Arriving in Heathrow Terminal 5
Trains running from Kintbury to Heathrow Terminal 5 will typically take around at least 1h 28m and there are approximately 43 trains running everyday.
Book the cheap train tickets from Kintbury to Heathrow Terminal 5
Finding cheap train tickets from Kintbury to Heathrow Terminal 5 doesn't have to be a challenging task. With the right knowledge and by utilising available discounts and travel options, saving money with can become effortless. Here are a few valuable tips to help you save money on your train travel.
Split Tickets to save an average extra 30%
How to make your journey from Kintbury to Heathrow Terminal 5 cheaper? One option to consider is splitting your tickets, which can save you around extra 30% on fares. Instead of purchasing a direct ticket from A to B, you can split the route into two legs: A to C and C to B. This often turns out to be more affordable than buying a direct ticket.
Using the Railcard for 1/3 off
Various Railcards are available for different groups and can save you up to 1/3 on fares from Kintbury to Heathrow Terminal 5. You can choose the 16-25 Railcard or Senior Railcard based on your age. Additionally, the Family & Friends Railcard or Two Together Railcard are good options for group travel.
Travelling during off-peak hours
The important thing to note about Off-Peak train tickets is the designated off-peak time. In large cities and towns, the off-peak time for train travel from Kintbury to Heathrow Terminal 5 usually starts at 9:30 am from Monday to Friday, while in other areas it starts at 9:00 am. By planning your journey during these off-peak hours, you can take advantage of cheaper and more comfortable train fares, ensuring a smoother travel experience and avoiding the crowded peak hours.