Event Status
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2025 TWS 1ST FANMEETING <42:CLUB> IN JAPAN | 武蔵野の森総合スポーツプラザ メインアリーナ
Mar 15–Mar 16, 2025 (UTC+9)
TWS is recognized for their unique style of “boyhood pop”, and their performances are full of youthful energy, incorporating emotions and beauty from their daily experiences into their music, bringing a unique feeling to the audience. In their stage performances, the members show their strong dancing and singing abilities, and emphasize on interacting with their fans to create a warm atmosphere for their performances.
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2025 TWS 1ST FANMEETING <42:CLUB> IN JAPAN | 武蔵野の森総合スポーツプラザ メインアリーナ
Mar 15–Mar 16, 2025 (UTC+9)
TWS is recognized for their unique style of “boyhood pop”, and their performances are full of youthful energy, incorporating emotions and beauty from their daily experiences into their music, bringing a unique feeling to the audience. In their stage performances, the members show their strong dancing and singing abilities, and emphasize on interacting with their fans to create a warm atmosphere for their performances.
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2025 TWS 1ST FANMEETING <42:CLUB> IN JAPAN | 武蔵野の森総合スポーツプラザ メインアリーナ
Mar 15–Mar 16, 2025 (UTC+9)
TWS is recognized for their unique style of “boyhood pop”, and their performances are full of youthful energy, incorporating emotions and beauty from their daily experiences into their music, bringing a unique feeling to the audience. In their stage performances, the members show their strong dancing and singing abilities, and emphasize on interacting with their fans to create a warm atmosphere for their performances.
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2025 TWS 1ST FANMEETING <42:CLUB> IN JAPAN | 武蔵野の森総合スポーツプラザ メインアリーナ
Mar 15–Mar 16, 2025 (UTC+9)
TWS is recognized for their unique style of “boyhood pop”, and their performances are full of youthful energy, incorporating emotions and beauty from their daily experiences into their music, bringing a unique feeling to the audience. In their stage performances, the members show their strong dancing and singing abilities, and emphasize on interacting with their fans to create a warm atmosphere for their performances.
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