Latest Events in Zwolle(February Updated)

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God, Sex en Shostakovich | Huize Arcana

Feb 23, 2025 (UTC+1)
God, Sex en Shostakovich deel 1 was een hit. Iedereen wilde wel weten hoe het leven in een sekte eruitzag. Maar hoe ging het verder met dat meisje? Is er leven na de sekte? In haar zoektocht naar liefde en zingeving en, zoals ze het als jonge vrouw moedig onder woorden bracht: onverwachte wendingen en heel veel sex, gaat er opnieuw veel mis. En wordt er wederom veel gelachen en geleden. In God, Sex en Shostakovich deel 2 (slot) vertelt Rata, samen met haar cello en met René Veen aan de piano, hoe het leven het waard is bestruikeld te worden. De muziek van Shostakovich, live gespeeld, vertelt daarbij dat wat niet gezegd kan worden. --- Tekst en cello Rata Kloppenburg – Piano René Veen Regie Allan Zipson Tekstadvies George Groot (in memoriam) en Laura van Dolron Productie Stichting SchatKamer Opera --- VAN DEEL 2 KUN JE VOLOP GENIETEN ZONDER KENNIS VAN DEEL 1. Heb je vragen? Stuur dan een mail naar Stichting SchatKamer Opera Terugblik op God, Sex en Shostakovich: deel 1(Voor alle acutele informatie en updates over deel 1 én 2 Interview met Rata Kloppenburg, door Brechtje Roos voor de Cultuurpers Recensie door Kees Swenne, gezien en gehoord op zaterdag 9 april 2022 (premiere) in Hillegom, Stichting Kunstklank Noordwijk“Waarom houdt iemand zich bezig met God, Sex, en Shostakovich?” God en Sex, beide zijn brandende vuren bij Rata, en indringend en waarachtig gepresenteerd. Maar Shostakovich? De sonate voor violoncello en piano die we fragmentarisch als illustratie horen is muzikaal vuur, dat is zeker. Maar aan de hand van dit sublieme muziekstuk, Rata’s spontane en expressieve vertolking ervan, en haar worsteling ermee wordt ook duidelijk hoe kwetsbaar een vrije muzikale geest is gedurende de conservatoriumjaren, waarin duidelijk moet worden welke rol de muziek in je verdere artistieke leven gaat spelen. De belangrijkste opdracht aan artiesten is het publiek zodanig in hun ban te krijgen zodat dit zichzelf even vergeet…. Omdat mij dit bij deze voorstelling overkwam is deze toegevoegd aan mijn persoonlijke boek van memorabele gebeurtenissen. De voorstelling is in zekere zin confronterend omdat deze niet alleen autobiografisch maar tevens verbazingwekkend openhartig is. Rata Kloppenburg geeft zoveel intieme details dat je soms het idee krijgt dat decorum er niet meer toe doet. Maar vóór zo’n ontluisterend punt bereikt wordt komt daar de verlossende relativerende opmerking, de humor, de lach. Wat Rata tijdens haar adolescentie overkwam hebben velen van ons ook in enigerlei vorm ervaren, de emoties zijn herkenbaar, we zien en voelen de parallellen. Daarom is “een luchthartige monoloog” een perfecte typering van de voorstelling. Hier is zeker ook een groot compliment op zijn plaats voor pianist René Veen, die als een rots in de branding zorgdroeg voor een immer expressieve Shostakovich, en tevens af en toe als sidekick fungeerde, essentieel als bliksemafleider bij een anderhalf uur durende monoloog. Samenvattend: warm aanbevolen, goed voor introspectie en discussies achteraf verzekerd!” ~Kees Swenne Interview met Rata Kloppenburg in HUMAN op NPO Radio 1 Artikel in de Stentor Information Source: Schatkameropera | eventbrite

Charity Gayle <The REJOICE>Tour | Christian Reformed Church

May 24, 2025 (UTC+1)

Libris Literatuurprijs 2025 "Tussen Longlist en Shortlist" | Achter de Broeren 1

Feb 13, 2025 (UTC+1)
Literary Arts
Op donderdag 13 februari van 19:00 - 21:00 uur organiseren wij samen met Libris Tussen Longlist en Shortlist . In het programma wordt aandacht besteed aan de keuze voor de achttien titels op de longlist van de Libris Literatuur Prijs 2025. Juryvoorzitter Sheila Sitalsing geeft een lezing over de staat van de Nederlandse Literatuur aan de hand van de romans die in 2024 zijn ingezonden. Schrijvers die met hun roman op de longlist terecht zijn gekomen worden geïnterviewd door studenten van Hogeschool Windesheim o.l.v. Joris van Hamersveld. Ook presenteren zij de enkele audiotrailers van #DeZin. Deze boekentrailers laten in 60 seconden horen wat een boek teweegbrengt en worden samen met lesmateriaal geplaatst op het kanaal van de Libris Literatuur Prijs op het platform: LessonUp. Na afloop signeren de aanwezige auteurs hun roman. Belangrijke informatie: 📚 Toegang alleen met ticket 📚 Bij een ticket zitten 2 drankjes inbegrepen Information Source: Van der Velde in de Broeren | eventbrite

God, Sex en Shostakovich | Theaterboerderij

Feb 28, 2025 (UTC+1)
God, Sex en Shostakovich deel 1 was een hit. Iedereen wilde wel weten hoe het leven in een sekte eruitzag. Maar hoe ging het verder met dat meisje? Is er leven na de sekte? In haar zoektocht naar liefde en zingeving en, zoals ze het als jonge vrouw moedig onder woorden bracht: onverwachte wendingen en heel veel sex, gaat er opnieuw veel mis. En wordt er wederom veel gelachen en geleden. In God, Sex en Shostakovich deel 2 (slot) vertelt Rata, samen met haar cello en met René Veen aan de piano, hoe het leven het waard is bestruikeld te worden. De muziek van Shostakovich, live gespeeld, vertelt daarbij dat wat niet gezegd kan worden. --- Tekst en cello Rata Kloppenburg – Piano René Veen Regie Allan Zipson Tekstadvies George Groot (in memoriam) en Laura van Dolron Productie Stichting SchatKamer Opera --- VAN DEEL 2 KUN JE VOLOP GENIETEN ZONDER KENNIS VAN DEEL 1. Heb je vragen? Stuur dan een mail naar Stichting SchatKamer Opera Terugblik op God, Sex en Shostakovich: deel 1(Voor alle acutele informatie en updates over deel 1 én 2 Interview met Rata Kloppenburg, door Brechtje Roos voor de Cultuurpers Recensie door Kees Swenne, gezien en gehoord op zaterdag 9 april 2022 (premiere) in Hillegom, Stichting Kunstklank Noordwijk“Waarom houdt iemand zich bezig met God, Sex, en Shostakovich?” God en Sex, beide zijn brandende vuren bij Rata, en indringend en waarachtig gepresenteerd. Maar Shostakovich? De sonate voor violoncello en piano die we fragmentarisch als illustratie horen is muzikaal vuur, dat is zeker. Maar aan de hand van dit sublieme muziekstuk, Rata’s spontane en expressieve vertolking ervan, en haar worsteling ermee wordt ook duidelijk hoe kwetsbaar een vrije muzikale geest is gedurende de conservatoriumjaren, waarin duidelijk moet worden welke rol de muziek in je verdere artistieke leven gaat spelen. De belangrijkste opdracht aan artiesten is het publiek zodanig in hun ban te krijgen zodat dit zichzelf even vergeet…. Omdat mij dit bij deze voorstelling overkwam is deze toegevoegd aan mijn persoonlijke boek van memorabele gebeurtenissen. De voorstelling is in zekere zin confronterend omdat deze niet alleen autobiografisch maar tevens verbazingwekkend openhartig is. Rata Kloppenburg geeft zoveel intieme details dat je soms het idee krijgt dat decorum er niet meer toe doet. Maar vóór zo’n ontluisterend punt bereikt wordt komt daar de verlossende relativerende opmerking, de humor, de lach. Wat Rata tijdens haar adolescentie overkwam hebben velen van ons ook in enigerlei vorm ervaren, de emoties zijn herkenbaar, we zien en voelen de parallellen. Daarom is “een luchthartige monoloog” een perfecte typering van de voorstelling. Hier is zeker ook een groot compliment op zijn plaats voor pianist René Veen, die als een rots in de branding zorgdroeg voor een immer expressieve Shostakovich, en tevens af en toe als sidekick fungeerde, essentieel als bliksemafleider bij een anderhalf uur durende monoloog. Samenvattend: warm aanbevolen, goed voor introspectie en discussies achteraf verzekerd!” ~Kees Swenne Interview met Rata Kloppenburg in HUMAN op NPO Radio 1 Artikel in de Stentor Information Source: Schatkameropera | eventbrite

Oratorium Annelies | Koelwaterhal

May 1, 2025 (UTC+1)
AnneliesAnnelies is een modern oratorium over het leven en droevige lot van Anne (Annelies Marie) Frank. Annelies was een 13-jarige Nederlandse Jodin die een dagboek bijhield, net voor en tijdens de twee jaar dat zij, haar ouders en zuster, samen met vier anderen, ondergedoken zaten voor de nazi's tijdens de bezetting van Amsterdam in de Tweede Wereldoorlog. Melanie Challenger stelde het libretto voor Annelies samen uit het dagboek van Anne, dat in 1947 werd gepubliceerd in de originele Nederlandse versie van Anne's vader, Otto Frank, en in 1952 in Engelse vertaling gepubliceerd als Anne Frank: het dagboek van een jong meisje. De koorzetting van Whitbourn in Annelies biedt een getrouwere interpretatie van het dagboek. Hij doet dit door de persoon Anne - geportretteerd door de sopraan-soliste - centraal te stellen in het werk. Zij geeft invulling – muzikale uitdrukking - aan de gedachten die de buitenwereld bij Anne opwekken. De Engelse componist James Whitbourn kreeg als eerste componist van het Anne Frank Fonds toestemming om teksten uit het dagboek op muziek te zetten. Melanie Challenger stelde het libretto samen met krachtige passages uit ”Anne Frank, the Diary of a Young Girl”. De sopraansoliste zingt Anne's woorden, het koor geeft commentaar op de gebeurtenissen om haar heen. In de begeleiding klinken instrumenten uit haar traditie - klarinet, viool, cello en piano. Het werk is toegankelijk, groots en meeslepend. Het bevat allerlei muzikale citaten - een koraal dat Anne gekend zal hebben, een Duits kinderliedje, Klezmer, een hit van Vera Lynn, orthodoxe klaagzang, fragmenten die aan musicals doen denken en verwijzingen naar de klanken van Amsterdam - met name naar de klokken van de Westertoren die Anne zo troostten. De muziek en de teksten brengen op indringende wijze iets over van de vreugde en het verdriet, de angst en de hoop die Anne gevoeld moet hebben. Annelies heeft alles in zich om een klassiek stuk te worden. Concerten: 1 mei Koelwaterhal Zwolle 3 mei Bergkerk Deventer Uitvoerenden: Kamerkoor Stampij, Tineke Roseboom - sopraan, Tjako van Schie - piano, Pamela Smits - cello, Kilian van Rooij - viool, Hanka Clout - klarinet. Hans Tijssen - dirigent. Information Source: Kamerkoor STAMPIJ | eventbrite

Signeersessie Samantha Shannon | Achter de Broeren 1

Oct 15, 2024 (UTC+1)ENDED
Literary Arts
Internationale bestseller-auteur Samantha Shannon komt op dinsdag 15 oktober naar Van der Velde in de Broeren. Samantha is onder andere bekend van haar bestseller The Priory of The Orange Tree en haar debuutroman The Bone Season. 🐉De signeersessie zal plaatsvinden bij Van der Velde in de Broeren (Achter de Broeren 1-3, Zwolle) op dinsdag 15 oktober om 15:00. Alleen met een ticket kan je plaatsnemen in de rij. 🐉Voor toegang tot de signeersessie haal je via hier je GRATIS toegangsticket. Je hebt de ticket nodig om toegang te krijgen tot de rij. 🐉Samantha Shannon zal 5 boeken per persoon signeren, waarvan er 2 gepersonaliseerd. 🐉In totaal mag je 2 boeken van jezelf meenemen. Tijdens de signeersessie zullen de andere boeken van Samantha beschikbaar zijn om aan te schaffen.*houdt er wel rekening mee dat er in totaal 5 boeken per persoon worden gesigneerd. Ook het Engelse boekenweekgeschenk zal je tijdens de signeersessie ontvangen. *Toegang alleen op vertoon van ticket. Information Source: Van der Velde in de Broeren | eventbrite

A Touch of Magic! | Landstede Sportcentrum

Jan 19, 2024 (UTC+1)ENDED
Sports & Fitness
Mark your calendars for January 19, 2024, because the Landstede Sportcentrum in Zwolle will be transformed into the grandest showsports event in the region. A Touch of Magic! This enchanting evening will feature top athletes from various gymnastics disciplines and other regional sports stars, coming together to deliver a mesmerizing performance. Don't miss the opportunity to be part of this unforgettable experience. Secure your tickets now and prepare to be amazed.

Voorbij de Heuvel | Grote Voort 8-10, Zwolle, Netherlands

Jan 19, 2024 (UTC+1)ENDED
Voorbij de Heuvel is a captivating physical music theater spectacle, brought to life by 25 talented young performers from Oost-Nederland. This thrilling production (recommended for ages 12 and up) is based on the renowned novel "Waterschapsheuvel" by Richard Adams. Brace yourself for an immersive journey into courage and leadership, as we follow a group of rabbits in their quest for a new home. However, their path is far from smooth. Prepare for a heart-pounding adventure where these brave rabbits must face dangers, make sacrifices, and question who can be trusted. This story delves into timeless themes of freedom versus oppression, reason versus emotion, and the individual versus the collective. It serves as a powerful reminder of the strength that lies in listening, raising the question: what kind of society do we want to live in? Adding to the magic of Voorbij de Heuvel is the exceptional original music composed by Thomas Bernhard Hengeveld. With Thomas's composition, you'll be transported to a whole new world. The show's music combines grand choral performances, instruments from early England, classical sounds from Spain, and worldly percussion to create an enchanting and foreboding atmosphere. To fully immerse audiences in this extraordinary experience, Voorbij de Heuvel takes place in a distinctive location in Zwolle. Please be aware that the venue may be chilly, so dress warmly and consider bringing a cushion and blanket for added comfort. Join us this winter and be captivated by the wonder of Voorbij de Heuvel.

Ontspan je kaak | Rieteweg 10

Feb 9, 2024 (UTC+1)ENDED
In the second season of "Ontspan je kaak," the second group of Muiters presents an authentic music-theater performance. Titled "Ontspan je kaak," this show addresses the constant stress that surrounds us in the world today. With busy schedules and decision overload, it's challenging to find peace of mind. The performers, a group of nine talented Muiters, are determined to help you find relaxation. This music-theater production serves as a preview of what will be showcased in late June. Admission to this performance is free, and attendees are encouraged to contribute what they can afford through the "pay what you want or can" principle. After the show, you can simply scan the QR code provided and leave a contribution based on your perceived value of the performance and support for De Muiterij. For more details on how to contribute, the Muiters will provide further instructions on the evening itself. Join us in Zwolle at Rieteweg 10 to witness "Ontspan je kaak" on February 9, 2024. Enjoy this exceptional event that explores the concept of finding inner peace amidst the chaos of the world.

[LIVESTREAM] PEC Zwolle - Ajax LIVE KIJKEN OP TV 31.3.2024 | MAC³PARK stadium

May 10, 2024 (UTC+1)ENDED
Sports & Fitness
Catch the exciting live action between PEC Zwolle and Ajax on TV 31.3.2024. The Eredivisie clash promises a thrilling encounter as the teams face off at MAC³PARK stadium in Zwolle. Don't miss out on the showdown between these two formidable sides. Stay updated with all the highlights and goals as they happen. Witness Steven Bergwijn's return to the starting lineup for Ajax under the management of John van ’t Schip. If you missed the previous PEC Zwolle match, simply rewind and watch all the action with the 'Begin Gemist' feature on CANAL+. Enjoy the convenience of streaming PEC Zwolle matches effortlessly with the TV app. For a chance to watch the upcoming PEC Zwolle - Ajax match for free, seize the opportunity offered by PEC Zwolle & KPN. Season ticket holders can access a complimentary 'ESPN Watch Weekendpas' to view the game online. Mark your calendars for a football-filled event on 10th May 2024. For ticket pricing and further details, please contact the ticketing team via email at or call (038) 453 49 48.

[LIVESTREAM] Ajax - PEC LIVE KIJKEN OP TV 31.3.2024 | MAC³PARK stadium

May 10, 2024 (UTC+1)ENDED
Sports & Fitness
Catch the thrilling live action of Ajax taking on PEC Zwolle on March 31, 2024, at the MAC³PARK stadium in Zwolle. The event kicks off at 250.00 hours, promising an evening of excitement and anticipation. The match will be broadcasted live on open channels FOX and ESPN, with the pre-game analysis starting at 19.00 hours. Ajax Liège's journey to the semi-finals of the KNVB Cup has been nothing short of remarkable, facing tough opponents along the way. Don't miss out on this historic clash as Ajax looks to secure a spot in the finals. Witness the heart-pounding action and be part of the unforgettable atmosphere at MAC³PARK stadium. Secure your spot and be part of the live audience for what promises to be a memorable cup night. Stay tuned for more updates on where to catch the live broadcast of Ajax - PEC Zwolle on TV.

De zwoele Broeders van andere Moeders zomeravondshow | Het Vliegende Paard

Jun 9, 2024 (UTC+1)ENDED
On a warm summer evening, the Brothers from Different Mothers gather at Het Vliegende Paard for a lively and interactive improvisation show themed around the sultry summer night. With the nights growing longer and the days getting warmer, it's time for a new show that captures the essence of the season. Mark your calendars for June 9, 2024, as they present an evening of on-the-spot creativity based on audience suggestions. Prepare to be surprised as they delve into topics like lost holiday romances, sun-soaked mishaps, or unsaid words to that annoying neighbor at the campsite. Tickets for this unforgettable experience sell out quickly, so secure your spot promptly for €8.50. The show promises the best evening of your day at the Upper Room of Café Het Vliegende Paard, starting at 19:30. Will you be there to enjoy the De zwoele Broeders van andere Moeders zomeravondshow in Zwolle?

Najaarstour | Hedon, Zwolle | Hedon

Dec 6, 2024 (UTC+1)ENDED

Meeloopdag Klassiek / Orientation day Classical Music | ArtEZ Academy of Music Zwolle

Feb 14, 2024 (UTC+1)ENDED
The ArtEZ Academy of Music Zwolle is organizing the Meeloopdag Klassiek / Orientation Day Classical Music on February 14, 2024. This event is specifically designed for Cello, Alto violin, and Percussion instrumentalists who are interested in pursuing their studies in classical music. During this orientation day, participants will have the opportunity to attend a main subject lesson, a group lesson, and a theory lesson. They will also have the chance to take a guided tour of the academy with a student who can provide valuable insights and answer any questions they may have about the program. If you are unable to attend the event on February 14th but still wish to experience an introductory/main subject lesson, you can send an email to The Meeloopdag Klassiek / Orientation Day Classical Music is a great opportunity for aspiring musicians to get a taste of what the program at ArtEZ Academy of Music Zwolle has to offer. Don't miss out on this chance to explore your passion for classical music. Admission is free, so mark your calendars and join us on this special day at Aan de Stadsmuur 88, 8011VD Zwolle.

Meeloopdag Klassiek / Orientation day Classical Music | ArtEZ Academy of Music Zwolle

Feb 16, 2024 (UTC+1)ENDED
The ArtEZ Academy of Music Zwolle is pleased to announce the upcoming Meeloopdag Klassiek / Orientation day Classical Music on February 16, 2024. This event is specifically designed for wood, guitar, and vocals instrumentalists who are interested in pursuing a career in classical music. Participants will have the opportunity to attend a main subject lesson, a group lesson, and a theory lesson, providing a comprehensive overview of the program. Additionally, participants will have the chance to join a student-led tour, where they can ask any questions they may have about the course or the academy. For those who are unable to attend the event, but still wish to experience an introductory/main subject lesson, they can send an email to to arrange a separate appointment. The Meeloopdag Klassiek / Orientation day Classical Music is a fantastic opportunity to explore the possibilities within classical music and gain valuable insights into the program at the ArtEZ Academy of Music Zwolle. This event will take place at the ArtEZ Academy of Music Zwolle, located at Aan de Stadsmuur 88, 8011VD Zwolle. Admission to the event is free. Don't miss this chance to immerse yourself in the world of classical music and discover your potential. Join us at the Meeloopdag Klassiek / Orientation day Classical Music in Zwolle.

Meeloopdag / Orientation day | Classical Music | Zwolle | 23-24 | ArtEZ Academy of Music Zwolle

Feb 16, 2024 (UTC+1)ENDED
The ArtEZ Academy of Music in Zwolle is hosting the Meeloopdag / Orientation day for classical music enthusiasts on February 16. This event is specifically tailored for wood, guitar, and vocals instrumentalists who are interested in pursuing a career in the music industry. Attendees will have the opportunity to participate in a main subject lesson, a group lesson, and a theory lesson. Additionally, a student will accompany you on a tour of the academy, allowing you to gain valuable insights and ask any questions you may have about the program. If you are unable to attend the orientation day, but still wish to experience an introductory/main subject lesson, you can email to make arrangements. This is a wonderful opportunity to immerse yourself in the world of classical music and explore the possibilities available to you at the ArtEZ Academy of Music in Zwolle. Don't miss out on this chance to take the first step towards your musical aspirations. Admission is free, so mark your calendars for February 16 and join us for a day of musical discovery.

!☆[kijk live]*PEC Zwolle - Volendam live op tv En online 10 maart 2024 | MAC³PARK stadium

Apr 19, 2024 (UTC+1)ENDED
Sports & Fitness
Watch the highly anticipated match between PEC Zwolle and Volendam live on TV and online on March 10, 2024. The game will be held at MAC³PARK stadium in Zwolle. This Eredivisie clash promises to be a thrilling encounter, with both teams eager to secure a victory. Don't miss out on the action as these two teams go head-to-head in what is sure to be an exciting showdown. Stay tuned for live streaming options and TV schedules to catch all the action from this much-anticipated match. Get ready to witness some top-tier football as PEC Zwolle takes on Volendam in this must-watch fixture. Mark your calendars and be sure to tune in to catch all the excitement on March 10, 2024.

[LIVESTREAM] PEC Tegen Volendam LIVE KIJKEN OP TV 10.3.2024 | MAC³PARK stadium

Apr 19, 2024 (UTC+1)ENDED
Sports & Fitness
Witness the thrilling [LIVESTREAM] PEC Tegen Volendam LIVE KIJKEN OP TV 10.3.2024 in Zwolle at the esteemed MAC³PARK stadium on April 19, 2024. This electrifying event promises an unforgettable experience filled with adrenaline-pumping moments and fierce competition. Located at 1 Stadionplein, 8025 CP Zwolle, the stadium sets the stage for an epic showdown between PEC and Volendam that is not to be missed. Immerse yourself in the pulsating atmosphere as top athletes battle it out on the field, showcasing their skills and determination. The ticket price for this exclusive event is currently unavailable, but rest assured, the value of this live stream will surpass all expectations. Mark your calendars and secure your spot to witness history in the making. Get ready to be on the edge of your seat as [LIVESTREAM] PEC Tegen Volendam LIVE KIJKEN OP TV 10.3.2024 unfolds before your eyes.

[LIVESTREAM] PEC Zwolle - Volendam LIVE KIJKEN OP TV 10.3.2024 | MAC³PARK stadium

Apr 19, 2024 (UTC+1)ENDED
Sports & Fitness
Watch the live stream of PEC Zwolle vs. Volendam on TV on March 10, 2024. The Eredivisie match will take place at the MAC³PARK stadium in Zwolle. This highly anticipated event will feature top teams battling it out on the field. Don't miss out on the action as these two teams go head-to-head in what promises to be an exciting showdown. Stay tuned for the latest updates and get ready to witness all the thrills and drama of this must-watch game. Mark your calendars for April 19, 2024, and make sure to catch all the live action from the comfort of your own home. Ticket prices are currently unavailable, so be sure to stay updated for more information.

[LIVESTREAM] Volendam - PEC LIVE KIJKEN OP TV 10.3.2024 | MAC³PARK stadium

Apr 19, 2024 (UTC+1)ENDED
Sports & Fitness
The highly anticipated [LIVESTREAM] Volendam versus PEC match is scheduled to take place on March 10, 2024, at MAC³PARK Stadium in Zwolle. The event promises to be a thrilling encounter between the two teams as they battle it out in the Eredivisie. Kick-off is set for 19:00, with the match being broadcast live on FOX and ESPN. This is a must-watch for football fans eager to witness top-tier competition. Both teams are gearing up for what is expected to be a historic night filled with excitement and suspense. Volendam Liège coach Ruud van Nistelrooij has expressed respect for their opponents, emphasizing the importance of approaching the game with full intensity. With Volendam Liège looking to secure a victory in the KNVB Cup, fans can expect a fiercely contested match. Don't miss out on the action; tune in to catch PEC - Volendam live on TV and witness football at its finest.

JAAP! in Zwolle | Joseph Wresinski Cultuur Stichting

Apr 21, 2024 (UTC+1)ENDED
Experience the unforgettable performance of JAAP! in Zwolle at the Joseph Wresinski Cultuur Stichting. This show delves into the essence of unwavering friendship, filled with shared passions, humorous anecdotes, and themes of resilience in the face of adversity. JAAP! pays tribute to a friendship tragically disrupted by death, exploring how The Fietsende Vrienden turned a grim reality into something beautiful. Discover the journey of letting go and persevering through challenges alongside a tiny eight-legged creature. Immerse yourself in the personal narrative of JAAP! and witness how this performance transforms profound loss into a celebration of life. Don't miss this moving production on April 21, 2024, for an admission fee of €18.

Schuld - Premiere | Gerrit's Tuin

May 3, 2024 (UTC+1)ENDED
Schuld - Premiere is a gripping theater thriller exploring the complexities of money, performed by young actors at the unique outdoor venue of Gerrit's Tuin in Zwolle. Drawing inspiration from the 2019 Antwerp bank heist, Schuld delves into themes of injustice, power, and inequality inherent in our financial and debt systems. As the story unfolds, the protagonist Anna finds herself burdened with a significant debt, facing limited choices - debt relief or imprisonment. However, a series of coincidences present her with an opportunity to participate in one of the most recent bank robberies in the Benelux region. Through Anna's journey, audiences are prompted to ponder on moral dilemmas, risks, and personal values. Schuld navigates the fine line between activism and self-interest, innocence and guilt, while raising thought-provoking questions about the true cost of one's actions. As the premiere date approaches on May 3, 2024, make sure to dress warmly for the outdoor performance and consider bringing a blanket or cushion for comfort. Parking is available on-site at Gerrit's Tuin for both cars and bicycles. Don't miss this immersive experience shedding light on the intricate web of culpability and consequence. Ticket prices range from €13.50 to €17.50.

LIVE@!. Ajax - Zwolle LIVE OP TV Eredivisie 31 maart 2024 | MAC³PARK stadium

May 10, 2024 (UTC+1)ENDED
Sports & Fitness
Catch the thrilling Eredivisie match between PEC Zwolle and Ajax LIVE on TV on 31st March 2024. The action takes place at MAC³PARK stadium in Zwolle, Netherlands, starting at 10:15 UTC. This highly anticipated event promises an exciting showdown between the two powerhouse teams. Fans can tune in to open channels FOX and ESPN to watch the game live. The pre-match analysis kicks off at 19:00 GMT, so make sure not to miss a moment of this epic clash. Ajax Liège is gearing up to face PEC Zwolle Brugge in what is expected to be a nail-biting encounter. Stay updated with Vincent Le Haen and Laurine Slingerland as they provide live coverage of the thrilling match. Get ready for a historic night of football action as these teams battle it out on the field. Mark your calendars for this unmissable Eredivisie showdown between PEC Zwolle and Ajax.

[LIVESTREAM] Ajax Tegen PEC Zwolle LIVE KIJKEN OP TV 31.3.2024 | MAC³PARK stadium

May 10, 2024 (UTC+1)ENDED
Sports & Fitness
Catch the thrilling action as Ajax takes on PEC Zwolle in the live stream event titled "[LIVESTREAM] Ajax Tegen PEC Zwolle LIVE KIJKEN OP TV 31.3.2024" at MAC³PARK Stadium in Zwolle. Witness the intense match on May 10, 2024, starting at 12:15 PM. The encounter promises excitement as Ajax seeks redemption for recent setbacks, aiming to reclaim the fifth position in the league standings. Meanwhile, PEC Zwolle, emboldened by recent victories, looks to capitalize on the opportunity to challenge the visiting Ajax squad. Stay tuned to see if Ajax can secure a victory or if PEC Zwolle will create another upset. Be part of the live action and experience the competitive spirit as these two teams battle it out on the field. Ticket information is currently unavailable, so mark your calendars and get ready for a riveting football showdown between Ajax and PEC Zwolle.

Schuld | Gerrit's Tuin

May 10, 2024 (UTC+1)ENDED
Schuld is a gripping theater thriller focusing on the concept of money's worth, unfolding through a young cast in the unique outdoor setting of Gerrits Tuin in Zwolle. Drawing inspiration from the Antwerp bank heist of 2019, Schuld delves into the intricate web of injustice, power, and inequality within our financial and debt systems. The storyline follows Anna, burdened with a significant debt and faced with limited choices of either debt restructuring or imprisonment. However, unforeseen circumstances present her with an opportunity to partake in one of the most recent bank robberies in the Benelux. As the narrative progresses, the audience is prompted to contemplate the notion of guilt, the value it holds, and the moral dilemmas that surface. Schuld navigates the delicate balance between activism and self-interest, showcasing the interplay between guilt and innocence, and the moral decisions individuals are compelled to make. The event will take place on May 10, 2024, at Gerrits Tuin, 21 Willemsvaart, 8019 AB Zwolle, featuring ticket prices ranging from €13.50 to €17.50. Attendees are advised to dress warmly as the performance is outdoors, with parking available on-site for both cars and bicycles.

[[KIJK-LIVE]] Ajax - PEC LIVE KIJKEN Op Tv Gratis 31 maart 2024 | MAC³PARK stadium

May 10, 2024 (UTC+1)ENDED
Sports & Fitness
Witness the thrilling match between PEC Zwolle and Ajax live on TV for free on March 31, 2024. The event will take place at MAC³PARK Stadium in Zwolle, Netherlands, at 10:15 UTC. PEC Zwolle is currently positioned 13th, while Ajax holds the 5th spot in the Eredivisie. Stay updated on all the action with SofaScore, providing detailed player ratings, head-to-head match history, live scores, and in-depth statistics. SofaScore offers insights into team performance, goal scorers, possession, shots, corners, and more. Although betting is not available on SofaScore, it presents the best odds and directs you to reliable platforms for live betting. For those unable to attend, catch the game on TV or through legal live streams. Don't miss the chance to see PEC Zwolle face off against Ajax in this highly anticipated showdown.

Schuld | Gerrit's Tuin

May 11, 2024 (UTC+1)ENDED
Schuld is a gripping theater thriller exploring the complexities of money. The play, set in Zwolle at the unique outdoor location of Gerrit's Tuin, delves into the themes of injustice, power, and inequality within our financial and debt systems. Inspired by the Antwerp bank heist of 2019, Schuld takes the audience on a thrilling journey through trust, tunnels, and intense interrogations up to the vault of a major bank. As Anna finds herself burdened with a significant debt, her options seem limited to debt restructuring or imprisonment. However, a series of coincidences present her with the opportunity to participate in one of the most recent bank robberies in the Benelux. Put yourself in Anna's shoes and ponder: Are you willing to take the risk? What sacrifices are acceptable to you, and what is the value of your moral compass? Schuld prompts reflection on the balance between activism and self-interest, between bank executives and robbers, guilt and innocence. The performance takes place outdoors, so remember to dress warmly as the temperature drops quickly after sunset. Parking is available on-site for both cars and bicycles at Gerrit's Tuin. If you require seating with a backrest or wheelchair accessibility, please contact the production manager. Don't miss this thought-provoking theatrical experience premiering on May 11, 2024, with ticket prices ranging from €13.50 to €17.50.

Schuld - Pay what you can | Gerrit's Tuin

May 19, 2024 (UTC+1)ENDED
Schuld - Pay what you can is a captivating theater thriller exploring the complexities of money. Set in the unique outdoor location of Gerrit's Tuin in Zwolle, this production delves into the core of our financial and debt systems. Inspired by the Antwerp bank heist of 2019, Schuld takes the audience on a gripping journey through trust, tunnels, sharp interrogations, leading up to a major bank's vault. As the story unfolds, the protagonist Anna finds herself burdened with a significant debt, facing the bleak choice of debt relief or imprisonment. However, a series of coincidences present her with an opportunity to partake in one of the most recent bank robberies in the Benelux. The narrative challenges viewers to ponder on accountability and its value. Between activism and self-interest, bank executives and robbers, guilt and innocence, Schuld prompts reflection on courageous decisions and ethical sacrifices. The event is scheduled to take place on May 19, 2024, at Gerrit's Tuin in Zwolle, offering free admission. Attendees are advised to dress warmly and bring blankets or cushions for seating comfort, as the temperature drops after sundown. Limited (wheelchair-accessible) seating is available; contact the production team for arrangements. Convenient (free) parking is accessible on-site for both cars and bicycles.

Monet Water Lilies Sip & Paint party | Erica Hyatt Fine Art

Jun 2, 2024 (UTC+1)ENDED
Experience the serene beauty of Monet's Water Lilies at the upcoming Monet Water Lilies Sip & Paint party in Zwolle. Hosted at the esteemed Erica Hyatt Fine Art venue on 8 Goudsteeg, 8011 PP Zwolle, immerse yourself in an evening of artistic inspiration and relaxation on June 2, 2024. No prior painting experience is necessary - simply bring your enthusiasm, and all materials will be provided for €48,38. Delve into the world of Monet as you sip on your favorite drink and unleash your inner artist to create a masterpiece to take home. Don't miss this unique opportunity to unwind, get inspired, and connect with the beauty of Monet's iconic water lilies.

Education Fair Noordoost 2024 | IJsselhallen, Overijssel, Netherlands

Oct 4–Oct 5, 2024 (UTC-5)ENDED
Calling all education enthusiasts and aspiring scholars, brace yourself! The annual Education Fair Noordoost 2024 is just around the corner. Oh, it's bound to be a doozy! Nestled in the beautiful city of Zwolle, this fair promises to be bigger and better than ever before. Heavens, the buzz around town is palpable! Set amidst the spacious IJsselhallen in Overijssel, the event spans two action-packed days from October 4th to October 5th, 2024. Attendees can expect to connect with top-notch educational institutions and engage in meaningful discussions about the future of learning. The Education Fair Noordoost 2024, with its serene tone and official air, does not simply fling open the doors to information; it paves the pathway to success. Make no mistake, this fair is not just about pamphlets and handshakes. It's a melting pot of ideas, a launchpad for dreams, and a beacon of opportunity. Anyone who's anyone in the education arena wouldn't dream of missing it. So, mark those calendars, folks - the Education Fair Noordoost 2024 is the event that's got everyone talking.

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