Train Tickets to Swanley
London Victoria to Swanley
NZD 12.95
Barming to Swanley
NZD 31.57
Plymouth to Swanley
4h 27m
NZD 81.75
Key train stations in Swanley
There are 1 key inbound stations in Swanley: Swanley, listed below. We have also included popular routes, journey time and cheapest price to help you decide your best route.
- Trains to
How to buy cheap train tickets to Swanley offers various ways to cut travel costs and get cheap train tickets, including booking in advance, using the Railcard or split tickets, and travelling in off-peak time. Come and find out the details below!
Book in Advance
Advanced train tickets are typically the most cost-effective option for train travel. They are usually available for purchase 12 weeks before the travel date.
Use the Railcard
Using a Railcard to get an average of 1/3 off and explore more train routes for commuting, family & friends trips and weekend getaways.
Travel in off-peak time
Save on train fare by avoiding peak times and travelling off-peak, allowing for the flexibility of your travel schedule.
Split Tickets
Save an extra 30% on train fare by splitting a long train journey into two parts and enjoy the same service at a cheaper price.