Featured Events in Barcelona in March, 2025 (March Updated)

Event Status
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Zurbarán (on) Natural | National Art Museum of Catalonia

Mar 21–Jun 29, 2025 (UTC+1)
The MNAC, at the Musée des Beaux Arts in Lyon and the Museum of Fine Arts in Boston, will be exhibiting this exhibition for the first time in the three versions of the Vision of St. Francis of Assisi by Pope Nicholas V, a masterpiece by Francisco de Zurbarán (1598-1664). The exceptional possibility of confronting the three paintings gives light on each of them. The work that preserves the MNAC has undergone a profound restoration process that has allowed it to recover its original appearance and to remove the details hidden by the passage of time. In the vision of St. Francis by Pope Nicholas V, Zurbarán depicts a legendary episode in which the Pope asked the Pope to see the mummified body of the saint in the crypt of the basi of ’Assisi. The painter condenses a complex narrative action by focusing on the essentials and shows us only the subjective vision of the Pope. Zurbarán has the figure of Saint Francis as a work of ’art in a museum, working with light, space and geometric construction. It gives him strength and a prodigious presence, making it seem that the mummy of the saint takes his own life. From the contemplation of the real, the images transport us beyond reality, or inside, their soul. This exhibition will also bring together other works by Zurbarán, among them the two twin versions, which are very different from his famous still life’atuells, the Museo del Prado and the Museu Nacional ’d’Art de Catalunya. In these paintings, Zurbarán creates an aesthetic of the emptiness, the distance and the presence, and the silence, where we do not distinguish the everyday life of the religious mystery.
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Bigflo & Oli Concert | Razzmatazz

Mar 27, 2025 (UTC+1)

Luis García-Berlanga: Interior Berlanga | Barcelona

Jul 17, 2024–Apr 20, 2025 (UTC+1)

MACBA Collection: Prelude. Poetic Intention | Barcelona Museum of Contemporary Art

Jan 1–Sep 15, 2025 (UTC+1)
A group exhibition that aims to reverse the dramaturgy of the museum by putting the artwork at the centre so we can address its will, its energy and its poetic intention. What would happen if we separated the artwork from the museographic context that surrounds it? Would it be possible to think of museography as a kind of aphasia, a loss of language? Would it be possible to break up the dramaturgy of the museum that guides us in how to move through its spaces, how to register the artistic experiences they offer us, and how to apprehend the sensations that emanate from them? If we assumed that this shift were possible, what other meanings might arise, allowing us to interpret the work in a different way, and also to reinvent the museum as an institution? If that were within the realm of possibility, could we respond directly to the will of the work, to its energy and desire, to its ‘poetic intention’? Martinican poet and philosopher Édouard Glissant states that the poem must never deny the “way of the world”: can the museum put the work of art and the ways in which it reflects the world at the centre of everything?
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MACBA Collection: Prelude. Poetic Intention | Barcelona Museum of Contemporary Art

Jan 1–Sep 15, 2025 (UTC+1)
A group exhibition that aims to reverse the dramaturgy of the museum by putting the artwork at the centre so we can address its will, its energy and its poetic intention. What would happen if we separated the artwork from the museographic context that surrounds it? Would it be possible to think of museography as a kind of aphasia, a loss of language? Would it be possible to break up the dramaturgy of the museum that guides us in how to move through its spaces, how to register the artistic experiences they offer us, and how to apprehend the sensations that emanate from them? If we assumed that this shift were possible, what other meanings might arise, allowing us to interpret the work in a different way, and also to reinvent the museum as an institution? If that were within the realm of possibility, could we respond directly to the will of the work, to its energy and desire, to its ‘poetic intention’? Martinican poet and philosopher Édouard Glissant states that the poem must never deny the “way of the world”: can the museum put the work of art and the ways in which it reflects the world at the centre of everything?
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HAMAS MASIP - 5 HISTORIAS POR CONTAR | Casino l'Aliança del Poblenou

Mar 22, 2025 (UTC+1)
Join the celebration of the 5th anniversary of Hamas Masip at the annual event, "Hamas Masip - 5 Historias por Contar", set to take place in Barcelona on March 22, 2025. The event will be hosted at the prestigious Casino l'Aliança del Poblenou located at 42 Rambla del Poblenou, 08005 Barcelona. Stay tuned for the official announcement of the venue on all social media platforms. Immerse yourself in the captivating stories and vibrant atmosphere of this milestone event. Ticket prices range from €16.86 to €22.41. Mark your calendars and be part of this memorable occasion.

Masterclass amb Brecht Evens | Fundació Conservatori Liceu

Mar 25, 2025 (UTC+1)
Fine Art
Sueños psicodélicos, espacios mutantes multicolores, personajes en busca de respuestas a preguntas no formuladas... El universo gráfico y narrativo de Brecht Evens descansa, inevitablemente, en un mundo mucho menos libre de lo que a priori puede parecer. Constructos sociales, privilegios e imaginarios compartidos que nos sitúan a todos en lugares comunes y que el artista belga quiere identificar, señalar y compartir en esta masterclass en la que repasará toda su obra de manera crítica y consciente. Information Source: eventbrite

PHOTO FORUM FEST 2025 | Palacio de Congresos de Barcelona

Mar 26, 2025 (UTC+1)
Fine Art
EL MAYOR FESTIVAL DE FOTOGRAFÍA DE EUROPA Accede a la feria comercial y a más de 35 keynotes gratuitas en Fira de Barcelona los días 26, 27 y 28 de marzo de 2025. Todo en el marco de Photo Forum Fest 2025. MUCHO MÁS QUE UNA FERIA DE FOTOGRAFÍA Photo Forum Fest alberga en un mismo recinto: 3.000 metros de feria y zona comercial con las marcas de referencia del sector fotográfico y del vídeo.Más de 35 charlas gratuitas con los mejores fotógrafos en sus disciplinas.3 congresos de fotografía y vídeo (con entradas a la venta aquí) con ponencias magistrales de los fotógrafos más reconocidos internacionalmente en el gran Palacio de Congresos en Fira de Barcelona. Information Source: Photo Forum Fest | eventbrite

PHOTO FORUM FEST 2025: 26, 27 y 28 de Marzo | Palacio de Congresos de Barcelona

Mar 26, 2025 (UTC+1)
Fine Art
EL MAYOR FESTIVAL DE FOTOGRAFÍA DE EUROPA Accede a la feria comercial y a más de 35 keynotes gratuitas en Fira de Barcelona los días 26, 27 y 28 de marzo de 2025. Todo en el marco de Photo Forum Fest 2025. MUCHO MÁS QUE UNA FERIA DE FOTOGRAFÍA Photo Forum Fest alberga en un mismo recinto: 3.000 metros de feria y zona comercial con las marcas de referencia del sector fotográfico y del vídeo.Más de 35 charlas gratuitas con los mejores fotógrafos en sus disciplinas.3 congresos de fotografía y vídeo (con entradas a la venta aquí) con ponencias magistrales de los fotógrafos más reconocidos internacionalmente en el gran Palacio de Congresos en Fira de Barcelona. Information Source: Photo Forum Fest | eventbrite

B-Travel 2025 | Fira Barcelona Montjuïc

Mar 28–Mar 30, 2025 (UTC-5)
Travel & Tourism
The B-Travel in Barcelona is divided into specific areas of tourism and trade fair for professionals willing private travel The B-Travel in Barcelona is divided into specific areas of tourism and trade fair for professionals willing private travel. B-Travel 2020 display products like travel agencies, tourism services, tour operating services, tour packaging, tour agents and other travelling solutions and services etc. Information Source: Fira de Barcelona | expotobi

Spanish Open Streetboard Championship 2025 | The Ungravity Academy Skatepark Indoor

Mar 29, 2025 (UTC+1)
L'Hospitalet de Llobregat
Sports & Fitness
Get ready for the Spanish Open 2025! As part of the Streetboard World Series, this year’s Spanish Open will take place at Ungravity Skatepark, known for its top-class facilities and vibrant streetboard community. Join us for an unforgettable weekend with streetboarders from around the world in the stunning city of Barcelona! Tickets must be purchased in advance to compete. The deadline for ticket sales is Saturday 15th of March. Your ticket covers park entry and registration for all competition disciplines. Spectators are welcome to watch for free! Open to all abilities, nationalities, and genders, the competition will feature Street, Miniramp, and will have a Cash for Tricks Jam. Stay tuned for full competition details soon. Follow us on Instagram for updates @asso.catalana.streetboard Information Source: Associació Catalana de Streetboard | eventbrite

EPILOGUE [contra]panorama | Barcelona Museum of Contemporary Art

Oct 24, 2024–Apr 21, 2025 (UTC+1)
[contra]panorama is the second edition of the triennial Panorama. It is intended as an extended exercise that interprets the title of the project literally in order to question both the relevance of the triennial (or biennial) format and its ability to offer a panoramic image of the present.There is a desperate optimism in biennials’ and triennials’ repeated attempts to define the present and plant their flag in the future. Somehow, they are always late to the party. The accelerated pace at which the art system picks up and discards its chosen themes of interest only exacerbates that feeling that everything is getting old prematurely. Now that the future has ceased to be the repository of all the unfulfilled promises of modernity and become instead the source of our planetary anxieties, what is the point of continuing to organise biennials? As an institution that serves to arrange the modern and make it legible, does the museum have any legitimacy left?
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From Montmartre to Montparnasse. Catalan artists in Paris, 1889-1914Continue up to dat | Museum Picasso Antibes

Nov 22, 2024–Mar 30, 2025 (UTC+1)
The Paris that Catalan creators knew at the beginning of the 20th century was the world capital of modern art and the cradle of avant-garde experimentation. Painters, engravers, illustrators, musicians, interpreters, writers, journalists and other personages embodied their perception of the city of light in works that we can now contemplate together in this major exhibition.

From Montmartre to Montparnasse. Catalan artists in Paris, 1889-1914Continue up to dat | Museum Picasso Antibes

Nov 22, 2024–Mar 30, 2025 (UTC+1)
The Paris that Catalan creators knew at the beginning of the 20th century was the world capital of modern art and the cradle of avant-garde experimentation. Painters, engravers, illustrators, musicians, interpreters, writers, journalists and other personages embodied their perception of the city of light in works that we can now contemplate together in this major exhibition.

Carlos Motta. Pleas of Resistance | Barcelona Museum of Contemporary Art

Feb 21–Oct 26, 2025 (UTC+1)
The exhibition Pleas of Resistance traverses more than twenty-five years of practice by the artist Carlos Motta, who consistently engages with the body and sexual dissidence as a terrain of experimentation and political contestation. His early explorations of photographic self-portraiture are shown alongside his most recent performances and video installations. The exhibition explores the magnitude of Motta’s artistic research and its implacable rigor in relation to the archive, interrogating its violence, its silencing and its desires. Motta’s work challenges the imposition of Eurocentric epistemologies – from the time of the conquest and colonial period in the Americas to the present day – and considers the legacy of religion as a perpetrator and disturbing vehicle of coloniality.
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Giovanni Ghizzani and Lisa Rudy | Velvet Room

Mar 15–Mar 16, 2025 (UTC+1)
Lisa Rudy, una vocalista de talento con una voz cautivadora y un estilo de gran riqueza emocional, une sus fuerzas al virtuoso pianista Giovanni Ghizzani, famoso por su elegancia y sensibilidad musical. Juntos, crean una experiencia inolvidable, mezclando jazz, soul y música contemporánea en un concierto lleno de magia y conexión. Una velada que promete transportarle a través de su arte y pasión por la música. Information Source: Velvet Room Bcn | eventbrite


Mar 16, 2025 (UTC+1)
A Borneo, al límit de la gran selva tropical, Keria acull un nadó orangutà trobat a la plantació de palmes d'oli on treballa el seu pare. Juntament amb el seu cosí Selaï i el nadó orangutà, Keria lluitarà contra la destrucció del bosc, una aventura que li permetrà connectar amb els seus orígens. Una faula ecològica plena de personatges commovedors i valents que no només aborda la conservació del medi ambient, sinó també com la crisi climàtica afegeix una pressió emocional a les persones i animals afectats, que pateixen directament els impactes de la destrucció del seu entorn. A través d'aquesta història, s'hi convida a reflexionar sobre la importància de protegir la natura. Aquesta projecció forma part del programa ACCIÓ>CINEMA. Information Source: Brain Film Fest 2025 | eventbrite


Mar 16, 2025 (UTC+1)
Sentim el cinema és un taller vivencial que permet als participants experimentar com percep el cinema una persona amb discapacitat visual o auditiva. Mitjançant la projecció de curtmetratges amb diferents formats d’accessibilitat (audiodescripció, subtítols per a sords), els assistents reflexionaran sobre les estratègies compensatòries, la diversitat i la comprensió de les necessitats d'accessibilitat. Information Source: Brain Film Fest 2025 | eventbrite


Mar 16, 2025 (UTC+1)
El taller creatiu de l'ONG Coloria convida els nens a endinsar-se en l'univers de Els batecs de Mubaki , un conte sobre un nadó ximpanzé que veu com la seva vida canvia després d’un incident misteriós. A través de dinàmiques lúdiques, els participants decidiran com volen que acabi la història, explorant la seva creativitat i imaginació. Al final del taller, cada participant rebrà un joc de Cartes de Creativitat Coloria, per continuar creant històries a casa i on vulguin, com a record d’una experiència única d’aprenentatge i diversió. Aquest taller també té com a objectiu sensibilitzar sobre el respecte a la natura dels animals salvatges i el tracte que donem al medi ambient en general, profundament afectat pel canvi climàtic. A través de la història de Mubaki, els nens podran reflexionar mentre posen en joc la seva creativitat. Information Source: Brain Film Fest 2025 | eventbrite

Sunday Bread Show · Открытый микрофон на русском языке | The Comedy Clubhouse

Mar 16, 2025 (UTC+1)
Воскресный вечер полного бреда и веселья!Комеди клаб хаус начинает регулярные открытые микрофоны на русском языке ! Каждое первое и третье воскресенье месяца вы можете увидеть комиков из разных стран, оказавшихся в Барселоне. Оцените новый материал, улучшенные старые шутки, и просто хорошо проведите время! Билеты по ссылке онлайн 5 EUR Билеты на входе 7 EUR Начало в 19:00 Information Source: The Comedy Clubhouse BCN | eventbrite

Finestres - Encuentro: Ignacio Martínez de Pisón y Juan Trejo | Llibreria Finestres

Mar 17, 2025 (UTC+1)
Literary Arts
Ropa de casa (Seix Barral) y Nela 1979 (Tusquets) ofrecen dos personalísimas visiones de la Barcelona de finales de los setenta. Invitamos a sus autores, Ignacio Martínez Pisón y Juan Trejo a conversar sobre estas, sus obras más recientes. *** Ignacio Martínez de Pisón fue niño en el Logroño de los sesenta, muchacho en la Zaragoza de los setenta y aprendiz de novelista en la Barcelona de los ochenta. Ropa de casa es el apasionante retrato de formación de uno de los autores más sólidos de nuestra narrativa, unas memorias literarias que reflejan los profundos cambios vividos por la sociedad española, que en muy poco tiempo pasa de una rancia dictadura a una democracia consolidada que se integra en Europa. El libro dialoga a la perfección con Nela 1979, historia de no ficción que parte de la familia de Juan Trejo y que tiene como centro la muerte de su hermana Nela, víctima mortal de la heroína a los 21 años. Nela era rebelde, curiosa intelectualmente y precoz en muchos sentidos; se fue de casa con apenas dieciséis años para vivir una vida libre, más allá de las costumbres y la cultura de sus padres. Y Nela no tardó en interesarse por los movimientos políticos y culturales del momento. *** Ignacio Martínez de Pisón nació en Zaragoza en 1960 y reside en Barcelona desde 1982. Es autor de más de quince libros, entre los que destacan las novelas La ternura del dragón (1984); Carreteras secundarias (1996); El tiempo de las mujeres (2003); Dientes de leche (2008), galardonada con el Premio San Clemente y el Premio Giuseppe Acerbi; El día de mañana (2011), por la que recibió el Premio de la Crítica, el Premio Ciutat de Barcelona y el Premio de las Letras Aragonesas; La buena reputación (2014), Premio Nacional de Narrativa y Premio Cálamo al Libro del Año; Derecho natural (2017); Fin de temporada (2020) y Castillos de fuego (2023). También ha publicado los ensayos Enterrar a los muertos (2005), que obtuvo los premios Rodolfo Walsh y Dulce Chacón y fue unánimemente elogiado por la crítica en varios países europeos, y Filek: El estafador que engañó a Franco (2018); el libro de relatos Aeropuerto de Funchal (2009) y sus memorias bajo el título Ropa de casa (2024). Su obra está traducida a una docena de idiomas. Juan Trejo (Barcelona, 1970), licenciado en filología hispánica por la Universidad de Barcelona, fue miembro del consejo de redacción de la desaparecida revista Lateral y codirector de la revista literaria Quimera. Ejerce como traductor literario y colabora en la revista Altaïr Magazine. Su primera novela, El fin de la Guerra Fría, fue celebrada como «un soberbio ejercicio de recuperación de la sentimentalidad escrito con herramientas nuevas» (Robert Juan-Cantavella). En 2014, La máquina del porvenir se alzó con el X Premio Tusquets Editores de Novela, en opinión del jurado por su «formidable despliegue narrativo y su ambición fabuladora». La otra parte del mundo fue su tercera novela, de la que se dijo que era una «fábula originalísima y trascendente disfrazada de novela estándar» (Carlos Robles, Quimera). También es autor de la originalísima La barrera del sonido (2019). Information Source: Llibreria Finestres | eventbrite

Acting b y the Book | The BCN Studio

Mar 17, 2025 (UTC+1)
About The EventFull workshop series 180€ | Individual session 35€ In this workshop, Brielle Jobe will take you through the classics of acting teachers and techniques with a concentration on Sanford Meisner and Susanna Bloch's Alba Emoting along with an overview of all the names you've heard but never truly known: Stanislavski, Gratowski, Strasberg, Artaud... Laugh, cry, and scream through the 20th century of acting philosophies while learning their secrets along the way and how to apply them to whatever you do onstage. This course is perfect for beginner actors or seasoned stand-ups and improvisers - even if comedy is your calling, this class will give you a brand new foundation of performing and tons of new practices to add to your toolkit! Breakdown of the sessions Day 1, March 17: Method Acting - what is it and why is it actually insane? Day 2, March 18: The Actor's Neutral - get into your voice and body Day 3, March 31: Sanford Meisner - acting is reacting, the magical What-if Day 4, April 1: Trust Your Gut - Jerzy Grotowski and Impulse Work Day 5, April 7: Emotions are Hard - Alba Emoting and Physicality Day 6, April 8: Bring Your Story to Life - how acting serves your craft and your everyday life Teacher Bio: Brielle Jobe Brielle has called the stage home since she was a child, beginning her acting career and training at just eight years old. She's since been in over 50 productions plus countless miscellaneous sketches and side projects after beginning improv training at age 13 and playwrighting at 14. She earned her Bachelor of Fine Arts in Musical Theatre Performance at Catawba College - where she served as the captain of their improv team and completed her thesis entitled: Found in Translation: Multi-lingual Theatre in the Fight Against Xenophobia, in tandem to premiering an original play, Beyond the Grave. She's trained with companies like Strangemen & Co., the Maryland Ensemble Theatre, and CenterStage (Baltimore, MD USA). With almost two decades of experience under her belt as actor, playwright, choreographer, and technician, Brielle is the recipient of an Irene Ryan nomination for her portrayal in the titular role of Dr. Cecilia Payne Gaposhkin in the world premiere of Sister of the Stars (Salisbury NC, USA 2018), a professionally produced playwright, and now serves here in Barcelona as the host of two open mics, a resident player on two improv teams, a dialect/acting coach, and the Technical Director of Lighting at the BCN Studio. What people think about Brielle's teaching Brielle is a talented and professional coach with a wide range of knowledge on stage presence, acting and storytelling which all informed the development of my comedy show for Edinburgh Fringe. - Michelle Ahern, We've Had a Good Run “Before Brielle's lessons, I had no idea how certain American sounds were made, and at times, my English wasn’t clear on stage when doing character voices. Thanks to her, I now feel much more confident in my speaking, both in daily life and while performing.” - Thierry Lapouge, Typical Adult Behavior Information Source: The BCN Studio | eventbrite

March Improv Jam with TBC Spain | Teatre de l'Enjòlit

Mar 17, 2025 (UTC+1)
TBC's Monthly Improv Jam Come and play, YAY! An improv jam is a fun inclusive event where absolutely all are welcome, no improv experience required. We all play some improv games together, have some laughs, meet other improvisers and generally be merry. Whether you've taken improv classes before or you will be dipping your toes into improv for the first time, we'll be happy to play with you. Note: This is nota workshop, performance, nor open mic nightLimited tickets available, so buy early! Tickets: €5 online, €7 on the door Information Source: TBC Improv Spain | eventbrite

Portes Obertes a Deià: Grau Mitjà Gràfica Impresa i Gràfica Interactiva | Deià Escola d'Art i Disseny

Mar 17, 2025 (UTC+1)
A l’hora d’escollir on estudiar és indispensable tenir tota la informació possible per tal de prendre la decisió més adequada. Si assisteixes a les jornades de portes obertes de Deià, podràs conèixer: — Informació pràctica sobre tots els estudis, com les proves d’accés o el procés de preinscripció — Presentació del pla d’estudis i la metodologia. — Les instal·lacions del centre. — També podràs resoldre tots els dubtes que et puguin sorgir. Així que ja saps, registra’t a les teves Portes Obertes per tal d’assistir i coneix-nos de més a prop. Recorda que si vols pots venir acompanyat amb la família o els amics. T’hi esperem! Més informació dels cicles de grau mitjà: Information Source: Deià Escola d'Art i Disseny | eventbrite

No sé res. Retratar la incertesa. | Casa Blackie

Mar 18, 2025 (UTC+1)
Fine Art
Discover the essence of uncertainty at the "No sé res. Retratar la incertesa" event in Barcelona. Held at Casa Blackie on March 18, 2025, this thought-provoking exhibition delves into the concept of uncertainty through various artistic expressions. Admission is free, allowing all to contemplate the intricacies of the unknown. Immerse yourself in a unique experience at 29 Carrer de la Providència, 08024 Barcelona, and explore the depths of uncertainty in a serene and enlightening atmosphere.

Portes Obertes a Deià: Batxillerat d'arts | Deià Escola d'Art i Disseny

Mar 18, 2025 (UTC+1)
Fine Art
A l’hora d’escollir on estudiar és indispensable tenir tota la informació possible per tal de prendre la decisió més adequada. Si assisteixes a les jornades de portes obertes de Deià, podràs conèixer: — Informació pràctica sobre tots els estudis — Presentació del pla d’estudis i la metodologia — Les instal·lacions del centre — També podràs resoldre tots els dubtes que et puguin sorgir Així que ja saps, registra’t a les teves Portes Obertes per tal d’assistir i coneix-nos de més a prop. Recorda que si vols pots venir acompanyat amb la família o els amics. T’hi esperem! Més informació sobre els estudis de batxillerat d'arts: Information Source: Deià Escola d'Art i Disseny | eventbrite

SENSUAL VIBES, BCN Bachata Social! Free Bachata Class w cover, and more! | Hyde Club Barcelona

Mar 19–Mar 20, 2025 (UTC+1)
We are excited to announce the partnership between BACHATA SENSUAL RADIO and HYDE CLUB BCN to bring the Barcelona Bachata community a NEW social dance event!! Come alone or with friends and meet amazing people that share the passion to dance!! All levels welcomed!! 22:00 Doors Open22:30 Dance class by SERGI & MARTA (English & Spanish)23:15 Bachata Social, music by BSR's DJ SEDANOHave a birthday?! Celebrate with us! Join our WhatsApp group chat to stay updated with ALL Barcelona Bachata events! Follow us on IG: Any questions message us via WhatsApp +34 696 033 197 *THIS IS A PAID EVENT, PAY AT DOOR ONLY* €8. ENTRANCE ONLY or €10. w 1 drink included! Information Source: Bachata Sensual Radio | eventbrite

Portes Obertes a Deià: Grau Superior Videojocs i Realitat Virtual | Deià Escola d'Art i Disseny

Mar 19, 2025 (UTC+1)
A l’hora d’escollir on estudiar és indispensable tenir tota la informació possible per tal de prendre la decisió més adequada. Si assisteixes a les jornades de portes obertes de Deià, podràs conèixer: — Informació pràctica sobre tots els estudis, com les proves d’accés o el procés de preinscripció — Presentació del pla d’estudis i la metodologia — Les instal·lacions del centre — També podràs resoldre tots els dubtes que et puguin sorgir Així que ja saps, registra’t a les teves Portes Obertes per tal d’assistir i coneix-nos de més a prop. Recorda que si vols pots venir acompanyat amb la família o els amics. T’hi esperem! Més informació sobre els cicles de gràfica audiovisual: Mira el nostre reel (vídeo de youtube) Information Source: Deià Escola d'Art i Disseny | eventbrite

Nicole Travolta is Doing Alright | Almeria Teatre

Mar 19, 2025 (UTC+1)
Nicole Travolta's solo show spotlighting her journey from financial struggles to personal triumph.Nicole Travolta shines in Doing Alright, a captivating solo performance detailing her journey from financial struggles to personal liberation, tackling debt, divorce, and the weight of her famous surname through the lens of shocking spray tanning escapades. Unveiling Hollywood's hidden world of spray tanning, Travolta, a master storyteller, introduces audiences to her clients by way of her spot on impressions, navigating the repercussions of her past reckless spending. Praised by LA Times for her candidness on money matters, and hailed by Broadway Baby for her authenticity, 'Doing Alright' hits Golem's Almeria Theatre after successful engagements in Los Angeles, Las Vegas, Pittsburgh, the Edinburgh Festival Fringe, San Francisco, and most recently making her New York Off-Broadway debut at the Soho Playhouse. Information Source: eventbrite

BREXICO · STAND UP COMEDY SHOW | Belgian Beers and Food Bar & Cafe - IMPRFCTO

Mar 19, 2025 (UTC+1)
Brexico is an hour of stand-up comedy that is half Mexican, half British, full Madness. It features two comedy aliens, Andy Casper and Héctor Ayala, making light of their experiences of living as immigrants in Barcelona. This show did a full run at the Edinburgh Fringe Festival in 2022 and has been performed periodically since. It is a special treat for the Barcelona to have this show back for one more time. Héctor(@standuphector) Héctor Ayala is an established stand-up comedian in the Barcelona English speaking scene. Starting in the comedy circuit in Barcelona in 2018, Hector quickly grew to become one of the local favorites with his highly energetic story telling. He currently hosts Basemint Comedy - one of Barcelona's most renowned stand up comedy shows - and formerly co-produced Uranus Comedy with Andy Casper, a comedy showcase with the best comedians of the local scene and abroad which had featured Michelle Wolf, Ngaio Bealum, and Preacher Lawson. Some of his most impactful features include performing in several showcases around diverse cities such as Edinburgh (EdFringe 2022), Amsterdam, Berlin, Basel, and Luxembourg, opening in Barcelona for Michelle Wolf, La Cotorrisa (Mexico) and Hablando Huevadas (Peru); as well as appearing as a finalist in National Romanian Television (iUmor 2023, Stand-Up Revolution 2022) Andy(@andy_casper_comedian) Andy Casper is part clown part stand up comedian. He mixes improvisation with written material, giving his performances a unique quality that make him stand out from the crowd. He is playful, bright, and optimistic. An hour with Andy is guaranteed to get you smiling. He is the host of Imprfcto Comedy, Barcelona's longest running stand up comedy show in English. He has shared the stage with comedy heavyweights such as Michelle Wolf, Mike Rice, Kyla Cobbler, and Josh Glanc. Andy has studied clowning with the legendary Viggo Venn and is a constant student of the discipline. He regularly performs around Europe and the UK. Andy has been a regular performer at the Edinburgh Fringe Festival in recent years. In August 2023, he took his debut hour there and enjoyed a successful run with over 15 sell out shows. In August 2024, his clown show Bone Man Rides Again was a cult hit in Edinburgh with many audiences chanting ''Bone Man!'' in the streets of the Scottish capital. He has won awards for his comedy in Barcelona including ''Most Dedicated to Nonsense'' in both 2022 and 2024 at the annual Clubbies. Show details: Date: Wednesday 19th of March Time: 20:00 Location: Imprfcto Bar, Av. Paralel 104 Price: Pay What You Want Information Source: Andy Casper | eventbrite

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