
- 4.5/57.0Victoria.Downtown Victoria40.2 km from downtown
No.1 of Night Attractions in Capital
Highlights:360° harbor views by water taxiCanadian wildlife recreated beautifully71% positive reviews - 4.6/56.8Brentwood Bay35.7 km from downtown
No.1 of Family-friendly Attractions in Capital
Highlights:Centennial Garden: National Historic SiteSummer night lights enchantment show74% positive reviews - 4.6/55.9Victoria.Downtown Victoria40.1 km from downtown
No.2 of Night Attractions in Capital
Highlights:3000+ bulbs illuminate building nightlyVictorian landmark by 25-year-old designer82% positive reviews - 4.4/55.9Victoria.Chinatown40.3 km from downtownHighlights:Hometown-style shops & restaurantsChinatown gate & ancient architecture
- 4.0/55.5Victoria.Downtown Victoria40.4 km from downtown
No.2 of Family-friendly Attractions in Capital
Highlights:BC history: 3 floors & millions exhibitsNational Geographic films in IMAX - 4.1/55.1Victoria.Rockland42.1 km from downtownHighlights:360° view of Victoria1890 castle with 39 luxurious rooms
- 4.8/55.0Victoria.Fairfield40.7 km from downtown
No.2 of Spring Outings in Capital
Highlights:Birdsong up close & personalOutdoor paradise for relaxation & sunbathing - 4.3/54.7Victoria.James Bay39.2 km from downtownHighlights:Unique houseboats & water communityTrinkets & live performances
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