Event Status
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INTERMOB 2024 | Istanbul Tüyap Fair Convention and Congress Center
Sep 12–Oct 15, 2024 (UTC-5)ENDED
Being the most important trade fair of the furniture subsidiary industry in Turkey, Intermob offers an extensive range of products such as wood and forestry products, furniture accessories, chemicals, manufacturing tools and equipment and brings together local and international companies that operate in different branches of the industry Being the most important trade fair of the furniture subsidiary industry in Turkey, Intermob offers an extensive range of products such as wood and forestry products, furniture accessories, chemicals, manufacturing tools and equipment and brings together local and international companies that operate in different branches of the industry. Intermob International Furniture Side Industry, Accessories, Forestry Products and Wood Technology Fair.
Information Source: Tuyap Fairs and Exhibitions Organization Inc. | expotobi
Viennese Waltz – Gernot Winischhofer & Albert Tiu Recital | Yong Siew Toh Conservatory of Music
Oct 17, 2024 (UTC+8)ENDED
Experience an enchanting evening of Viennese waltzes and other delightful dances with renowned Austrian violinist Gernot Winischhofer and YST Head of Piano Studies Prof Albert Tiu at the Viennese Waltz – Gernot Winischhofer & Albert Tiu Recital in Singapore. The event will take place at the prestigious Yong Siew Toh Conservatory of Music in the YST Orchestra Hall on October 17, 2024. Immerse yourself in the mesmerizing melodies performed by these talented musicians. Please note that no children under 6 years of age will be admitted to ensure a respectful and enjoyable experience for all attendees. Tickets for this extraordinary musical event range from $6.24 to $11.46. Don't miss this unforgettable evening of classical music mastery. Subscribe to YST's mailing list for updates and future events.
Food-Tech Eurasia 2024 | Istanbul Tüyap Fair Convention and Congress Center
Oct 23–Oct 26, 2024 (UTC-5)ENDED
The Food-Tech Eurasia 2023 is an event showcases products like suppliers of food and beverage products for the hospitality industry The Food-Tech Eurasia is an event showcases products like suppliers of food and beverage products for the hospitality industry. It focuses on a cross sector and process oriented approach to bring together all aspect of productions, conveying technology, packaging and distribution, for the food and beverage industry etc.
Information Source: Tuyap Fairs and Exhibitions Organization Inc. | expotobi
DUNGEONS & DRAGONS: An Invitation to Barovia | Conundrum Theatre
Oct 5, 2024 (UTC+8)ENDED
Step into the shadows of Barovia, a land shrouded in mist, ruled by the dark and powerful vampire, Count Strahd von Zarovich. This chilling Dungeons & Dragons adventure plunges you into gothic horror at its finest. Vampires, werewolves, haunted castles, and blood-soaked mysteries await, as you and your fellow adventurers fight to survive and perhaps even overthrow the vampiric lord of this cursed domain. This special 5-session campaign distills the essence of the 200-hour Curse of Strahd adventure into a gripping, fast-paced experience. You’ll face the horrors of Barovia, where roleplay-driven storytelling and deadly combat meet. Will you escape Strahd’s clutches, or will you fall victim to his eternal thirst? Themes:
Gothic Horror, Vampirism, Dark Fantasy, Roleplay-driven storytelling, and Serious but fun gameplay. Who Can Join:
This campaign is open to4-6 players, aged 16 and above, and is perfect for fans of immersive storytelling and gothic horror. No prior experience is required, but this is best suited for beginner to intermediate players. Limited spots available, so register early to ensure your place in this unforgettable adventure. Session Dates: · Sessions: 5 main campaign sessions, plus a Session 0 for character creation and game overview. · Duration: Each main session will last approximately 4 hours, with a 2-hour Session 0. · Dates: o Session 0 § Saturday, October 5th, 6pm-8pm o Session 1 § Sunday, October 6th, 6pm-10pm Session 2 § Thursday, October 10th, 6pm-10pm o Session 3 § Sunday, October 13th, 6pm-10pm Session 4 § Thursday, October 17th, 6pm-10pm o Session 5 § Sunday, October 20th, 6pm-10pm How to Play:
Character sheets will be provided for those who want to play traditionally, or you can use the D&DBeyond app (internet connection required).
Information Source: Conundrum Theatre | eventbrite
Festival Sports Outdoor | Lacs de la Folie
Oct 5–Oct 6, 2024 (UTC+1)ENDED
Experience the thrill of the great outdoors at Festival Sports Outdoor in Contrexéville. Held at the stunning Lacs de la Folie, this event promises two days of exciting activities and entertainment for all ages. From October 5th to October 6th, attendees can enjoy a wide range of outdoor sports, games, and workshops surrounded by the natural beauty of the area. Best of all, admission to the festival is completely free, making it the perfect opportunity to embrace a healthy and active lifestyle. Don't miss out on this fantastic event in the heart of Contrexéville!
Oct 7, 2024 (UTC+1)ENDED
INICIA 7 DE OCTUBRE!! TODOS LOS NIVELES : LUNES 6.30 PM A 8.30 PM | RESERVA en 671222501 -florenciaciddg@gmail.com @florcidsisayay Aportaciones: 1 sesión: 25 € | 2 sesiones: 40 € | 3 sesiones: 58€ | 4 sesiones: 72€ Están abiertas las inscripciones para el taller de ILUSTRACION Y ASTROLOGIA 🎨 Encuentro con el Arte y la Naturaleza” 💫, impartido por @florcidsisayay ✨ No se requiere experiencia previa, podés sumarte en cualquier momento del año! ¿DE QUÉ SE TRATA? Se abordan diferentes temáticas destinadas a despertar la inspiración, hacia la creación de tus propias imágenes, entre ellas: abordaje astrológico, recorrido de septenios, exploración física, técnicas visuales y color, abordaje de lectura visual, técnicas de escritura visual, canto de mantras y rituales, meditaciones y mucho más, en un clima de juego e investigación de tu propia experiencia creativa, como herramienta de autosanación. Trabajamos una temática diferente en cada clase, a partir del desarrollo de los 4 ELEMENTOS Y NUESTROS ANCESTROS. Explorando la tierra, el fuego, el aire y el agua. 🔥. |. 🌋. | 🌪️. |. 💧 Cada un@ de nosotr@s es especial y únic@, tenemos un destino personal y un aporte individual para hacer a la vida. Lo que percibe que hay una búsqueda por realizar, un viaje hacia un futuro desconocido, un profundo misterio en el centro de un@ mism@ junto con la naturaleza. {MAGIA} e {IMAGEN} tienen casi las mismas letras. En magia sólo hay un dogma, escribe Éliphas Levis: Lo visible es la manifestación de lo invisible . Os leeremos imágenes de la naturaleza y produciremos nuevas. Podéis escuchar sonidos y hacerlos visibles. Ilustrar, Dibujar, Pintar como instrumento de autoconocimiento 🙌 🌺 Contamos también, en cada mes, con la presencia de artist@s destacad@s en distintas áreas que comparten distintos elementos, quienes nos abrirán nuevas perspectivas, en el trabajo que iremos gestando junt@s. Cada mes es independiente, por ende puedes subir en cualquier momento del año LUNES | 18.30 a 20.30 hs. TRANSFORMA BCN. L'Example, BARCELONA | Consell de Cent 394 💌 Pedime información por mensaje directo para inscribirte. @florcidsisayay INFO: florenciaciddg@gmail.com 671222501✨
Information Source: FLORENCIA CID @florcidsisayay | eventbrite
METHOD MAN Day Party with FUNK FLEX | Salsa Con Fuego
Oct 13, 2024 (UTC-5)ENDED
METHOD MAN DAY PARTY Funk Flex & Friends Host Will Traxx Doors Open at 5pm Call 718-561-6161 for Dinner or Bottle Service DRESS CODE: NO HATS, CONSTRUCTION BOOTS, HOODS OR ATHLETIC WEAR. SNEAKERS ARE ALLOWED.
Information Source: Salsa Con Fuego | eventbrite
AUSA Meeting and Exposition 2024 | Walter E. Washington Convention Center
Oct 14–Oct 16, 2024 (UTC-5)ENDED
AUSA Meeting and Exposition aims to deliver the Army message by highlighting the capabilities of Army organizations and presenting a wide range of industry products and services AUSA Meeting and Exposition aims to deliver the Army message by highlighting the capabilities of Army organizations and presenting a wide range of industry products and services.
Information Source: Association Of The United States Army | expotobi
AFRICA JAZZ con Djiby Diabate y su Cuarteto | Foro Colibrí
Oct 26, 2024 (UTC-6)ENDED
África se encuentra con México en este concierto de AFRICA JAZZ con Djiby Diabate y su Cuarteto. Djiby, virtuoso del balafón, aquel ancestro de la marimba mexicana, ha preparado a excelentes jazzistas mexicanos en los secretos musicales que él aprendió como músico hereditario senegalés. Juntos, estos cuatro músicos crean una conversación musical que es nueva, que es intensa y que es apasionante. Este evento, abre la serie ¡gozadera!, Conciertos íntimos para grandes corasones. Con tu contribución, participarás en un concierto íntimo en un histórico estudio de televisión y cine: el Foro Colibrí. El evento será filmado para la televisión cultural. Al adquirir tu entrada, nos cederás el permiso de usar tu imagen en el caso de aparecer a cuadro. ¡Gracias! Foro Colibrí, Av. del Convento 34, San Diego Churubusco (casa morada). Apertura de puertas: 18:30 H. Entrada General. Estacionamiento cercano: https://maps.app.goo.gl/brhUcuwhVhpaNAWV8 Estación de metro cercana: General Anaya. Acceso para silla de ruedas con aviso previo al comprar tu boleto. Para mayores de 12 años.
Information Source: Discos Corason y Producciones Volcán | eventbrite