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Art in Berlin 1880 – 1980. From the Collection | Berlin
Jan 1, 2023–Dec 31, 2026 (UTC+1)
The Berlinische Galerie has devoted over 1000 square metres to presenting its collection. Waiting to be discovered among the roughly 250 works on show are paintings, prints, photographs, architecture and archive materials rarely or never displayed before.
Walking around this exhibition is like time travel and takes visitors through Berlin in 17 chapters: the Kaiser’s era, the Weimar Republic, the Nazi dictatorship, the new beginnings after 1945, Cold War in the divided city, and the counter-cultures and unconventional lifestyles that evolved in East and West under the shadow of the Wall. In East Berlin, an alternative art community developed from the late 1970s. In West Berlin from the late 1970s, aggressive art by the “Neue Wilden” placed the divided city back in the international limelight.
LAS presents: Alexandra Daisy Ginsberg: Pollinator Pathmaker | Berlin
Jun 20, 2023–Nov 1, 2026 (UTC+1)
LAS Art Foundation is pleased to present Pollinator Pathmaker, a living artwork and participatory project conceived by artist Alexandra Daisy Ginsberg. This impactful initiative in interspecies art uses algorithmic technology to generate planting schemes for gardens, computed to support the greatest diversity of pollinating insects possible. It signals a shift toward the post-anthropocentric thinking necessary to face the current climate and biodiversity crises, and toward the non-human aesthetics and experimental formats that pave the way. Ambitious and future-minded, it is exemplary of how art can act as a driver for change, and offer new perspectives on our shared planet.
Growing in the forecourt of the Museum für Naturkunde Berlin, the LAS- commissioned garden will be the first edition outside of the UK. LAS has committed to amplifying Pollinator Pathmaker’s impact by undertaking an extensive public campaign, which calls upon local communities, hobby gardeners and activists to get involved in pollinator protection by planting their own version of the artwork – what the artist refers to as DIY Editions – via Ginsberg’s free online tool: www.pollinator.art.
Responding to the alarming decline in pollinator populations in recent decades, Ginsberg has worked with horticulturalists, pollinator experts and an AI scientist to devise an algorithmic tool that designs bespoke gardens for pollinating insects. Supported by the Museum für Naturkunde Berlin, the LAS Edition will be customised for Continental Europe, and will feature more than 7,000 plants of 80 different varieties, planted over a 722-square-metre plot.
Bond In Motion | German Spy Museum
Apr 1, 2024–Sep 30, 2025 (UTC+1)
The International Spy Museum is proud to host this official exhibition of iconic vehicles, all used on-screen by 007 and his many allies and adversaries. While James Bond is a fictional character, he embodies the spirit of many real spies in this museum. These men and women, from around the world, were inspired by over six decades of the Bond film franchise and its enduring cultural influence.
Bond In Motion is a celebration of six decades of 007 vehicles. The exhibition features 17 iconic pieces from the EON Productions Archive and the Ian Fleming Foundation. Props, models scale and clips from the films are also on show alongside cars, motorcycles, submarines, and more from the Q Branch garage.
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zkm_gameplay. the next level | Berlin
Sep 29, 2022–Dec 31, 2025 (UTC+1)
The exhibition is aimed at gamers of all ages, but also at visitors who have little experience with computer games.
The fact that computer games have developed into a leading medium is no longer a daring thesis. The social and aesthetic significance of the interactive and multimedia medium can no longer be overlooked. The computer game has freed itself from its origins as a laboratory experiment and toy and has become "the" medium of digital society, somewhere between pop culture, entertainment and art.
With the opening of the exhibition »The World of Games« in the fall of 1997, the ZKM was one of the first art institutions worldwide to give video game culture a permanent public platform in an art context. Since then, the ZKM has repeatedly reshaped the presentation of games in a series of different exhibitions.
Goddesses and Consorts Women in Ancient Myth | Altes Museum
May 24, 2024–May 4, 2025 (UTC+1)
Monstrous like Medusa, beautiful like Aphrodite, faithful like Penelope – many women from ancient mythology are known primarily as stereotypes of traditional female roles. Inspired by a surge in new readings of these myths, the Antikensammlung (Collection of Classical Antiquities) is taking a fresh look at the goddesses and heroines.
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Goddesses and Consorts Women in Ancient Myth | Altes Museum
May 24, 2024–May 4, 2025 (UTC+1)
Monstrous like Medusa, beautiful like Aphrodite, faithful like Penelope – many women from ancient mythology are known primarily as stereotypes of traditional female roles. Inspired by a surge in new readings of these myths, the Antikensammlung (Collection of Classical Antiquities) is taking a fresh look at the goddesses and heroines.
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Goddesses and Consorts Women in Ancient Myth | Altes Museum
May 24, 2024–May 4, 2025 (UTC+1)
Monstrous like Medusa, beautiful like Aphrodite, faithful like Penelope – many women from ancient mythology are known primarily as stereotypes of traditional female roles. Inspired by a surge in new readings of these myths, the Antikensammlung (Collection of Classical Antiquities) is taking a fresh look at the goddesses and heroines.
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Goddesses and Consorts Women in Ancient Myth | Altes Museum
May 24, 2024–May 4, 2025 (UTC+1)
Monstrous like Medusa, beautiful like Aphrodite, faithful like Penelope – many women from ancient mythology are known primarily as stereotypes of traditional female roles. Inspired by a surge in new readings of these myths, the Antikensammlung (Collection of Classical Antiquities) is taking a fresh look at the goddesses and heroines.
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Mark Bradford: Keep Walking | Museum for the Present (Museum fur Gegenwart)
Sep 6, 2024–May 18, 2025 (UTC+1)
Mark Bradford, with his layered forms, materials and conceptual complexity, explores the social and political structures that reify marginalized communities and vulnerable groups.
As Bradford's first solo exhibition in Germany, it also marks the reopening of the historic Rick Hall of the Hamburger Bahnhof Museum. On display are 19 works he has created over the past 20 years. The exhibition will travel to the Aijulie Pacific Museum in Seoul in August this year and will be exhibited at the Kunstmuseum Bern in Switzerland in February next year.
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Mark Bradford: Keep Walking | Museum for the Present (Museum fur Gegenwart)
Sep 6, 2024–May 18, 2025 (UTC+1)
Mark Bradford, with his layered forms, materials and conceptual complexity, explores the social and political structures that reify marginalized communities and vulnerable groups.
As Bradford's first solo exhibition in Germany, it also marks the reopening of the historic Rick Hall of the Hamburger Bahnhof Museum. On display are 19 works he has created over the past 20 years. The exhibition will travel to the Aijulie Pacific Museum in Seoul in August this year and will be exhibited at the Kunstmuseum Bern in Switzerland in February next year.
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Theater | Weinmeisterhaus - Jugendkulturzentrum Mitte
Sep 2, 2024 (UTC+1)ENDED
Egal, ob du davon träumst, auf der Bühne zu stehen, Theaterstücke selbst zu erschaffen oder einfach nur deine kreative Seite ausleben möchtest, bist du hier genau richtig. Durch eine Vielzahl von Übungen und Spielen lernst du die Grundlagen des Schauspielens, Improvisierens, der Charakterentwicklung und Stückentwicklung kennen.
Mo von 17:30 – 19:00 Uhr | 14 – 27 Jahre alt
Mi von 15:30 – 17:00 Uhr | 8 – 13 Jahre alt *Das Angebot findet an Feiertagen und während der Schulferien nicht statt
Information Source: Weinmeisterhaus Jugendkulturzentrum | eventbrite
Textile Masters to the World: The global desire for Indian cloth | Berlin
The Asian Civilisations Museum presents Textile Masters to the World: The global desire for Indian cloth with a selection of exquisite garments and textiles at its Fashion and Textiles Gallery. Featuring 27 pieces from the National Collection and loans, the exhibition spotlights the historic global impact of textile production in India, and its role as evidence of trade and cultural exchange between India and regions such as the Middle East, Southeast Asia, and Europe from the fourteenth to nineteenth century. From fashion and furnishing, to gift exchange and heirlooms, visitors can marvel at the artistry and craftsmanship of early textile masters, and discover how Indian textiles influenced local designs, materials and fashions wherever they were traded.
Megamarsch 50/12 Berlin bei Nacht 2024 | Sport Centrum Siemensstadt
Aug 31–Sep 1, 2024 (UTC+1)ENDED
Get ready for the ultimate challenge in Berlin! The Megamarsch 50/12 is coming to the city in 2024, and it promises to be an unforgettable adventure. Starting at sunset on Saturday evening, participants will embark on a 50km hike through the night, facing the challenge head-on as they make their way towards the sunrise. This circular route will test both physical and mental strength, as participants push themselves to complete the distance in just 12 hours. For most people, walking even 20km in one go is a feat in itself, which is why those who conquer this challenge will receive a certificate of achievement. Milestones at 30km and 40km also come with their own certificates. But if you're truly up for the challenge, you'll earn the esteemed 50km certificate and a place in the Megamarsch 50/12 Hall of Fame. And for those who feel ready for more, there's even a 100km Megamarsch to conquer. Don't miss out on this incredible opportunity for an adventure of a lifetime. Join the Megamarsch 50/12 Berlin bei Nacht 2024!
Dragoholic by Judy LaDivina | Tipsy Bear, Eberswalder Straße, Berlin, Germany
Sep 2, 2024 (UTC+1)ENDED
ACCESSIBILITY AND SAFETY: this event, like any event at Tipsy Bear Berlin, is a safer space designed and operated by and for LGBTQIA+ people and BIPOC. We stand firmly against racism, sexism, homophobia, transphobia, and hate of any kind. We stand FOR abundance, consensual pleasure, communal joy, and full presence. Come with respect and kindness. Our bar is wheelchair accessible. We are a smoking bar, guests must be 18+ to enter. Doors open at 18h everyday. Happy Hour from 18h-19h30 daily, 2-4-1 on Pils, Wine, and Spritz NOTE: A ticket for this event does not guarantee entry. Our staff has the final say. If you are not respectful to our safer space - if there is any complaint from our staff, artists, or guests - then you will be turned away or asked to leave and your ticket will be refunded. --- It's DRAGOHOLIC time welcome to the iconic stage for emerging drag talents, brought to you by the beautiful birthing hips of Berlin's most prolific drag mother, Judy LaDivina. this is a show to celebrate each other and celebrate the art of drag! for newcomers and superfans alike. Dragoholics don't need rehab, they just need more drag. LINEUP TBA
Doors at 6pm Showtime 19:30
Tell your babes, come together 😻
#dragoholicberlin #dragshow #berlin #berlindrag #dragberlin #dragqueen #dragking #dragthing #queerart #tipsybearberlin #queerberlin #childrenoftherevolution #wearefamily #dragfamily #freedom #beauty #truth #love ❤️
Information Source: Tipsy Bear Berlin | eventbrite
Urban Comedy | Die Apotheken Bar
Sep 2, 2024 (UTC+1)ENDED
URBAN COMEDY Das verrückteste Comedy Open Mic Berlins. Es erwarten euch 6 verschiedene Comedians, sowohl Newcomer als auch Profis, die ihren neuesten, heißesten Scheiß testen. Als wenn das noch nicht reichen würde, gibt es jede Menge Musik-Gewinnspiele mit einzigartigen Preisen. Also Spaß ohne Ende und Gewinne, Gewinne, Gewinne!!! Jeden ersten Montag im Monat, in der Apotheken Bar Kreuzberg!
Information Source: Oskar Wolf Comedy | eventbrite
82Berlin EXTRA - Türkçe Stand-up Komedi | BAVUL - Kunst & Kultur Café
Sep 4, 2024 (UTC+1)ENDED
Hallo Berlin!Biz 82Berlin , göçmenlerden oluşan yeni Türkçe stand up komedi topluluğuyuz. Kim miyiz? Yazar, influencer, podcaster gibi mizahın farklı dallarından çıkıp Berlin'de bunca zamandır niye yoktu yahu dediğimiz Türkçe standup şovları için bir araya gelmiş bir grup insanız. Güneşe hasret geçen yaz sonrası havalardan hep birlikte söylenip, azıcık gördüğümüz güneşe şükür etmek ve yüzünüzü güldürmek için 82Berlin EXTRA yı gerçekleştiriyoruz. Deneyimli komedyenlerin en komik hikayelerine yer verdiğimiz EXTRA şovumuzda, ausländerbehörde travmaları, kötü date anıları, küçük tatlı ırkçılıklar, Almanlarla olan sevgi-nefret ilişkisi ve yeni göçmenlerin tatlı telaşı hikayeleriyle Berlin'de Türkçe mizaha katılmaya davetlisiniz. Hepinizi aramızda görmek için sabırsızlanıyoruz! Kapı Açılış: 19:30 Show: 20:00 (Çok geç kalmayın, bu saatte başlarız) Etkinlik Kuralları: (LÜTFEN OKUYUNUZ) Etkinligimiz +18 ögeler içermektedir.Hassasiyetlerinizi etkinliğe girerken ücretsiz vestiyerimize bırakıp, etkinlik çıkışında sağ salim teslim alabilirsiniz.Gösteride fotoğraf çekip @82berlinstandup Instagram hesabını etiketleyebilirsiniz. Ancak video ve ses kaydı almanız bizi üzer, silmenizi rica ederiz.Burada yaptığınız rezervasyonlarınız gösteri başlangıcından 15 dakika öncesine kadar geçerli olacaktır. Herkesin birbirini ghostladığı bu şehirde, komedi şovunu da ghostlamayıp gelirsiniz diye düşünüyoruz.Gösteri esnasında sigara içmek yasaktır. Öncesinde, arasında ve sonrasında sigara içme alanları mevcuttur, dilediğiniz tütün ve türevini tüketebilirsiniz.Dışarıdan yiyecek icecek lütfen getirmeyiniz.Sahnedeki komedyenleri ve şovu sabote etmeden gönlünüzce eğlenebilirsiniz.Görüşürüz, Öptük <3
Information Source: 82Berlin Stand Up | eventbrite
Tanz | Weinmeisterhaus - Jugendkulturzentrum Mitte
Sep 5, 2024 (UTC+1)ENDED
Bereit, deinen Beat zu finden und neue Moves auszuprobieren? Hier lernst du die Grundlagen unterschiedlicher Tänze einschließlich Choreografie, Rhythmus, Bewegungskoordination und Ausdruck. Egal, ob du dich für Streetdance, Modern oder Improvisation interessierst – hier ist für jeden was dabei! Do von 15:30 – 17:00 Uhr | 8 – 12 Jahre alt *Das Angebot findet an Feiertagen und während der Schulferien nicht statt
Information Source: Weinmeisterhaus Jugendkulturzentrum | eventbrite
Women´´ s World V-Women in Revolt Berlin Edition-International Art Performance Evening | Untergeschoss der Pandora Art Gallery
Sep 5, 2024 (UTC+1)ENDED
Women's World V-Women in Revolt Berlin Edition-International Art Performance Evening Welcome to an electrifying evening celebrating women in art! Join us for a mesmerizing showcase of international artists showcasing their talents through various performances. From dance to music, poetry to visual arts, this event promises to be a feast for the senses. Let's unite in revolt against conventions and norms, and revel in the creativity and power of female artists worldwide. Don't miss this unique opportunity to participate in a cultural revolution!
Information Source: Untergeschoss der Pandora Gallery and Alexandra Holownia | eventbrite
Intuitive dance & improvisation to westafrican drum rhythms | Groove - Zentrum für Percussion
Sep 7, 2024 (UTC+1)ENDED
A space of experience for free dance in dialogue with djembé and dunduns (bass drums) and the wonderful voice of Toumany Fofana. An inner impulse finds expression in an outer movement, becomes visible in dance. Feel the joy and well-being of letting go of everything through dance and finding your own expression in movement. No specific dance experience necessary - let yourself be guided by your inner feeling, your resonance to the music and the rhythm of the drums. Description of what to expect:
We start with guided bodywork on the floor and from here we find a transition into personal creative movement development and dance improvisation in the space. You can be for yourself or meet the others in the group.
Afterwards, the dance intensifies again in the dialogue of each dancer with the drummers. Carried by the energy of the group and the powerful rhythms, you deepen your own expression of movement and expand your variety of dance movements. Live-Music: Toumany Fofana and Wolfram Blechner I am looking forward to seeing you!
Information Source: Amrit Quandte | eventbrite
tanz:digital Ticket Eröffnungstag | Brotfabrik
Sep 11, 2024 (UTC+1)ENDED
Eine Tanzperformance, ein interaktiver Film sowie verschiedenen Try-Outs und Installationen. Ihr habt die Möglichkeit in verschiedene XR-Arbeiten von Tanzkünstler*innen einzutauchen und selbst zu erleben. Dabei könnt Ihr mit den Kunstschaffenden selbst vor Ort in den Austausch gehen und mehr über diespannende digitale Tanzwelt erfahren. A dance performance, an interactive film and various try-outs and installations await you. You will have the opportunity to immerse yourself in various XR works by dance artists and experience them for yourself. You will be able to talk to the artists themselves on site and find out more about the exciting world of digital dance. 15 Uhr Doors Open 17 Uhr Netzwerktreffen 18 Uhr Runder Tisch, Roter Salon 20 Uhr Live Performance, Theaterbühne mit Q&A DJ im Anschluss außerdem Installationen, Austellung und Try Outs.
Information Source: eventbrite
CN X ARTCLUB | Hobrechtstraße 65-66
Sep 12, 2024 (UTC+1)ENDED
CN X ARTCLUB is a trendy gathering place in Berlin for art enthusiasts to come together, share ideas, and collaborate on creating art. Located at Hobrechtstraße 65-66, 12047 Berlin, this upcoming event on September 12, 2024, provides a unique opportunity for artists to connect and showcase their creative talents. Join this vibrant community of artists and immerse yourself in a world of artistic inspiration and collaboration.
DYNABASS the Dancehall, Afrobeats, Amapiano & Reggaeton Party in Berlin | NIGHT
Sep 13–Sep 14, 2024 (UTC+1)ENDED
🔥 **DYNABASS** 🔥NIGHT Club(Kulturbrauerei)Schönhauser Allee 3610435 Berlin(Eingang neben dem Kino, Sredzkistr.)FR. 13.09.2024Door: 23:30 UhrAK: 15,-VVK: 12,-
Line Up:AFROZILLA ( Eazy Lion & MIMIZY aus Berlin )Dynablaster Sound (Berlin/Bielefeld)AFROBEATS / DANCEHALL / AMAPIANO / REGGAETON / SHATTATing called: DYNABASSAFROZILLA, das mittlerweile etablierte DJ-Kollektiv aus Berlin, lässt einen tropischen Sturm an Rhythmen von Afrika bis zur karibischen Diaspora auf Euch niederprasseln. Wer Eazy Lion und Mimizy schon einmal erlebt hat, weiß, wovon die Rede ist. 🥳🥳🥳 Die Mitglieder Eazy Lion und Mimizy spielen Musik von Künstlern wie Burna Boy, Wizkid, Davido, Konshens, Spice und Busy Signal, um Euch zum Ausrasten zu bringen. Und natürlich darf der unverwechselbare Dynablaster Sound nicht fehlen. Diese kreativen Köpfe präsentieren eine vielseitige Palette an Klängen – von mitreißenden Dancehall-Krachern über Afrobeats-Hits, Reggaeton bis hin zu wummernden Amapiano-Beats. Als besonderes Highlight sorgt MC Reen regelmäßig für explosive Stimmung. Sei Teil des DYNABASS-Erlebnisses und feiere mit uns bis in die frühen Morgenstunden. Markiere den 13.09.2024 in deinem Kalender und sichere dir deine Tickets im Vorverkauf. Die Party, die du nicht verpassen darfst! --ENGLISH-- AFROZILLA, the DJ collective from Berlin, brings rhythms from Africa to the Caribbean diaspora. Eazy Lion and Mimizy play hits from Burna Boy, Wizkid, Davido, Konshens, Spice, and Busy Signal. Dynablaster Sound delivers a diverse range of sounds – from Dancehall and Afrobeats to Reggaeton and Amapiano. MC Reen ensures explosive vibes. Be part of the DYNABASS experience and party with us until the early hours. Mark September 13, 2024 in your calendar and get your tickets in advance. The party you can't miss!
Information Source: Dynablaster | eventbrite
Serdar Nalçakar - Bu Yaşıma İyi Geldim - Türkçe Stand-up | BAVUL - Kunst & Kultur Café
Sep 21, 2024 (UTC+1)ENDED
Serdar NALÇAKAR - Bu Yaşıma İyi Geldim
Cahil Köpekler Podcastin Sarı Cahili ve Emekli Twitter trollü Serdar Nalçakar, bu yaşına iyi gelmesine sebep olan anılarını sıralı tam liste halinde tek kişilik gösterisinde çift kişilik performans sergileyerek anlatıyor. Tarih: 21 Eylül 2024 Cumartesi
Kapı Açılışı: 19:30
Başlangıç saati: 20:00
Etkinlik Kuralları: (LÜTFEN OKUYUNUZ)
- Etkinligimiz +18 ögeler içermektedir.
- Hassasiyetlerinizi etkinliğe girerken ücretsiz vestiyerimize bırakıp, etkinlik çıkışında sağ salim teslim alabilirsiniz.
- Gösteride fotoğraf çekip @82berlinstandup ve @serdar.nalcakar Instagram hesabını etiketleyebilirsiniz. Ancak video ve ses kaydı almanız bizi üzer, silmenizi rica ederiz.
- Burada yaptığınız rezervasyonlarınız gösteri başlangıcından 15 dakika sonrasına kadar geçerli olacaktır. Herkesin birbirini ghostladığı bu şehirde, komedi şovunu da ghostlamayıp gelirsiniz diye düşünüyoruz.
- Gösteri esnasında sigara içmek yasaktır. Öncesinde, arasında ve sonrasında sigara içme alanları mevcuttur, dilediğiniz tütün ve türevini tüketebilirsiniz.
- Dışarıdan yiyecek içecek lütfen getirmeyiniz.
- Sahnedeki komedyenleri ve şovu sabote etmeden gönlünüzce eğlenebilirsiniz. Görüşürüz, Öptük <3
Information Source: 82Berlin Stand Up | eventbrite
The Cambridge Footlights International Tour 2024: This Time We Have a Dog | Cosmic Comedy Club Berlin
Sep 23, 2024 (UTC+1)ENDED
From the same group that brought you Stephen Fry, Hugh Laurie, David Mitchell and Robert Webb; 'The most renowned sketch troupe of them all’ (Independent) embark on their annual international tour once again! And This time WE HAVE A DOG!! Six of Cambridge’s funniest comedians are back once again putting on a brand new sketch show featuring some of their funniest sketches yet! And this time they are joined by Footlights Icon and all around superstar Lloyd The Dog. from Shakespeare to Sherlock, celebreties to Satire, and the funniest damn Dog you'll ever see, make sure you catch it at the Accidental Theatre to see the Footlights funniest sketch show yet, you'd be silly to miss it!
Information Source: The Cambridge Footlights | eventbrite
InnoTrans 2024 | Messe Berlin
Sep 24–Sep 27, 2024 (UTC-5)ENDED
InnoTrans 2024, the preeminent international trade fair for transport technology, will take place in Berlin at the esteemed Messe Berlin venue. This highly anticipated event showcases the latest advancements in transport innovation, drawing professionals, experts, and enthusiasts from around the world.
One distinguishing feature that sets InnoTrans apart is its expansive outdoor and track display area. Here, an impressive array of vehicles, ranging from tank wagons to high-speed trains, are exhibited on a dedicated track. Visitors have the unique opportunity to witness these cutting-edge technologies up close, gaining valuable insights into the future of transport.
Taking place from September 24th to September 27th in 2024, InnoTrans 2024 promises to be an exceptional gathering of industry leaders, offering a platform for networking, knowledge sharing, and collaboration. Attendees can expect a comprehensive exhibition featuring the latest products, services, and solutions across various sectors of the transport industry.
With its focus on fostering innovation and facilitating meaningful connections, InnoTrans 2024 is a must-attend event for anyone seeking to stay at the forefront of transport technology. Join industry professionals and visionaries as they converge in Berlin for this unparalleled showcase of advancements in the field. Mark your calendars and prepare to explore the future of transportation at InnoTrans 2024.
INSTRUMENTS IN FLUX | Theaterhaus Berlin Mitte
Sep 25, 2024 (UTC+1)ENDED
Der Workshop „Instruments in Flux“ erforscht die Beziehung zwischen Klang, Bewegung und Kleidung. Der Workshop „Instruments in Flux“ erforscht die Beziehung zwischen Klang, Bewegung und Kleidung. Naledi Majola nimmt die Teilnehmer*innen mit auf die Reise der Entwicklung einer Performance. Wie entsteht performatives Material, wie lassen sich kreative Prozesse erzeugen? Anhand eines persönlichen Kleidungsstücks als Ausgangsmaterials konzentriert sich der Workshop auf den Körper und seine Beziehung zu Kleidung als Instrument. Wie verwandelt ein Kleidungsstück den Körper und wie der Körper das Kleidungsstück? Das Material wird durch freies Schreiben und Improvisationsübungen erforscht; Stimme, Klang, Bewegung und ihre Geschichte und Beziehung zum Körper. Bewegungen und Rhythmen werden entwickelt, inspiriert durch das Kleidungsstück und die Art und Weise, wie wir uns mit ihm verbinden. Am Ende des Workshops werden wir sehen, wie die einzelnen Rhythmen zu einer kollektiven Form, einer gemeinsamen Performance, zusammenkommen können. Sprache: Englisch
Tanzniveau: offen für alle Tanzinteressierten
Barrierefreiheit: nicht barrierefrei
Information Source: Kuyum Arts | eventbrite
Sep 26, 2024 (UTC+1)ENDED
Sarah Naa Ayeley führt in die afrikanische Tanzbewegungen ein, inspiriert von Tänzen aus westafrikanischen Ländern wie Ghana, Senegal, Workshop mit Live-Trommelmusik von Sarah Naa Ayeley Sarah Naa Ayeley führt in die afrikanische Tanzbewegungen ein, inspiriert von Tänzen aus westafrikanischen Ländern wie Ghana, Senegal, Guinea und Gambia. Der Workshop basiert auf der positiven Stimmung der afrikanischen Bewegung sowie verschiedener Bewegungen aus der Diaspora und fördert mit Begeisterung gesundes Selbstvertrauen und erzeugt Glückgefühle. Sprache: Deutsch, Französisch
Tanzniveau: für Anfänger bis Fortgeschrittene
Barrierefreiheit: nicht barrierefrei
Information Source: Kuyum Arts | eventbrite
THE NUT‘S AND BUTT‘S SHOW* *Drag & more by Hayzel Butt | Kleine Freiheit
Sep 27, 2024 (UTC+1)ENDED
Die kleine Freiheit in Neukölln lädt jeden letzten Freitag im Monat zu einer brandneuen Showreihe ein. „The Nut‘s and Butt‘s Show“, bietet dem Publikum eine spannende Abwechslung zwischen Stand-up Comedy und Dragperformce. „Drag & more“ schafft Sichtbarkeit für Queers und FLINTA* im berliner Abendprogramm. Der Erlöse dieser Show richtet sich an das Tierheim Berlin. Der Abend wird von der Dragqueen Hayzel Butt moderiert. Start: 19:30 Uhr Eintritt: kostenlos Wo: kleine Freiheit in Neukölln, Nansenstr. 31 Get ready for a hilarious and cheeky show filled with nutty and bootylicious entertainment! Drag&stand-up Comedy
Information Source: Hayzel Butt | eventbrite
Kreatives Musikschreiben | Str. am Schoelerpark 37
Sep 28, 2024 (UTC+1)ENDED
Unser Musik-Workshop richtet sich an Kinder und Jugendliche im Alter von 6 bis 18 Jahren, die in die Welt der Musik eintauchen möchten. Hier lernen die Teilnehmer, wie man Musik schreibt und Instrumente spielt, alles in einer kreativen und unterstützenden Umgebung. Workshop-Inhalte:Musiktheorie: Spielerische Einführung in die Grundlagen der Musik, wie Notenlesen, Rhythmen und Akkorde.Kreatives Musikschreiben: Die Teilnehmer werden ihre eigenen Lieder und Melodien komponieren. Mit Unterstützung von erfahrenen Musiklehrern lernen sie, wie man Musik strukturiert und kreativ umsetzt.Instrumente ausprobieren: Im Workshop haben die Teilnehmer die Möglichkeit, verschiedene Instrumente zu entdecken und zu spielen, darunter Klavier, Gitarre und Schlagzeug.Gemeinsames Musizieren: In kleinen Gruppen erarbeiten wir Musikstücke, die am Ende des Workshops aufgeführt werden.Musikgenres entdecken: Von Klassik bis Pop und traditionellen afrikanischen Rhythmen – die Teilnehmer erkunden verschiedene Musikstile und lassen sich davon inspirieren.Ziel des Workshops:Kreativität fördern: Durch das Schreiben eigener Musik und das Experimentieren mit Instrumenten wird die kreative Ader der Teilnehmer gestärkt.Teamarbeit und Gemeinschaft: Gemeinsames Musizieren stärkt das Miteinander und die Freude am gemeinsamen Schaffen.Musikalische Fähigkeiten entwickeln: Egal, ob Anfänger oder Fortgeschrittene – jeder kann von diesem Workshop profitieren.Anmeldung und weitere Informationen:Melde dich jetzt für den Musik-Workshop an und entdecke deine musikalische Seite! Der Workshop bietet eine spannende Möglichkeit, in einer entspannten Atmosphäre Musik zu erleben und zu lernen. #AfroTalents #HausDerNachbarschaft #MusikWorkshop #KinderUndJugend #KreativeMusik #MusikFürAlle #JugendTalente #MusikErleben #WorkshopSpaß #MusikalischeEntwicklung
Information Source: afro-talents e.V. | eventbrite