide attendees through her collection of monumental and intricate plant root weavings, shedding light on the magical art she creates in collaboration with nature. Delve into her years of research on the behavior and intelligence of plant roots, and don't hesitate to ask any burning questions you may have. The Artist Talk will commence promptly at 9:45 am on Wednesday, February 21, 2024, starting from the museum reception. Arriving slightly earlier at 9:30 am will ensure a smooth experience. The talk will last for 45 minutes, concluding at 10:30 am. Please note that participation in the Artist Talk costs €20, excluding museum admission. Hurry and secure your ticket now, as spaces are limited to a maximum of 20 individuals. Don't miss this extraordinary chance to engage with Diana Scherer's captivating work.