Arriving in Brighton
Trains running from Tiverton Parkway to Brighton will typically take around at least 4h 5m and there are approximately 47 trains running everyday.
Book the cheap train tickets from Tiverton Parkway to Brighton
It doesn’t need to be difficult to find cheap train tickets from Tiverton Parkway to Brighton. If you know where to look and how to take advantage of available discounts and travel options, then saving money with becomes second nature. Here are some of our top tips to help you save money on your train travel.
Split Tickets to save an average extra 30%
How to make your journey from Tiverton Parkway to Brighton cheaper? One option to consider is splitting your tickets, which can save you around extra 30% on fares. Instead of purchasing a direct ticket from A to B, you can split the route into two legs: A to C and C to B. This often turns out to be more affordable than buying a direct ticket.
Travelling during off-peak hours
Off-Peak train tickets are generally cheaper than peak-time tickets and can be used on services that are less busy, typically outside the morning and evening rush hours. If your schedule allows flexibility, choosing off-peak times for your trip from Tiverton Parkway to Brighton can result in significant cost savings. In most cities and large towns, off-peak time usually starts at 09:30 from Monday to Friday. In other areas, off-peak time typically begins at 09:00.
Using the Railcard for 1/3 off
Railcards offering discounts of up to 1/3 on most tickets. There are various types of Railcards available to cater to different groups of travellers, such as the 16-25 Railcard, the Family & Friends Railcard, and the Senior Railcard. For more information on Railcards and how they can help you save, visit Railcards here.