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INTERMOB 2024 | Istanbul Tüyap Fair Convention and Congress Center
Sep 12–Oct 15, 2024 (UTC-5)ENDED
Being the most important trade fair of the furniture subsidiary industry in Turkey, Intermob offers an extensive range of products such as wood and forestry products, furniture accessories, chemicals, manufacturing tools and equipment and brings together local and international companies that operate in different branches of the industry Being the most important trade fair of the furniture subsidiary industry in Turkey, Intermob offers an extensive range of products such as wood and forestry products, furniture accessories, chemicals, manufacturing tools and equipment and brings together local and international companies that operate in different branches of the industry. Intermob International Furniture Side Industry, Accessories, Forestry Products and Wood Technology Fair.
Information Source: Tuyap Fairs and Exhibitions Organization Inc. | expotobi
Oz Comic-Con Brisbane 2024 | Brisbane Convention & Exhibition Centre (BCEC)
Sep 14–Sep 15, 2024 (UTC-5)ENDED
Oz Comic-Con Brisbane event will display of autographed autographs, original art, movies, clothing and etc Oz Comic-Con Brisbane event will display of autographed autographs, original art, movies, clothing and etc.
Information Source: Reed Exhibitions Australia Pty Ltd | expotobi
"Anime Frammentate" - Mostra personale di Caterina Roffinello | Con/Temporary Spaces Mazzini
Sep 26, 2024 (UTC+1)ENDED
Artàporter presenta Anime Frammentate , la mostra personale dell'artista Caterina Roffinello presso il Con/Temporary Spaces Mazzini, nel cuore di Torino. La mostra sarà visitabile dal 26 settembre al 04 ottobre in via Mazzini 33, con vernissage il 26 settembre alle 17:30.
Ingresso Gratuito. Anime Frammentate
Una mostra personale che esplora le sfaccettature della condizione umana attraverso l'arte del collage. L'artista, nata a Torino, con una formazione classica e una laurea in ambito scientifico, si è da sempre interessata a moda e design. Negli ultimi anni, ha abbracciato la tecnica del collage su cartone riciclato, utilizzando matita e materiali di recupero per dare vita a opere che affrontano temi di attualità, con un focus particolare sul sociale. Le sue creazioni riflettono una visione frammentata e complessa della realtà, invitando il pubblico a una profonda riflessione.
Information Source: Artàporter | eventbrite
Kevin Hart: Acting My Age 2024 (Washington) | DAR Constitution Hall
Sep 14, 2024 (UTC-5)ENDED
Kevin Hart will be performing at the DAR Constitution Hall in Washington on September 14, 2024, with his show titled "Kevin Hart: Acting My Age." The venue is located at 18th & C Streets N.W., Washington, DC, 20006. This event promises to showcase Hart's unique brand of humor and comedic talent, providing an evening of laughter and entertainment for attendees in the nation's capital. Be sure to secure your tickets in advance to witness this renowned comedian in action.
"La revolución de la porcelana", con Nieves Contreras | CENTRO diseño cine y televisión
Sep 26, 2024 (UTC-6)ENDED
Diseñadora con más de 20 años de experiencia y estudios en la Universidad Politécnica de Valencia, Nieves Contreras ha trabajado en París con destacados estudios de diseño y en proyectos de artesanía contemporánea. Desde el 2019, es directora creativa de Lladró, liderando la renovación de la marca y la diversificación de productos. Su labor abarca desde el diseño de mobiliario hasta la creación de estrategias creativas. Hoy, Lladró abarca esculturas, iluminación, objetos decorativos y accesorios de moda. Lladró es embajadora del diseño y la artesanía contemporánea española
Information Source: CENTRO | Diseño, Cine y Televisión | eventbrite