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RED MIC - Antwerp - Stand up Comedy in English | FAMEUS
Feb 7, 2025 (UTC+1)ENDED
A hilarious night where six amazing comedians give you their absolute best jokes. Who is performing: names are announced later but Red Mic exclusively books the best acts. That means top award-winning comedians with television credits (BBC, Comedy Central etc.) and the hottest new talent that is on their way to their first Netflix Special. 🎭 STAND-UP COMEDY in ENGLISH in Antwerp 📍FAMEUS, Zirkstraat 36, 2000 Antwerpen, Belgium show starts 8:00 PM 🎟️ online tickets from €15 / tickets on the door €20 ⭐🎥SPECIAL RECORDING!🎥⭐ Please be aware that this is a special show that is being recorded. Which means all comedians will give their best performance. It also means you get the chance to be part of something unique and by entering the venue, you consent to be filmed and/or recorded as part of the audience. The footage may be used for promotional purposes, broadcast, and other media. If you do not wish to be recorded, please speak to a member of our staff.
Information Source: Red Mic | eventbrite
Rampage Weekend 2025 | Sportpaleis
Feb 21–Feb 22, 2025 (UTC+1)ENDED
Amor, hoezo?! | Theater Het Klokhuis
Feb 21, 2025 (UTC+1)ENDED
Een avond vol liefde, inspiratie en herkenbaarheid - Amor, hoezo?! Amor, Hoezo?! Door Delia Amoruso Ontdek de wereld van het innerlijke kind en liefdesrelaties in Amor, Hoezo?! , een meeslepende en humoristische zaalshow door Delia Amoruso, master in psychologie en expert in leiderschapstraining, coaching en innerlijk kind werk. Laat je meenemen op een fascinerende reis door Delia's eigen liefdesavonturen en leer hoe je inzichten uit haar jarenlange ervaring kunt toepassen op je eigen leven. Met een combinatie van persoonlijke verhalen, professionele kennis en een flinke dosis humor, biedt deze TED-talk-achtige ervaring een no-nonsense blik op de dynamiek van liefde en relaties. Wanneer: Vrijdag 21 februari 2025, 20:00 - 21:30 Waar: Theater 't Klokhuis, Antwerpen Mis deze kans niet om te lachen, te leren en geïnspireerd te worden. Reserveer nu je plek en duik in een avond vol liefde, inzichten en verrassingen. Zien we je daar?
Information Source: Delia Amoruso BV | eventbrite
Acting Masterclass with Ivana Chubbuck, Antwerp 2025 | Troubleyn Laboratorium
Feb 1–Feb 2, 2025 (UTC+1)ENDED
Acting Masterclass with Ivana Chubbuck, Antwerp 2025 Welcome to the Acting Masterclass with the world-renowned premier acting coach Ivana Chubbuck. Chubbuck-certified acting coach Romy Irene and actor/performer Matteo Franco are hosting this 2-Day Intensive Masterclass with Ivana Chubbuck in Antwerp. This Eventbrite ticket allows you to reserve your spot as Active Auditor to the Masterclass. In order to apply as a Participant, buying this Eventbrite ticket is a requirement for your application to be taken into consideration. TICKETS HERE ARE ONLY FOR ACTIVE AUDITORS. Why this Masterclass? Ivana Chubbuck's Masterclass offers a life-changing experience for both actors on stage and active auditors in the audience. As a result of her +30-year brilliant career, Ivana has risen to iconic status in Hollywood and the rest of the world. Being part of her Masterclass in Antwerp – as participant or active auditor – is truly a unique opportunity to help you elevate on a professional and personal level. This interactive event will clarify how to use the 12-step Chubbuck Technique. By watching, listening and participating you will gain practical tools and insights to apply it effectively in your work as an actor, director, or screenwriter. This 2-day event includes several transformative and interactive exercises in which everyone in the room will actively participate. For example, the audience will engage in exercises designed to help actors easily tap into their emotional resources, enabling them to access true emotions in a profound and effective way. You'll learn to create chemistry through the “Chemistry Exercise,” play a killer, transform a victim character, organically feel the effects of drugs and alcohol, experience organic fear, and understand the perspectives of dying and of those left behind, among many other interactive exercises. Both participants and auditors will be involved. Each scene in the workshop has been carefully selected to confront actors with key aspects needed to deliver great performances. The audience will face the same challenges, pondering questions like “What would I use?” and “What choice would I make here?”. Ivana Chubbuck conducts masterclasses globally, with participants and auditors alike experiencing significant career and personal advancements. Join as an active auditor, and you too will benefit! This is a unique opportunity to enhance your acting skills and learn from a master in the industry. The event will be held at the Troubleyn Laboratorium, providing an immersive experience for all participants. Join us for an unforgettable journey into the world of acting and unleash your full potential. Don't miss out on this incredible opportunity! What is the Chubbuck Technique? The Chubbuck Technique was developed by America's leading acting coach Ivana Chubbuck and is based on psychology and behavioral science, in addition to the Stanislavski method. The technique offers 12 practical tools that help professional actors create authentic and dynamic characters. With the Chubbuck Technique, you use personal emotions and experiences as a driving force to create layered characters who do everything they can to overcome obstacles and try and achieve their (life) goals. What are interesting acting choices and why? The Chubbuck Technique focuses not only on the psychology of the characters but also on that of the audience. More detailed information can be found in Ivana’s bestseller The Power of the Actor.
Information Source: Romy Irene & Matteo Franco | eventbrite